Apple killing Iphones with latest software update - if you've had it repaired somewhere else

Oh I wouldn't expect it to be supported, but not force an update that the OS can't handle. Obviously if the interface specification has changed, then it wouldn't work anymore, but I'm not sure that's true, could test it by downloading an old version of the app on my android phone to check, but I can't be arsed :)
OS upgrades aren't forced unless you turn on automatic updates. Old versions of apps are often still available from App Store in my experience but even if unavailable there are there in your backups. The common reason for their not working is that one has upgraded the OS but the developer doesn't update their app but you can hardly blame Apple for that.
I hate the way you are forced to update the software, mine hassled me for weeks before I eventually gave up and just did it
Not forced then :rolleyes:
sounds like a good attempt for apple to control stolen phones so yes I think its a fair approach.
when a phone costs so much why would you get it fixed at bobbys knock off mobile booth anyway.
OS upgrades aren't forced unless you turn on automatic updates. Old versions of apps are often still available from App Store in my experience but even if unavailable there are there in your backups. The common reason for their not working is that one has upgraded the OS but the developer doesn't update their app but you can hardly blame Apple for that.

In this case, there's only one version in the App store, it doesn't work with 4.2 and I didn't bother backing up the iPod because I only used it for spotify playlists so there wasn't anything to back up
There's talk of increasing the limit on apple pay because it is more secure than the simply contactless method, to be able to do that then they need to be certain that it really is secure. Third party repairs on an button/scanner can compromise that. I'm really not sure what you think apple should do, could you imagine the press if millions of pounds was scammed because of a dodgy iPhone button? It seems a case of damned if they do and damned if they don't.
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There's talk of increasing the limit on apple pay because it is more secure than the simply contactless method, to be able to do that then they need to be certain that it really is secure. Third party repairs on an button/scanner can compromise that. I'm really not sure what you think apple should do, could you imagine the press if millions of pounds was scammed because of a dodgy iPhone button? It seems a case of damned if they do and damned if they don't.

yes I think you have hit the nail on the head, essentially the phone is a bank card and needs treating in the same manner.
Who ends up having to pay for fraudulent Apple Pay transactions?

TBH, if it's a security issue (which it sounds like it probably is), then approved repairs should be the only way to go but for relatively simple fixes like broken screens, I can't see a problem with Joe Blogs doing the fix, unless it's possible for Joe to do nasty things while he's in there...
There's talk of increasing the limit on apple pay because it is more secure than the simply contactless method, to be able to do that then they need to be certain that it really is secure. Third party repairs on an button/scanner can compromise that. I'm really not sure what you think apple should do, could you imagine the press if millions of pounds was scammed because of a dodgy iPhone button? It seems a case of damned if they do and damned if they don't.

The better / simpler solution, would be rather than brick the phone it just decouples it from apple pay though.
The better / simpler solution, would be rather than brick the phone it just decouples it from apple pay though.
Its a software lock, I imagine it can be overridden by an official source, well have to wait and see what apple decide.
Its a software lock, I imagine it can be overridden by an official source, well have to wait and see what apple decide.

Apple are so far saying it's irrecoverable, you lose everything on the phone
They're not going to openly state that it's just a software block that can be overruled are they though? That's just going to be a red rag to a bull for someone to try and get around it.
Except in this forum of course.

true but if people want to buy increasingly complicated devices and dumb them down they have to accept restrictions like this.
I suspect its been driven from security companies assessing the risk of fraud.
Apple are so far saying it's irrecoverable, you lose everything on the phone
Maybe, we will see.

I do agree though it seems badly thought out, there should have been a better solution. If everything is definitely lost and the phone permanently locked then I think that apple will have serious problems. Couple that with the fall in sales of iPhones then I can see their share price falling further, and possibly heads will roll, but like I say, lets wait and see what happens over the next few days.
A responsible approach would be to have independant verification of user ID after such a repair. An iPhone is NOT like a bank card, even if it can be used as one occasionally, and the suggestion that this amounts to criminal damage made in the article is likely to be found correct. Surely, just as with using bank cards, there is a 'phone home' aspect to any cash transaction that takes place separately from the phones software, allowing external rejection of a transaction in a way that tampering with the phone's OS could not prevent?
They're not going to openly state that it's just a software block that can be overruled are they though? That's just going to be a red rag to a bull for someone to try and get around it.
It has to be a software lock, unless they have a built in device that auto destructs, a bit like mission impossible

your phone will self destruct in 5seconds :LOL:
i have an unusable computer running windows 3.11 too because i cannot get software for it any more :(

But the old software on it still works. Trying to open an old app usually refuses to open and you just get a message saying you need to update the app, which needs the new OS, which makes that app unusable on the old device. The old apps aren't usable.
true. maybe a slightly bad comparison.

however the app store does not work like that, and even if it did you cannot really expect any software dev to support obsolete systems and OS.

