Anyone grow their own chillis?

I was going to dispose of mine this weekend but it's having another bout of flowering! They may well come to nothing but could still produce a few more peppers and the plant doesn't take up much room on the window sill.
I brought my 2 plants in from the greenhouse as the chillis are struggling to ripen. I'm hoping to get another couple of batches of Jamie Olliver chutney, i'm addicted.

I seem to be getting a few strawberries but not sure they'll fully ripen.
Just picked off remaining superhots and have a few left that need to ripen. Red brainstrains,7 pot white,scorpion butch t,moruga scorpions,fatalli and yellow brainstrains are the ones on the plate.Have tried one of each and they are tasty but seriously hot!!

I was sitting thinking about what to do to the garden this year and remembered this thread.

I am surprised to report that I kept my 2 chilli plants alive through the winter. This is highly unusual for me!
I will be growing again..have tried to over winter 4 of my best plants from last year but tbh they dont look too good!!
I'm surprised mine are ok as they'll not have had a huge amount of sun in the utility room. I think I read that scotch bonnet are hotter in year 2 onwards?
I am hoping mine pull through..not sure if they are any hotter(could be) but they will produce chillies earlier and should be lots more of them on the plant.
This years seedlings are just poking through. I've planted a month earlier this year. The 5 in 1 helps with the light as I'm banned from using any south facing window sill's.

Saved some seeds from last year's crop so will see what the results are like. IIRC, last year's were an F1 hybrid so I doubt this year's will be the same - either as each other or as the parents!
One of mine is flowering! Seems a little early. It was in my utility room which isn't heated but I guess some heat must get in. I was going to put them in the greenhouse soon but i'll just keep them indoors as there's only 2 of them.

I may consider buying another plant this year.
I am definitely going to try growing chillis this year, because I am buying a £1's worth every week from our local farm shop. I may well go for the birdseye and scotch bonnet varieties because I like a bit of heat and make curries/chilli three or four times a week.
Just put the three(that survived) plants back in the greenhouse to see how they do and will be ordering up some new super hot plants very soon.
lol mine didnt fair so well tbh but hoping the three I think are ok do well.I am looking forward to getting some new plants and starting the season again.
Yep chilli focus is all I use..very good stuff and reminds me I need some for this year!! lol
I'm waiting until we get back from Iceland before starting any seeds off but will then be planting some of last year's saved seeds (lucky dip!!!), tomatoes (again, saved from last year's bought fruits [bought from a market stall like last year's]) but will be buying cucumber and courgette plants.
I've got 5 chillis growing on my plant that flowered early. Lots of flowers on it too. I've popped it out in the greenhouse twice this week when there's been lots of sun and the roof vents have opened just to give it a good blast of sun.
Nice one Julie...I picked up 4 cayenne plants and 4 scotch bonnets today.On the window ledge until warms up a bit. Ordering some superhots Monday .
I wonder what job I should be doing now or at least once I've finished perusing the world of TP!!!
Well underway here now..picked up a load of chillies today.Decent size plants as well..
So far we have
4 caynne
4 scotch bonnet
5 carolina reapers
1 bengle naga
1 black naga
1 Pink Tiger (stunning)
1 Wartry x
1Yellow jonah
1 brown fatalli
Plus a few crosses and one unknown.
Where do you pick up such a selection? Is this from a specialist

I went to the garden centre yesterday for hanging basket liners. I had a look to see if they had any jalapinos but the only thing they had was 4 little apache plants. They were 4 for £1 as they really needed potting on so I bought a pack.

I ended up buying:
Hanging basket liners
4 apache chilli
2 grow bag greenhouses at 50% off because they are in last years packaging
2 grow bags
3 tomato plants - beef, cherry and "bog standard tomato"
3 pepper plants
6 metal supports for grow bag plants.
Magnolia seeds (following a tip early in this thread)
I found a private grower from searching ebay..has a huge selection can pass you his number if you like,hes happy to post out and he doesnt just sell superhots.Fortunately for me he only lives 15 mins away lol.
Heres some of what he has..




Satan strain
Satan strain orange
Butch t
Butch t yellow
Burgandy F6
Ice cream butch t


Purple spotted


Johna yellow
Madballz choc
Sr red
Red brain
Choc bbg7


Gutamalan yellow


Giant white
Pointed mustard f3
Thai pumpkin
Congo mustard


Bhut x doughlah
Carbon bhut x 7pot yellow
Cornish naga x 7pot
Pink tiger
Borg 9
Choc Borg 9
Choc bbg7 x naga
Jays red
Jays peach
Marks primo x
Wrinkling ball x purple bhut
Wrinkling ball x Bhut ?
Bhutlah decimater
Choc bhutlah
Bhutlah red x bbg7
Jigsaw x tms
Choc bhut x 7pot yell
Marks choc x
Henri reaper
Trinidad dog cool pheno
Reaper x naga morich
Trinidad Congo choc x




Scotch bonnet peach
Devils tongue white
Passila bagio
Paprika almera
Ramiro spritz Paprika
Yellow monkey face
Daisy cutter
Tepin south Texas wild
Chihuacle rojo Xl
Nu agler negro
Chihuacle amirillo
Vezena piperka
Mini vezena piperka
Brown Fatalli
Farmers market jalapeño
Kashmiri mirch
Cabai burungi
Bog oo5
Maferkin mauve
Madame jeneate
Orange penis
Purple delight
Thai waan
Sorry for crappy phone pic but gives you an idea of size of the plants!..Huge for this time of year.

That's a big list. Thanks but i've really not got room this year. I was only after the one jalapino this year. The apaches were definitely an impulse purchase.
The garden centers will get them in..its just a bit early for them
Can't find my lucky dip seeds from last year's fruits. :( Got some older dried ones so might roll some seeds out of them and give 'em a shot. Can't hurt - too much!!!
Go for it mate...if you need seeds give us a shout can put you in touch with guy I got mine from.
I'm a chilli coward though!!!
Bought a pack of Hungarian Hot Wax seeds (which I'm assured are more like a slightly spicy bell pepper than a fire breathing hot chilli) so my self harvested ones are bound to turn up! Got plenty of window sill space so can grow both and maybe get some seeds for next year that are slightly warmer!
One of the nice things about using self seeded seeds is he unknown. You're unlikely to get anything too fiery from a relatively mild parent but the next generation can creep up the scale.
Planted up some toms (seeds from a really nice tom we got in a market last September) and some self seeded Nasturtiums but it's persisting down at the moment and the seed compost is outside! Will try to get the Chillis and Courgettes planted up this weekend if the weather plays ball.
Anchor down those greenhouses!..Blowing a gale here tonight! have weighted the greenhouse down best I gutted if it decides to take off in the wind!
Fortunately my 2 new grow bag greenhouses are just the metal frames held down by the grow bags. I'm planning on finishing them off and planting them this weekend.
I have my jalapino (well 2 to be exact)

I also ended up with another grow bag greenhouse jumping onto my trolly.
Some of my new plants have started to flower already. I have re-potted them into 8" pots with John Innes No 3 and I'm getting a lot of white mould on the surface of the soil. I'm wondering if this because of a lack of ventilation
as they are still on a bedroom windowsill, it's still a bit cold to put them in the conservatory. I have read somewhere that the mould can be controlled by sprinkling cinnamon on the soil, so might try that.