Anyone want to show me how to process these landscape shots?

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I tried taking some sunset shots last weekend and dont think I did that good really. Could people help point out how I could improve on these and show me how to process them? All Ive done is resize them. All taken with a Canon EOS 300D using 18-55mm lens.


ISO 100
Manual settings
Auto white balance


I tried using an nd grad to see if it would look any better.
ISO 100
Auto white balance



ISO 100
auto white balance

OK I don’t profess to be an exponent of PS but I have had a go and basically I have divided each picture into three (sky, sea, foreground) by making a rough selection and feathering the selections by 75 pixels then applying levels- curves then some local dodging and burning, a gradient to enrich the sky, a little cloning for the sun reflections, and the brush to add some colour to the foreground sea then creating a border using the stroke command.


Thankyou for taking the time to do this and explain your actions. The only bit Im unsure of there is the brush for colour - may I ask what you mean?
I cant figure out why the ND grad made the whole photo darker.
The shutter speed is slower, there's no exif so I can't tell how much time was between the shots.
Are you sure it was a grad ? because that was the way to go with this shot, ND grad (y)
Those are exactly the 2 things I was thinking... i first thought the grad line was pulled too far down.. but now wonder if it was a full ND?
Tbh, the only one i could do anything with was the first one.

For me there's too much sea and sky and i know having a 18-55 lens can be a pain for sunsets at times.

So, not having the original to work with i cropped it heavily, duplicated the layer. Sharpened the d/l then
erased around the clouds because sharpening had given them too sharp an edge. Darkened the shot and
gave it a little more contrast, then adjust the colour balance to about 10 magenta, 10 yellow.

It's subjective i know but this is what i'd have done with a shot like that

Those are exactly the 2 things I was thinking... i first thought the grad line was pulled too far down.. but now wonder if it was a full ND?

You are right its a full nd, being a newby I didnt realise there was a difference:wacky:
Thankyou for taking the time to do this and explain your actions. The only bit Im unsure of there is the brush for colour - may I ask what you mean?

Pick up the brush tool – set opacity to about 5% - set the foreground colour by sampling from the picture i.e. the sunset – create new layer above the image – paint onto new layer in the area you want to enhance building the intensity as you go .
Yep, try an ND grad (dark grey to clear), position the edge of the dark bit just above the horizon (this can take a couple of tries to get accurate!) and check it on the LCD.
Not sure if anyone will aprove but this is my favourite result after messing around with these shots for a couple of days. A little movement blur used on the sea for effect.