Barcelona - should I take my camera ?

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I'm off to Barcelona for a few days this week and I'm still deliberating on this. I'd love to take my camera but I've heard so many horror stories, I'm so unsure what to do.

Opinions anyone ?

Also, any idea if my normal travel insurance would cover me if it was stolen ?

What kit do you have?

I recently took my D80 and 1 lens to Latvia (Riga) and had no problems. I don't know about the insurance sorry.
Take your camera take your camera take your camera. Barcelona is a magnificent city and you'll regret not taking it. Simply hold your camera slung across your chest, or wrapped round your wrist, be aware and take care. When you're there you'll realise that although there are thieves and pickpockets about - it's probably a bit overstated and the majority of people are out and about to enjoy the city and its sights, just like you will be.

p.s. check with your insurance company before you go!
OK, well I took the D80 and 18-200 in my smallest bag and left everything else at home. That way I didn't have to worry about if everything was there, a lens had gone walkies or anything like that.
I guess you think I should take my camera Aberal !

If I do take it, I 'd be taking just my 18-200, nothing else. The thing that worries me is I've heard about them actually cutting straps and running off with your gear. I like the idea of wrapping my strap around my wrist though. Thanks for that.
Take your camera, but make sure you get insurance. That could be said for going anywhere nowadays, including many locations around Britain, never mind abroad. It is unfortunately a sign of the times we live in, but we should not let criminals stop us in pursuit of some great photo's.
Take your camera and hold it while you're walking to protect it - both from thieves and top stop it bouncing about.

Just imagine going to that stunning city and not taking it with you...


Oh, and make sure it goes on the plane with you and not in the hold.
simple answer, take it!

longer answer, take it, bad luck stories happen anywhere in the world including the uk but that shouldnt stop you. The best thing you can take is a bit of street sense. Dont be paranoid just be aware. Photo insurance is a good idea if you can afford it. Travel insurance will have limited cover with expensive gear. I use photogaurd and it covers my gear for the year anywhere in EU including in the boot of my car at home.

If you leave it at home then you will probrably regret it. Barcelona is a wonderful city and you will come back with memory cards full.
simple answer, take it!

longer answer, take it, bad luck stories happen anywhere in the world including the uk but that shouldnt stop you. The best thing you can take is a bit of street sense. Dont be paranoid just be aware. Photo insurance is a good idea if you can afford it. Travel insurance will have limited cover with expensive gear. I use photogaurd and it covers my gear for the year anywhere in EU including in the boot of my car at home.

If you leave it at home then you will probrably regret it. Barcelona is a wonderful city and you will come back with memory cards full.
You cannot be serious... :eek: ...go to Barcelona WITHOUT a camera... :nono:

Just get proper insurance and if it is one of the rare statistics you will get a nice shiny new one... :D

Make sure you change your card/download your images regularly just in case anything happens to the camera and you should not lose too many precious shots if it does... ;)

Wrapping your neck strap around your wrist can be a right PITA tbh... :shrug: ...I use a good quality wrist strap in addition to the neck strap that way not only have you got a second level of security but you can slip your wrist in and out easily when you need to... :cautious:

Be careful though because a determined scumbag may not hesitate at harming you if you try too hard to hold onto your stuff... :eek:

Having said all that chance is well in your favour and you will have a fantastic time and bring back loads of extra special images to show off to us... :naughty:


Take your camera take your camera take your camera. Barcelona is a magnificent city and you'll regret not taking it. Simply hold your camera slung across your chest, or wrapped round your wrist, be aware and take care. When you're there you'll realise that although there are thieves and pickpockets about - it's probably a bit overstated and the majority of people are out and about to enjoy the city and its sights, just like you will be.

p.s. check with your insurance company before you go!

Couldnt agree more - went to Barcelona for the grand prix in may, and its an amazing place!! You hear stories about any popular city, so just use your head and you will be safe.

