Best Free FTP server software

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If anyone is using easy to FTP server software can you let me know what it is - thanks.

All I will be doing is using the FTP transfer in the 1Dx to transfer images to the PC.
Core FTP here. Never had any issues with it. It just works. FileZilla is good too.
These days I use the Filezilla client locally, and I have Filezilla FTP server running on my server too. Really reliable.
Yet another for Filezilla - used it for years and never had a problem.
Fire FTP add-on is good if you use firefox already, increasingly I don't so mainly Filezilla too.
No idea why Chrome can't do a decent FTP add-on, the one I tried was pants.
I know everyone is posting their favourite software, but I am surprised to see so many people running their own FTP server..?

The filezilla client is excellent, and I had a play with their server software too and it seemed pretty robust.
I have used proftpd and wu-ftpd successfully on systems in the past, both did the job. wu-ftpd seems to have had little developement in the last decade so may be best avoided.

I'm impressed at the number of people running dedicated FTP servers (y) . I haven't done so in some time, I just run sshd and move files via SFTP over it.

(Leech FTP mentioned above is a client, they don't seem to offer a server).
Thanks chaps much appreciated.

I have used Filezilla as a client so will look at that as one option and maybe the Core FTP as well.

I'm about to have a go at the same thing and will be using Filezilla

I may be pushed for time for the next few days but want to have it all up and running for next Sat.
Thanks chaps much appreciated.

I have used Filezilla as a client so will look at that as one option and maybe the Core FTP as well.

I may be pushed for time for the next few days but want to have it all up and running for next Sat.

Depending how that goes, I'm also going to look into connecting my second 1Dx to the laptop via an ethernet cable and Digitus Gigabit Ethernet USB 3.0 Adapter, so I can have either 1Dx sending images to the laptop via FTP.

Dont know if it will be possible, but I'll give it a go
AceFTP 3 Freeware
Been using it for best part of ten years.
Was easiest to set up & use when I found it; kept coming back to it.
Thanks Mike will have a look.
Fire FTP add-on is good if you use firefox already, increasingly I don't so mainly Filezilla too.
No idea why Chrome can't do a decent FTP add-on, the one I tried was pants.

The OP wants an FTP server, not a client.
Fire FTP is much like Filezilla to use.

Coffeecup give you about 250mb of free space, I have it on my laptop and sometimes use that for bits and pieces.
FTP service is built into Window's Internet Information Service (IIS). Just add it as a role.

I use that on my server.
I'm about to have a go at the same thing and will be using Filezilla

Got it working as I am struggling.

All working via EOSUtility but not via FTP :thumbsdown:
Got it working as I am struggling.

All working via EOSUtility but not via FTP :thumbsdown:

I struggled with Filezilla too. Go for the IIS option if you can. Slight bonus is any updates will happen as part of the regular MS updates rather than a more DIY effort with anything else.
Thanks Nigel.
Ok great.
Nigel I have a part time solution until I/we can get the FTP working but it's still finicky as it requires you to click in EOS Utility every ten mins or however often you desire.

Connect 1Dx to laptop via EOS Utility before the game. Set a destination folder for ALL photos.

During the game lock images as normal.

Have laptop on Peli case. Every 10 mins click in EOS Util to download images. This downloads all images.

In PM choose Ingest (CTRL+G) and have it set up to copy ONLY locked images from the ALL photos folder to a new folder that you have open in PM. Have PM to apply IPTC during ingest + file name & number.

I have tested it at home and if we can't get FTP to work before next Sat then I will do it this way on Sat.

Make sense?
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As I say it's a bit finicky but I am also waiting on call back from Canon.

They are going to try and get a 1Dx talking to Core FTP for me.

I will update once I hear from.them. If you get it working before then let me know.
As I say it's a bit finicky but I am also waiting on call back from Canon.

They are going to try and get a 1Dx talking to Core FTP for me.

I will update once I hear from.them. If you get it working before then let me know.

No luck with my IT mate, i'm afraid Rob. The sod didn't turn up. I've put the feelers out to a sports photographer in the States that uses Ethernet. Just hoping he gets back to me.

will let you know if and when I get something
What is it you're trying to achieve? Automated FTP/dispatch of images via a tethered laptop?

I recommend FileZilla as well.