True and that would be fine, if they didn't disable the old app. Usual thing is "sorry that app isn't supported" when you have an issue, not to disable it straight away.
Its an Apple

Apple users have been bummed mercilessly for years.

whats new?
True and that would be fine, if they didn't disable the old app. Usual thing is "sorry that app isn't supported" when you have an issue, not to disable it straight away.
yeah i understand what you're getting at. however maybe there were other issues like a security flaw or bug or massive change to the background services (if connecting to a data center somewhere) that rendered it unusable?
Its an Apple

Apple users have been bummed mercilessly for years.

whats new?

By choice! AFAIK, no one's been forced to buy one, there has always been a choice.
I've got an Android tablet sitting at home that's running 4.2 I think. I haven't switched it on for a few months because I get the same issue with apps no longer working. It's not an Apple specific fault, it's just progression with apps and the OS they're running on. At the end of the day, neither Apple nor Google are charities. They're both businesses out to make profit so while people buy their next hardware release it makes sense to keep making them.

As has already been said, nobody is forced to buy anything. If you're not happy, don't buy one.
I've an android tablet in my car, running the diagnostics as a real time monitor :D Luckily the developer doesn't see fit to disable the app, just says it might not work on older devices.
Personally I'm neither Android or Apple and I am 2 models behind the bleeding edge and have a galaxy Note 2 because it suits my use and my pocket.
however over the last few years apple are constantly in the news for releasing garbage updates and this is another one.
however on this occasion I can see the point of it but they should have given notice although I bet if you go and read the release notes on the website it would have been in there.
This is typical of Apple

You either do it their way or take a hike
Funny how when Microsoft did things similarly, they received fines. Yet Apple seem immune.

I hate the way you are forced to update the software, mine hassled me for weeks before I eventually gave up and just did it
I had my old 4S and the new iOS9 would cripple it according to reports. So I left it alone. Every now and then it would remind me of the update and I'd just ignore it.

IMEI block isn't world wide so phone has value abroad.
My SiL had her iphone stolen and spoke to her phone provider who said it's now blocked worldwide. Not sure how true this is.
Why is it that people feel the need to denigrate other people's buying choices? Apple works for me. My iPhone suits me. I don't feel the need to slag off HTC or Samsung handsets, or bleat about things I don't like about Android. It's crazy. None of you have been forced to buy an Apple product or move away from Apple. people guessing passwords by using basic phishing emails to circumvent the actual data security in place.

No technology in the world will prevent access if idiots give away their password!

In this case it wasn't phising emails, but a dictionary attack that got the passwords, repeated password attempts from a single source. Apple claimed phising emails, but it was apps like idict that were used.

Apples two factor authentication is the way to go, provided users have set it up, requiring only registered devices to that account access ot the cloud data.

But much like the original issue of people being left with an expensive device that was unusable, these need more publicity to make apple users fully aware of them.
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Why is it that people feel the need to denigrate other people's buying choices? Apple works for me. My iPhone suits me. I don't feel the need to slag off HTC or Samsung handsets, or bleat about things I don't like about Android. It's crazy. None of you have been forced to buy an Apple product or move away from Apple.

I hope you're not tarring everyone with that big brush. I've not denigrated anyone.
Nobodies denigrating anyone, just wondering how long apple consumers are going to keep tolerating this kind of stuff, pay through the nose, and keep smiling :)
There was some talk of Apple buyers being bent over, which wasn't helpful - I'd suggest it's probably that type of comment that Ricardo meant.
Nobodies denigrating anyone, just wondering how long apple consumers are going to keep tolerating this kind of stuff, pay through the nose, and keep smiling :)

As far as I am concerned there is nothing to tolerate. Can't see why that is so difficult to grasp. I like their products, they suit me, I buy them. So what?
I like their products, they suit me, I buy them. So what?
Exactly, if it suits you / your lifestyle you buy it.
If you don't like it, don't agree with some / all aspects, you vote with your feet, and go elsewhere.
As far as I am concerned there is nothing to tolerate. Can't see why that is so difficult to grasp. I like their products, they suit me, I buy them. So what?
Just leave it pal. It's w popular bandwagon lots of people like to ride. Don't know what they get out of ignoring what is actually happening and realising that these anti apple links are the perfect traffic generating links.

It's interesting though how people are so selective about who is fair game to be critical about. Varying standards and all that.
I think there's an element of context here. If a repair which potentially interferes with inbuilt security is detected then I tend to support Apple. If it's something which is simply cosmetic, like a new screen, I don't.