Backgrounds for portrait at home.

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I want to take some portrait type pics of the missus and kids at home (in the small window of time when the kids are clean and willing to sit still!).

Any one any ideas of something to use as a background? Would a sheet suspended with something work, or is there any other sort of budget alternative I could use?

Never attempted anything like this before, so advice is greatly appreciated.
Why not just the room as a background. Carful arrangement of furniture and chair arms etc to create different levels. If this is not to your liking then look on ebay for some popup backgrounds. You can get double sided very cheap and handy if space is tight.
I don't get it, that background isn't white?!? I would go with use the room option for simplicity. It challenges you with your lighting and attention to detail although I am a fan of low key so black backgrounds are good too.
I don't get it, that background isn't white?!?

Here is one with white background, one flash head for the background thats why it might look uneven.


Zack Arias blog explains more about backgrounds, its a good tutorial. :)
I don't get it, that background isn't white?!?

I think the camera sees the white background as grey. Add a flash or two aimed at BG with an appropriate power level...and it becomes white.

Reduce the power and you can have grey again. Turn BG flash off and raise your shutter speed and you'll achieve a black BG.
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Almost right, camera would meter white background a bit darker than white (similar as snow outdoors). The black/grey/white depends on the exposure you have for the background, e.g. underexpose it and you get black, overexpose and you get white (comparing to the exposure for your subject). Read the Zack Arias blog, he have all that explained quite good.
I understand how to light a white background but the image posted wasn't white! Was trying to avoid confusion for the op. If not going for the room as a bg a mid grey would surely be best as it can be grey, lit white or unlit to go black three simple options but would all require lighting technique one way or another
I understand how to light a white background but the image posted wasn't white! Was trying to avoid confusion for the op. If not going for the room as a bg a mid grey would surely be best as it can be grey, lit white or unlit to go black three simple options but would all require lighting technique one way or another

haha ok, my bad. :) Yes I guess a grey wall would be better but who would want one at their home when its not used as background? :)
Not neccesarily grey wall but you could get some thick non reflective grey material from a local shop. The local Asian wear places to me have some amazing material. I bought some black material and doubled it up and has lasted years, is non reflective and doesn't crease either! Started off with a couple of big clips from the poundshop and an extendable curtain rail and hey presto collapsible bg for under £20