Have fun down the rambla's and half way down, go right into the open market, many MANY photo ops!!

it looks like I'm taking it then guys - thanks for the push. I have normal travel insurance cover. I'll check out what it covers me for but I'm guessing I'll need specialist cover for my equipment. Any advice on that ?
I’ve been to Barcelona about 25 times taking photographs on all of the trips, I have never had any trouble or seen any trouble.

If you leave a camera hanging on the back of a chair while you are drinking in a cafe it has a high chance of being nicked whether you are in Barcelona, London or your local town.
I'll echo what everyone else is saying.

I go to Barcalona every year at least once. You've GOT to take a camera.

There are pickpockets and thieves, but as long as you get insurance, act smart - the same as in any other city, you'll be OK.

Shane :)
Whilst there can be problems with thieves abroad, it is no different to any other major city. The most importnat thing is to be streetwise. If you're thinking of not taking your camera, you may as well not take any money out with you either!

The important things to remember are not to head down any quiet alleyways, especially late at night, and even if you do find yourself in that situation, just walk with a confident air and look like you know what you're doing, even if you're lost!

Scumbags pick on the vulnerable, and they'll only know you're vulnerable if you look it.

So, take you're camera. If you don't, you'll spend all your time there wishing you'd brought it.
Oh, sorry. Meant to mention about the insurance as well. Make sure your contents insurance is extended to cover personal possessions away from the home, commonly known as All Risks cover, and check the single article limit to ensure it is adequate for your gear.

There may not be any need for specialist photographic equipment insurance if you can get an adequate extension to your contents insurance. You do, however, need to ansure that the amount of cover you choose for personal possessions away from the home represents the total value of everything you have with you, not just your camera gear, otherewise you may find you get any claim reduced for underinsurance.

It is unlikely your travel insurance will give you sufficient cover for your camera equipment.
I have been to Barca a few times now and every time I have taken my camera.

I never carry my wallet when I am there, alwaysx just take money in my front pocket, However I did get my pocket checked when I was going for the tube when there this year.

I have heard some horror stories about Barca in teh last few months. There is a lot of forigners there that are not spanish and they are causing all the trouble etc.

When was I there last year I seen a guy getting beaten up for his point and shoot camera. Lucky his friend jumped in and they pinned the guy to the deck while sumone called for the Gaurdia.

I am going back in December, and hope to take my camera, but I always always keep it in my slingshot bag, tuck the zips in etc and it makes it harder to open without you noticing. When you have it out wrap the strap around your wrist a few times that way u can use it as a weapon as well ;)

As for places to go, Visit the olympic stadium on the hill, and the palace, also the Nou Camp, the olympic village, La Ramblas, and the Fish market, the Gaudi park is fantastic. The Sagrida Famila is off limits to cameras inside but you get some great shots outside.

Port Viel is also nice, great views of the coast line and also the massive cruise ships. The cable car is a good trip as well as it offers a different view to Barca.

I take a camera everywhere!
well almost everywhere! :)
This is not camera specific but when I went with my wife a few years we got on the train (packed) with all our bags having to have one hand to hang on to the rail. 3 guys were brushing past people and came back and stopped near us and one got between me and my wife.

They managed to open my wife's bag without her realising and took her phone, cards cash etc out before heading off down the carriage.

In london this wouldn't have happened, but just landed in holiday mode we were not 'street wise'.

My point is be on your guard - but don't let this put you off either, it's a fantastic city, just as in any city you land be a bit aware espcially to \ from the airport. My wife's family is just north of Barca and people on the whole are very friendly, and I very doubt it's any worse than London!

If you look to any city with tourists there will be horror stories, and it's good to be informed, but in the grand scheme of things I would not worry re a trip to Barca.

Enjoy :)
I think being alert and streetwise is the most sensible suggestion. It's a sad fact of life that we have to be more alert in places like these, but provided you are, I don't think you'll encounter any problems.
I bought myself a good quality point and shoot for trips like this, any of the Lumix cameras by Panasonic are great.

