Bargains Thread

Public darkroom?

That's my only option for printing. It works well enough.

There one in town but it doesn't really keep convenieint hours for me, by the time the kids are in bed I never get out the house before 2000.
Enough of this depressing I wish I wish, no room, small corner of the bog stuff.....I have a darkroom, in the house where its warm, and we still got 2 spare bedrooms...lulz......:banana:
Me and the missus live in an old hooj Victorian terrace which has the eqivelent of a small flat in cellar space so that's where my darkroom is goin :)
I tried using one of the cellars in my mother's house years ago - the big problem was the damp which tended to cause rust on parts of the enlarger.
Personally, I find it's not an issue of space, of lack thereof. The big problem is the other person I share a house with, who for some ridiculous, petty reason won't let me gut the second bedroom, plumb in a couple of massive steel sinks and black out all the windows. She insists that 'when people come to stay', they will want to sleep in a 'bright, fresh, cosy room', with a 'bed'.

It's like Nazi Germany round here. But without the Leica's.
Personally, I find it's not an issue of space, of lack thereof. The big problem is the other person I share a house with, who for some ridiculous, petty reason won't let me gut the second bedroom, plumb in a couple of massive steel sinks and black out all the windows. She insists that 'when people come to stay', they will want to sleep in a 'bright, fresh, cosy room', with a 'bed'.

It's like Nazi Germany round here. But without the Leica's.

I no,and when you put one up in the bathroom their cant wait 5min to have a wee,while your developing your print :confused:
There does seem to be a theme developing (gettit....:D). I also have an obergruppenfuhrer who insists that there will be"none of that blackout stuff going up in this house", selfish, thats what it is, plain selfish. :oops: :$
Me and the missus live in an old hooj Victorian terrace which has the eqivelent of a small flat in cellar space so that's where my darkroom is goin :)

I tried using one of the cellars in my mother's house years ago - the big problem was the damp which tended to cause rust on parts of the enlarger.

But no dust....excellent..(y)
My new flat has a nice big walk in cupboard. Lucky me :banana:

compact and bijou, won't take no tidying up...excellent..(y)
Personally, I find it's not an issue of space, of lack thereof. The big problem is the other person I share a house with, who for some ridiculous, petty reason won't let me gut the second bedroom, plumb in a couple of massive steel sinks and black out all the windows. She insists that 'when people come to stay', they will want to sleep in a 'bright, fresh, cosy room', with a 'bed'.

It's like Nazi Germany round here. But without the Leica's.

Its a common spanner throw, its like clothes though, if you don't wear them for a year chuck em out, if nobody stays for a year, build a darkroom....excellent..(y)
I no,and when you put one up in the bathroom their cant wait 5min to have a wee,while your developing your print :confused:

leave a bucket outside the
There does seem to be a theme developing....

hadn't noticed...excellent..(y)
If I have ANY desire to develop myself [dont even go there, done it before, did not enjoy it at all] we have what we call a 'shed' which is actually the back end of what used to be the garage and an integral part of the house, so brick built, with its own door. Its full of junk like most spare spaces in this place, but it would make an ideal little darkroom, no problem blacking out the one window which is in the door [the door is into the garden], electric connected and plug sockets, plus the water supply to the tap just outside runs through it, so could even have running water. Only problem I can see is dust, its just bare brick, but a couple of coats of clear sealant over them should sort out the worse of that.

Sorry, I realise the fact that a-I dont want to use this perfect space and b-we probably aren't staying here anyway, really annoys those who live with the Nazi leadership that prevents things like dark rooms and chemicals hanging around :whistle:
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Looks very cool Paul, good luck with the planning application :D

meanwhile, I just joined F&C proper... I had to drop by an Argos to collect some archive boxes I had reserved. the store is on a retail park with a Poundland... a tenner later and I have enough of the infamous Agfa to keep me entertained and playing for a month or 3 :D
There are a few filter bargains on Calumet at the moment - they have 20% off their own brand and Hoya filters with the code advertised on their site, and there's also free delivery with the code APR15DELIVERY (presumably until month-end). And if you go to their sale section there are some filters with massive discounts on which you get the 20% on top. I just bought a 77mm yellow-green and a 58mm red for £13 and £8 respectively. They just arrived, and interestingly their own-brand multi-coated filters are made in Germany, so while I'm not sure who actually makes them, it must be someone decent (B+W? Heliopan?).

Almost tempted to go back for more!

