
Sounds like your going :wacky: take two pill's before bed.:):):)
I'm a fond user of 'awesome' and 'dude', but I'm young enough (20) to be allowed :p

It does get a bit cringe-worthy for the younger generations when people old enough to be our dads start using the words!

See here:


Oof. That cuts deep. Although I'm partial to a kebab every now and then, that's about the limit of the similarities.

I do cry like a girl at soppy films too.
Maybe you should come and live in Canada where everything is awesome, dude... eh? :p
"....and I was like.......and she was like......then I was like..... and then she was like......."
Up here, it's 'ya know' every other word.

Pet hate is 'whoops a daisy', my best mate who is so articulate in everything he does uses it now and again and god it makes my blood boil, it sounds so child like
You should count how many times supposedly articulate and educated people start sentences with "I mean.....".
Holy crap, I used the word "awesome" the other day.............................................................and I'm 46!!! :runaway:

As an aside, I only started using the word "cool" after I turned 40 and I use it quite a lot. What does that say? :thinking:
Persoanlly I like "spiffing"

I think it's sick dude:)
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Up here, it's 'ya know' every other word....

and way up here it's continually...
ya no wott I mean.?
heh, big man
havn a wee swallee..?

be the time you decipher/delete these, the "conversation" is over....:LOL:
@ 46 I wonder why I say 'cool' and need to stop it!

I've also started saying "yeah, yeah" when responding in the affirmative to questions/statements people make, and I've noticed a few of my younger collegues also say it!

My daughters just say to me "Don't, just don't:nono:"

Slippery slope, me thinks|!
hey wazzuup, R to the O to the B in da house init :D
My son is partially responsible for the state of chavness that we suffer in the UK (for which I tender my apologies)

I have therefore, found myself, on occasion, using terms such as 'nang' , 'chung', 'whip'. 'bora', 'boiden', 'sick', 'gat' etc etc etc

Look 'em up, I am 53 :(

I also say 'cool'

My son is partially responsible for the state of chavness that we suffer in the UK (for which I tender my apologies)

I have therefore, found myself, on occasion, using terms such as 'nang' , 'chung', 'whip'. 'bora', 'boiden', 'sick', 'gat' etc etc etc

Look 'em up, I am 53 :(

I also say 'cool'



Obviously "cool" is the word. Must be a carryover from the 70s for 40 & 50 somethings!
The word cool is actually acceptable. The word awesome isnt that bad tbh.

Those syllables youve just thrown up into your post however, are just animal noises.
There's a massive difference between young persons' speak and chav speak.

You will find me saying stuff like 'cool', 'awesome', 'sick', 'epic' and 'dude', but never ever ever will you find me saying things like 'blud', 'innit' or 'in da house'. Unless, of course, I'm mocking a chav!