As everyone else has said "Take your camera!" (y)

Just to clarify you can take photos inside La Familia Sagrada, these were taken in August

The spiral stairs inside the Towers

Because of all the talk of pickpockets, I was more on my guard and careful with my belongings and therefore did not have any problems.
take a pocket camera..10Mp p+s...and lets see your results then??

ps watch the traffic in barcelona

A Spaniard is no more or less likely to rob you than an Englishman.

Take the gear, unless you're just going to be paranoid if you do. In which case it will spoil your holiday.. so leave it at home. (Then when you get back, someone will have noticed your car gone, broken into your house and taken all your stuff anyway). ;)

In london this wouldn't have happened, but just landed in holiday mode we were not 'street wise'...

I assume you mean because at home you would be looking after your stuff better?
Take your stuff, just be sensible about it and you'll reap the rewards in a photogenic city. Did three nights in June with photo gear and no trouble.

I did compromise on kit (older body, superzoom instead of two 2.8 zooms), wore my stealthy, debadged bag with both shoulder straps and belly strap fastened, left the bottom of the bag empty (save for food/water) in case of slashers, main compartment had a black travel padlock on and carried nothing in the outer sections.

In all probability it's anything you'd normally keep in your trouser pockets more at risk than camera gear. Tourists are plentiful so if you're alert and take adequate precautions then the unsavoury elements will just move on to an easier mark.
I was walking along a street in Barcelona with a Bronica RF 645 and this older guy came up to me and seemed more than a little agitated. It wasn't a diversionary tactic: he was trying to tell me to wear the strap across my chest to stop someone pulling it off my shoulder.

I took his advice and had no problems.


I felt safer in Barca than I do in London. Take it or you'll definately regret it as soon as you get there. The place is buzzing, with loads of great photo ops. Dont forget park guel too.
Take it. I just come back from there, an awesome city. I really reccomend going to the 'Montjuic' mountain, some awesome seaviews. The 'Barri Gotic' has some awesome street shots. There is so much culture in Barcelona, you'll cry if you don't take it.
The pickpockets mainly work in the underground (before you get to the trains) and Las Ramblas, however with this said the only time I saw or witnessed anything was the Train from the airport to the city, just keep yours wits about you, and if there is a group looking at you keep confident.
As has been said keep your camera round your neck.

1st post here too! :)
The truth is you can't not take your camera, that in itself would be a crime! However when I went to Barcelona when I was younger (for a day) I saw some theif whip 6 cameras from people in succession so just be careful. Honestly though, it could happen anywhere.
Good decision Gidge... :D


I assume you mean because at home you would be looking after your stuff better?

yep, if that happened on the tube would have known exactly what was going on. we were just a bit hot, tired and not paying enough attention on a packed train.

And I should have mentioned a very nice spanish man told us what he thought had happened, so after my wife checked her bag as the train had not pulled in I tracked the scumbags down on the carriage and got the stuff back, but this is nto a course of action that was probably very wise.
Should you take it? Absolutely. What's the point of owning the thing if you won't allow yourself to use it? ;)

The Mrs and I went to Barcelona earlier in the year, accompanied by all my camera gear. I was also a bit wary having heard lots of stories of pickpockets and thieves but we were fine in the end.

A few suggestions:

Check your home contents insurance; this often covers you for loss abroad. This was my safety net in the end since I couldn't find a camera insurer that would do a short term policy for a holiday, nor a holiday insurer that would cover gear up to that value.

Be very aware of who's around you at all times, never leave stuff unattended, make sure your bag is secure and as others have said carry the camera in your hand with the strap wrapped around your wrist. IMO this makes it impossible to snatch (unless they take your hand as well, of course).

We generally found it to be a very friendly and safe-feeling city, with the exception of Las Ramblas late at night which was full of tarts, pimps and gobby brits abroad :thumbsdown:

Tbh I'd avoid Las Ramblas completely apart from the market, as it seems to be there purely for the benefit of a*sehole tourists.

A few photos from my trip if you're bothered, have a good one and be sure to get some shots up when you return ;)