Any reptile keepers?

There are a good few reptile keepers on here - I'm collecting them in my friends list! :LOL:

I've got a corn, BRB, and blood python. And 11 scorpions, and a few stick insects. And a little wee millipede.
6 bearded dragons
1 red iguana
1 spider morph royal python
1 corn snake
1 long nosed leopard lizard
Yeah me too

I have;

3 corn snakes
1 royal python
3 crested geckos

We used to have bibron geckos. They bred like rabbits so all our friends ended up with them as well.

Great pets
I mainly keep spiders but I also have two Leopard Geckos and a Tokay.
i did have a mexican black kingsnake, royal python, bearded dragon, corn snake and a leopard gecko, but the ex kept them all.

iam also a RFUK'er, i thought i recognised your name AshMashMash, ive not used it for aaaaages now.

moving house shortly so will hopefully start keeping rep's again.,brail rainbows,gecko,dragons,corns loads over the years, now just few ball pythons and corns
Used to have all kindsa boas and colubrids. Now, just Darwin, our adorable little Water Monitor (well, he's little compared to how big he will be anyways).
i like them black with yellow spots/marks on but get too big cant rember there name
This is Darwin. He's a lil pale in this pic as he's gettin' ready to start shedding (although he's in a pretty much constant state of shed as he's only about 4ft long, so constantly growing).
Here goes,

I work with :- :LOL:

1 x rainbow Boa
2 x corn snakes
1 x tawain beauty
2 x Indian Royals (Ball Pythons)
2 x burmese pythons 12 ft long only babies
2 x bearded dragons
1 x skink
1 x Bosc monitor lizard
2 x crested Gheckos
2 x fat tail Ghecko
Frilled Lizard
Uromastyx lizards (babies)
Loads of other gheckos to numerous to mention
7 x Tarantulas
1 x red knee
African Milipedes
Stick insects
5x Giant Sulcata Tortoises
along with 2 x Tenreks, 2 x skunks,3 x meerkats
8 x reindeer
and lots of other things that if I mention on here I will never get off the keyboard :LOL:
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I'm assuming by "Boss monitor" you mean a "Bosc Monitor"? Aka, Savannah monitor? :)

Uromastyx are cute, had a couple of those. The wife wants some more leopard geckos though.
Yep that's it Bosc, the Uromastyx are like E.T they make me laugh :LOL:
Oh yep we have Leopard gheckos, but the crested are my fav so cute like little alligators !
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I have,1bosc monitor,2 ackie monitors,3 basilisks,2 chinese water dragons,2 uromastyx,1 iguana,1 chameleon,1rankins dragon,1 baby bearded dragon,1 green tree frog.
I was going to have a couple of pink tongued skinks but couldnt find them anywhere! So ended up with an African Pygmy Hedgehog instead lol