Another light stands questions.... sorry. :P

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Just getting into some flash stuff and was wondering peoples thoughts on the following:

I currently have two SB-600's and want to utilize some stands and umbrellas. Looking at:

2 x Manfrotto 5001B's
2 x Manfrotto 026's

And I have no idea on umbrellas... do certain brands have better types? I mean how many differences can white umbrellas have? haha.

Thanks guys.
calumet for their brand ultraportable stands and their brand dual duty brollies, then they do something similar to an 026

I have a discount card :D
Will the calumet stands hold up over time? Price really isn't an issue (don't want to spend a fortune, but a couple hundred pounds won't matter). I want something that will last a while in an outdoor setting. I can be tough on equipment. haha

And by dual duty, you mean the ones that are silver/white? How does that work exactly? (stupid question probably, but I don't care... I don't understand. haha :p)
the massive calumet brolly I have is the best I've ever owned quality wise. It's a standard white shoot through umbrella with a silver backed removable black cover on it.

Stands seem very well built so far (few months and I'm quite brutal) but if moneys no issue I'd go for the frottos ;) Maybe add a few superclamps too as they're niiiice
yeah, buy the calumet versions of the manfrotto stands and adapters, same stuff but branded differently. I think MPEX in the US sell it under a different brand too, see where's cheapest.

2 x Calumet umbrella's
2 x LumoPro LP604's
2 x LumoPro LP634 Umbrella Swivel Adapter's

LumoPro is the MPEX brand I guess. Read some good reviews.

All for about 120 pounds (I don't know how to do the pound symbol... I apologize. :p), including expedited shipping.

Just placed my orders. We'll see how I get along with them. :D
The calumet are not the build quality as the manfrottos but are more cost effective.
I've got a couple of Flash in the Pans stands and they'll take plenty of abuse.
I'm not saying they don't take abuse nor cannot do the job.

From what I have have in my hands I prefer the manfrottos feel and build but if there are better choices I will look at them.
If price isn't an issue, you can't go wrong with the Manfrotto ones. It's light, sturdy and folds down small. I've never hand my hands on a Calumet so I couldn't compare, but the frotto gets a big thumbs up from me.

As for brollies. Wescott double fold convertible for the win. I've heard they've (Westcott) now got a UK distributer so it should be easier to get hold of their gear. (just seen your location - that last comment probably isn't much help - try Midwest Photo Exchange)

However, if you're after better value for money FITP has some great gear.