This offer applies also to other filters, but I'm highlighting it here for you filmie types only! And some of their film is pretty cheap too, so with free delivery is also worth a look.
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Whats the deal with this website it seems some items are very cheap? Your "Brave" comment makes me curious! :)

Try searching for Rocky Cameras in the forum and see what you find! I've never used them myself but from what I've heard you either get really lucky, or you get a lemon!
It's a gamble but there are bargains to be had, especially with 40% off the listed prices. I've had some great buys from him, plus one or two lemons. Go in with low expectations and you won't be disappointed.
It's a gamble but there are bargains to be had, especially with 40% off the listed prices. I've had some great buys from him, plus one or two lemons. Go in with low expectations and you won't be disappointed.

I really, really hope so. I've just ordered some lenses on the basis that 40% off isn't to be sniffed at and I've recently bought a lens spanner and some soft grip bits from ebay so can have a go at repairing them if necessary. All M42 lenses, a 135mm Cosinon - the well-regarded f/2.8 Auto MC version which was priced rather keenly - and a couple of 50mm lenses (I have a bit of a thing for them ... they're practically my kryptonite).

That's it, I've finally succumbed and made a purchase from Rocky Cameras. There's no hope. I'm a collector. :(
Best of luck folks, even at 40% off you'll be lucky if you get a bargain.
Well, my order from Rocky arrived and apart from one of the lenses being replaced with a different example of the same lens (annoying because I spent time looking through the website to pick out the one I thought looked best) and one item being omitted from the order (a £3.99 focussing screen), it's not bad though the Cosina lens has definitely seen better days and has a very sluggish aperture when set to auto. I mean to use it as a digital lens mainly so that's not a major issue as it'll stay on manual. All the lenses are dusty, some have clearly been stood on a shelf with nothing to cover the glass. Overall, Rocky's descriptions are definitely optimistic though I've got to hand it to the man, he can take a good photo of a scruffy lens. I wouldn't have bothered if there hadn't been 40% off and I doubt I'll bother again, once bitten and so on.

I'll drop Rocky a line to find out what's what. Glad I paid through PayPal, the claiming process should be fairly straightforward. :rolleyes:
It's a gamble but there are bargains to be had, especially with 40% off the listed prices. I've had some great buys from him, plus one or two lemons. Go in with low expectations and you won't be disappointed.

I guess I'm kind of hard to please with things that might be off interest but looking through the other day I noticed some Pentax 67 fit teleconverters one was £60 odd the other £79 if you are patient you can get the genuine Pentax ones for less than that on ebay, I did see a joker the other week trying to sell a Vivitar one on ebay with a start price of fifty pounds I believe its been relisted again and ag....... me being a cheapskate picked one up (I was passing and wanted to avoid postage) from MW Classic for £19 I waited till they reduced it from £29. I could go on with other things I noticed that I can and have brought for less at Dealers who have retail premises. In short while they might be a few bargains amongst the over priced junk I doubt there are many.

When visiting the Brighton camera fair a couple of years ago with a friend in the trade (former staff at MXV) his comment on the goods displayed on the Rocky Cameras stand was that they would not have touched them at all.
well I've seen most things but I'm buggered if I know what the hell those are for......contrast idea

material on to which a photo sensitive emulsion can be applied....that's my guess ?
I don't know either, but they are supposed to be kept dark, so presumable they are already coated.
Weird and wonderful.... I probably need them.
They're used for making lantern slides by contact printing from a negative. If you want to have the correct safelight to use with them, it's an Ilford "F" no 904 that you should use. More details on request - but I won't be jolding my breath!
They're used for making lantern slides by contact printing from a negative. If you want to have the correct safelight to use with them, it's an Ilford "F" no 904 that you should use. More details on request - but I won't be jolding my breath!

you're joking !.......smash us with detail at once, and do you know what the other what the hell are these for, thing is Stephen..:)
My guess would be what it says on the tin - OK, box. Gas lights (powered by butane gas) shaped to look like candles. I suspect that there is no connection between "Bronica" and "Zenza Bronica". Other people than the makers of the ones shown produced them. Nowadays, I think LED candles have supplanted them.
That word presented in that font with the star in the "O" is a carbon copy of the branding on the S2/a and EC, its not there on the later SQ and etr, but its a total rip off of the earlier models if Bronica didn't give them permission, I mean like you I doubt Bronica actually made them but they must have bought the licence to use that branding or something, I would have thought.
Do you think they were used to actually make the contact "print" or as the light source to project them from a lantern/projector ?, I can't quite make it all fit, they seem a bit young, I mean we were well in to electric light sources when these things were manufactured in the 60's.

oh wait, pictures 8 and 9 of that listing show the side of the box, Zenza Bronica Industries inc, distributed by Clarion

so after all that, I'm still unclear as to what these are for, why are they shaped like candles unless they were made to replace candles, why are we fannying about with candles, its 1960 not 1860......I just dunno ????

lol, no sleep now....tut
Surely they're just props, if you used real candles they might burn down before you finished your shoot these won't.