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I mentioned in the "Heat" thread (The Lounge) post #1092 ..about strange goings-on with my posts. I'm still experiencing them and yesterday swapped my wife's keyboard for mine..we both have an iMac. The same happened with my posts here. It doesn't happen with an Email but I still put it down to my way of typing. To save anyone going to my post #1092 in the The Lounge/Heat here it is.I was responding to Cobra who I'd mentioned it to and he said he was unable to see what I'd seen. I replied,saying,

"No, I saw it before I hit 'post reply' and deleted it. It's one reason,I'm sure, I get a wee bit tired the later it gets and the more I post. Sometimes I get a cross right through a sentence xxxxx like that and to get rid of it I have to hit the 'x' key ..not the letter x but a delete key wirh an x on it.. Also, if I want to copy/paste something,,eg moving a sentence within a paragraph or introducing some additional wording I can't add it to the sentence already there I have to go to the next line..having made space for it to go in if in the middle of a paragraph.. and then use the delete x to take it back to the line above will go to the beginning of the paragraph.:thinking:

I now realise that the xxxx I mentioned were infact letters overwriting what I'd written and I've found the way to restore the post to normal is to hit the 'x' delete key.

What's prompted me to post here is what's just happened. Pretty extraordinary. I was responding to Dale in the "Heat" thread about the tail-end of the latest storm that hit northern Scotland and here's one sentence I wrote.

"It turned out to be yet another storm described as experiencing "explosive cyclogenesis".The media refers to them as 'Bomb cyclones" ie.. the pressure at the centre of the Low drops 24mb or more in 24 hours. Dangerous beasts, for sure"

I posted it and I left that thread and went to another in The Lounge ..."The Good old days" and made two posts and even posted a Youtube clip. I have information re Ukraine to post and left The Lounge and went to the "The Ukraine War" thread in Hot Topics. The last post there was by "Steep" .... at 8.30am this morning . It's still the last post in that thread and below his text and in his not a new post-box ..was the sentence I'd written in response to Dale in the "Heat" thread which I've reproduced above. Not only that but the words were in many different colours. I recall the word "media' was in blue. I wanted to copy/paste it so, in case it disappeared, I got up a new page for TP. As soon as I did that it disappeared from the original page I had up alongside. This also happened a few days ago. Ie a sentence from one of my previous posts, in a different thread, appearing in one I was currently posting in. This can't have anything to do with the way I type.

I've posted this in the hope that someone may be able come up with a reason/solution but it's so weird I don't hold out much hope. I have Googled problems with iMac keyboard. No joy there. If it's my iMac what on earth can be going wrong with it. Having said that,as I mentioned above, it doesn't happen with Emails.
The only thing I can think of that make sense is "whatever you are smoking, can I have some too" :)

Not that I am suggesting you are, but it does seem without logic whatever is causing it.
Have a look and see if there's an Ins(ert) key on the keyboard. If there is, next time you have the browser open hit that key.

The key with the X is a backspace key - not a delete key, although it can perform a similar function sometimes.
Have a look and see if there's an Ins(ert) key on the keyboard. If there is, next time you have the browser open hit that key.

The key with the X is a backspace key - not a delete key, although it can perform a similar function sometimes.

No, the iMac doesn't have an insert and to be sure it hasn't I Googled it but thanks for the suggestion.
I would say there should be a key that toggles between overwrite and insert some where, on my keyboard its got ins on it

Thanks, but as you see in my reply to Toni my keyboard doesn't have an Insert key.
What browser are you using?
Safari's built-in to iMacs. I keep up to date with all updates which I get an alert for when one comes out.

As I mentioned in my original post I can accept that maybe,if I'm tired, I could hit two keys at once,that sort of thing but the three problems I have are always appearing and I just go with the paragraph to add a copy/past I have to go to the next line and backspace it to the last word or it goes in the line above the first one in the paragraph no matter how long the paragraph is. You know when you take your car to the garage with a 'noise' or whatever and when they test it it doesn't happen.. :) ...not so here and now.

I'll explain what's just happened. I tend to type and not often look up at the screen for 30 seconds or so and what's just happened is that after the words in my second"As I mentioned in my original post.... came this from a thread in which I've just posted.."The Good Old Days".I've only just posted it...#225.. in reply to 'luthy'.

"My grandparents had a wooden..." after the word 'wooden' came 18" of red line like this - - - - - sometimes three or four then a gap and then more. Some parts of it had a double line.At the end of it was the word ' My grandparents had a wooden toilet" , then the came part of the continuation of the sentence I was writing to you. To get it back to normal the whole sentence I'd written before that occurred I hit the x delete key and then the rest of the sentence to you returned.

My wife is going to try my keyboard on her iMac again but this time on her forum.
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I found this it may help

I held down the fn key that the OP in your link was told to hit plus the Return key and I got a beep noise. I assume when ancient-mariner tolkd me to do this it was to re-boot Safari.

I'll ask him.
Have a look and see if there's an Ins(ert) key on the keyboard. If there is, next time you have the browser open hit that key.

The key with the X is a backspace key - not a delete key, although it can perform a similar function sometimes.

Is this to re-boot Safari ? As you see in my post above when I hit fn key plus Return..(the equivalent of INSERT I got a beep. The OP in Steve's link tried it and it didn't work.
Try using a different browser

As you probably know, Safari is built specifically for iMacs so I'd have thought that wasn't the problem. It's only been happening for a couple of weeks. I once looked at Google Chrome and found this.

Resource usage: Chrome can be resource-intensive, which can cause performance issues on older computers or low-powered devices.
Privacy: Chrome collects a lot of data about its users, which can be a concern for those who value their privacy.

I've been using my wife's iMac keyboard and so far only one incident of a malfunction. It's so unusual,especially copy/pasting part of my post in, not only from another thread but a different from Hot Topics to The Lounge or vice versa. I think it's now a case of saying thanks to you and the others who have made suggestions and I'll have to live with it,trying to type more slowly might help..does seem to help.. and maybe it will sort of, "go away" :)
I don’t use the internet on my Macbook so can’t really help but have noticed that this forum is a bit glitchy typing typing in text using Safari on my iPad it changes the text to something else that makes no sense sometimes but only on this forum