Anyone here using a Hasselblad H1?

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I already own a 503CW V series but want something more simpler to use when travelling. I have been looking at a Hasselblad H1. Obviously I wont have the problems of having to use a light meter every time I want to shoot.

Is the H1 simple enough to use and are the meter readings accurate in the viewfinder and easy enough to read? I remember purchasing a prism for my V series which contained a light meter and it was very unreliable.

Any advice gratefully received.


A lot cheaper. ;)
Which model prism is that? The one I purchased was a lot older looking and had the 'vinyl' type covering.

It's the PME-45. It's the latest and the last of the prisms compatible with the V Series and it's now discontinued, so there wont be any more. These things fetch crazy money, but they're multi-mode - AV, TV, Programme, Manual, EV readout, Spot metering and they do incident light readings too. You're not going to get easier shooting with a 'blad than one of these.
There's also a PME-90 (90 degree version) The problem with that one is lifting it right up to eye level all the time, whereas the PME-90 rests nicely at chest level. Also the PME-90 wont let you use a Polaroid back, whereas the PME-45 will. The PME-45 also gives big magnification of the screen for focusing and has dioptre adjustment in the eyepiece.

Bit more info...
LOL sorry - I forgot she doesn't like hot linking. :D
my only experience of a hasselblad is shooting with a h3d with digital back but they are gorgeous cameras and imo easier to hold than a standard 6x6. if they are good enough for most pro's then definitely good enough for you!