Critique B/W Picture from Birthday

This type of sepia rendition is tasteful when it contributes to the story telling.
It helps to situate in time (old style) or enhance a given character to the scene.
Here, the story telling is not more than a souvenir snap shot of the event for you
as it is not showing, describing the birthday celebration to the viewer.

Some people eating at a table is not enough as story telling:
• who is you friend?
• who's birthday is it?
• how do these people relate to the event?

A picture is a
thousand words they say… this take does not tell the whole story!
Maybe a cake with a candle might have helped ?

As it is, it's just an image of a guy watching another guy eating....
bd copy by mrcrow_uk, on Flickr

its a shot with interest...sort of togetherness which can be improved by recomposing...using the magic pp stuff
you cut off the middle persons head
the old style treatment is different
some interference with the bottle areas could have been taken out..prior to the shot and the dark area...curtain? afterwards.
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