Autumn wedding in the highlands

Edit My Images

Flash for me… cause it is well done!
Simply put, the one without flash is crap compared to the one with.

Be that as it may, there's some some first class wedding photography in the selection you've linked to, much of which I'd be happy with if it were mine. In particular, that last one of the series of three headshots of the bride is spot on. It's a wonderful example of how to do a plain and simple natural light portrait that's all about the subject, not about the snapper.

Good stuff. Well done mister.
Like Dan says, but it's a shame her eyes are closed in that one.
Cheers guys - its interesting to see that the photographers like the flash one. Ive shown it to a few people and most of the people who like the flash shot are photographers and the people who like the other one are just friends with no interest in taking photos - maybe just a coincidence.
Different people look for different things :)

As long as the target audience is happy, that's the most important thing (and it pays the bills!)
Both work absolutely brilliantly for me. I see the flash shot in the album and the natural light shot on a big canvas on the living room wall. (theirs, not mine!). Always been a fan of your work Michael, simply beautiful. :clap:
I feel like a total fraud saying this Michael because these are bloody brilliant, but I'm going to anyway.

Is there a reason why you've edited them differently? The photos of them hugging are warm with a very clear matte/vintage feel, but that's the opposite of the one where they're holding hands walking through the woods. By comparison that's quite a cold looking image that looks SOOC.

Like I said I feel a bit of a fraud because you're work is really great, but I think for any set you should edit as consistently as possible.
That's a fair point re the consistent PP throughout the set. It's something I'm usually very conscious of but for these I just went with what I fancied for each shot. The matte finish lends itself more to natural light and doesn't look right with flash. I knew these wouldn't be used for album so just freestyled a little. Good point though.
Well, I love them both. I love the flash one because it doesn't scream, "FLASH HAS ARRIVED". It lets you concentrate on the photo and not immediately wonder how it was lit. That's how Joe McNally says flash should be done and I feel you have achieved that here. It's beautiful.

I also love the second one too though. Too often photographers say how everything should be balanced using flash, but I love how the couple are really dark and rim lit. It's romantic and beautiful.
Both very nice, think the non-flash one would benefit from a different crop, lose some off the rhs - perhaps even a square crop on the couple, just feels a little unbalanced with all the murk on the right.
I really like both but "as a photographer" I'm going slightly against the grain and say I actually prefer the non-flash version. I'm with John here and think a vertical crop would work well.
The non-flash is much less immediate than the flash version, and I'd probably crop it square rather than vertical (and the green lens flare is way OTT). Both lovely shots.
I like the non-flash version - by far. It doesn't have anything to prove.

I always cringe at "well lit" images, with the sun in the background and a bright couple. I like lighting that looks real. Not lighting that looks against everything else in the image.

I think the flash is really well managed and does look fairly plausible. I was once told that when shooting with flash into the sun that it always looks more believable if the flash is on the same side of the subject as the sun, though.
Thanks for all of the input guys - interested to se a fairly even split so I suppose thats a good thing. If it is of any interst i ordered a large canvas print from DS Labs on behalf of the couple this morning - it may not be a suprise that they opted for the ambient light one. They did use the flash one for thank you cards so I guess they like both. (y)