Any Togs on here Photographed themselves in studio?

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Don't know if this has been brought up before but...

Was at a studio i can use the other night and decided to do some shots of myself.

Just thought if anyone thought it was vain or have done it lol.

I was going to post some pics up but thought it mite have been a little bit vain?
Yes, no?
Yeh I have, nothing fancy though, just testing lighting. Honest.

Lara Jade got famous from her self portraits ;)
Why do the words "shot my wife" make me chuckle?

I hope to put a studio together one day, and theres nothing wrong with testing the setup now is there? If theres noone around whos willing then why not.

Atleast for me i might being to take a photograph where i dont look like a complete tool
yeh i have


its tough to get right, well done with yours
Scott, I understand your frustrations (believe me... I do) but it wasn't homophobic, nor heterosexist, really. There was probably no meaning by what Adey said, certainly not directly.

Honestly I used to let stuff like that wind me up as well but if I did today I'd spend my entire life telling people to rethink the way they speak. It's nothing more than a poor word choice that every one of us (including myself) is guilty of - don't tell me you've never used the word retard pejoratively etc...

If you wanna put the world to rights you need to recognise whats really there and what isnt. For a kick off that video talks about using the word gay to mean something other than its intended for i.e sad or stupid - I used it in its literal form, hence why you said it was homophobic, remember?

And even if i did use it as a different meaning, a word is defined by its usage anyway so if i wanna use the word gay to mean stupid then i will.

So where are we? I used the word gay (in its literal form) to inadvertently call the OP's pic gay (which i made pretty clear it was a joke anyway). So you have assumed that my gay 'tag' was a negative slur.

I dont remember voicing my opinion on this site about my feelings towards homosexuality, so i dont know how you've assumed that me calling something gay is bad.

Of course im being pedantic, but thats the point, you are picturising me based on my use of language which lets face it is pretty ambiguous at the best of times.

I though homophobes were people that had an irrational hate/fear of homosexuals. All the homosexuals i've ever met have been really cool blokes and they seemed to like me too, so its the real world that counts isnt it?

But, at the end of the day, i dont take it personally, you dont really think im a homophobe anyway, theres no possible way you would know.

We all cool now?



Edit - I shoulda just let trencheel explain it, he did a better job than i did.
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And just for the record, that is probably the first time i have EVER done that. Its actually something that annoys me too, not becasue i feel its homophobic but just because its irritating and teenager-ish. So im sorry for my chav speak, it was most unbecoming of me.

Back to topic, the pics are nicley done. Mr Leeson you have a fantastic physique, perfect infact. Please dont get any bigger, you've got great shape and definition so dont spoil it!
Scott, I understand your frustrations (believe me... I do) but it wasn't homophobic, nor heterosexist, really. There was probably no meaning by what Adey said, certainly not directly.

Honestly I used to let stuff like that wind me up as well but if I did today I'd spend my entire life telling people to rethink the way they speak. It's nothing more than a poor word choice that every one of us (including myself) is guilty of - don't tell me you've never used the word retard pejoratively etc...

I'm not frustrated, personally offended or affected. Homophobic probably wasn't the right word, but you get what I mean...

As I say I am not gay myself, it's just that it would be terrible to alienate any current/new/potential members over something that can be perceived as being pejorative, any kind of slurs.
Anyway, back on topic, I'v done it a few times.
Studio ain't really my thing but I mess about with it now n then.

I did some around 10 yrs ago when I tried going back to college to do some A levels, sadly they're only in print form and I don't know where due to everyone moving my stuff around.
I was rather miffed at the time though that they wouldn't let me strip off to do some nudes.
s-leeson -what is you body fat and how did you control the lighting?

You must be 5%? I'm 10% and I didn't look anywhere near that cut when I tried some simailr shots.

You must either do alot of cario and weights with a very lean deit or have a little helping hand.
I'm not frustrated, personally offended or affected. Homophobic probably wasn't the right word, but you get what I mean...

As I say I am not gay myself, it's just that it would be terrible to alienate any current/new/potential members over something that can be perceived as being pejorative, any kind of slurs.

Agree 100%, and i apologize for my lazy yob talk too.



and a proper on


TBPhotoGraphi><&#8482;;3053162 said:
Don't know if this has been brought up before but...

Was at a studio i can use the other night and decided to do some shots of myself.

Just thought if anyone thought it was vain or have done it lol.

I was going to post some pics up but thought it mite have been a little bit vain?
Yes, no?
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