bike sex


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so, basically, the guy is shagging his bike in a locked room.

its a bit weird to say the least. but the fact he is now on the sex offenders list is just crazy!!
talk about over-reaction

what also made me laugh is the illustrative photos on the bbc site. stock photo of a bike. just in case you didnt know what a bicycle is.
well, what they're saying is that using a bike as a sex toy in prvate is illegal. in fact, it's a sexual offence. Now i don't know if the bike testified or not, or whether bikes now actually consititute as victims, but i'd say the fact it was a bike should have no effect on the sentence.

so, what they're saying is that using a sex toy in private is now a sexual offence.

Holy cr@p! Someone warn Ann Summers! Because i know a hell of a lot of people who now just qualified as sex criminals!

really, what we're seeing is one of the sad moments where the law is misused in order to prosecute someone who, although is outside of average taste and behaviour, is doing nothing wrong and hurting no-one

as far as i am aware there is no such thing as a victimless crime.
i have refered to more than one of my my motorbikes as "that f******g bike" :LOL: but thats just weiiiiiiiiiiiird.
but even so. comfort of your own home etc.private place.etc.
so its not , lock up your daughters. its lock up your bicycles.:nono::nono::wacky:
the village i was raised in had plenty of bikes. some werent organic.:naughty:
My next door neighour has a particularly sexy looking Raleigh that I've fancied for some time now :love: Ooooh the way that chain wraps round the deralier :love:

:LOL: :D
Does this mean I have to stop!

I have always practiced safe sex with my bike by wearing a helmet and bright colored clothing!

I'm getting that tingle!!!...... :LOL:
It must have been a male bike as it was a bi cycle :LOL:
>>>its a bit weird to say the least. but the fact he is now on the sex offenders list is just crazy!!<<
Would he breaking his conditions if he is caught within 100 metres of another cycle?!!.

What harm was he doing to anybody!!?
Far better "molesting" a cycle that doesn't suffer than molesting children!!.
I think the key-words to pull out of this are 'Drink' & 'Bachelor'...........;)

Seriously though. I think y'all may've missed the point in your quest for comedy. The fact is, that whilst doing something he inadvertantly exposed the cleaners to the sordid sight of himself 'pumping up his flat tyre'!!!!

Had he have bothered to answer the door like any normal person he wouldn't have a conviction now. What he did wasn't illegal. Allowing the cleaners to see it was.

Anybody else got any fireworks they would care for me to wee on?
I think the key-words to pull out of this are 'Drink' & 'Bachelor'...........;)

Seriously though. I think y'all may've missed the point in your quest for comedy. The fact is, that whilst doing something he inadvertantly exposed the cleaners to the sordid sight of himself 'pumping up his flat tyre'!!!!

Had he have bothered to answer the door like any normal person he wouldn't have a conviction now. What he did wasn't illegal. Allowing the cleaners to see it was.

Anybody else got any fireworks they would care for me to wee on?

I guess I should've actually read the story :thinking:.

My point still stands though, the law is an ass (sometimes)
I think the key-words to pull out of this are 'Drink' & 'Bachelor'...........;)

Seriously though. I think y'all may've missed the point in your quest for comedy. The fact is, that whilst doing something he inadvertantly exposed the cleaners to the sordid sight of himself 'pumping up his flat tyre'!!!!

Had he have bothered to answer the door like any normal person he wouldn't have a conviction now. What he did wasn't illegal. Allowing the cleaners to see it was.

Anybody else got any fireworks they would care for me to wee on?
So if some couple were in a hotel room having a "good time" in a lawful manner, never heard the maids/cleaners knocking on the door, door was then opened with master key and they were caught in the act, would they be placed on the sex offenders list.
Had he have bothered to answer the door like any normal person he wouldn't have a conviction now. What he did wasn't illegal. Allowing the cleaners to see it was.

I've got to ask - if the cleaners walked in on someone shagging their wife would the expect to be put on the sex offender register?

I've never heard of that offence before, but it's quite likely that it's peculiar to Scotland which differs from UK law in many respects. A Breach Of The Peace can take place in public or private, so there's no problem there.

Where I have difficulty with this is that the cleaners have walked into the guy's own home and found him humping his bike in private! On the face of it the conviction and sentence seem like lunacy, but I'm guessing there's more to this than we're seeing in that newspaper report which is often the case. Reading between the lines it seems more likely that having been disturbed by the cleaners, he carried on with his floor show for their benefit - in other words, more a deliberate act than than being caught unawares.
I have to agree, what people get up to behind closed doors is up to them, it seems crazy that just because the cleaners "Let themselves in" and happened to see it, he can be charged for it.

If im in my room in my house touching myself and my flatmate walks in as ive not heard her knocking, would it be ok for her to call the police and have me arrested?

I didnt think so.
Well I think there will be a lot of tricycles sleeping safe in their garages tonight knowing that another pedalophile has been taken off the road. :D
You gotta feel sorry for the guy. Off to see his ladyfriend for an evening of passion but has to ring and cancel because he hasn't got the bus fare. She simply tells him to come on his bike instead......anyone could misunderstand.:thinking:
You gotta feel sorry for the guy. Off to see his ladyfriend for an evening of passion but has to ring and cancel because he hasn't got the bus fare. She simply tells him to come on his bike instead......anyone could misunderstand.:thinking:


I love the fact he has been put on the SOR, because its one less person the government has to worry about being registered SOMEWHERE! :wacky:
:LOL: :LOL: I could tell a few stories of the kind of stuff I come across daily ....

(I think we need a password protected adult forum :LOL:)
So if some couple were in a hotel room having a "good time" in a lawful manner, never heard the maids/cleaners knocking on the door, door was then opened with master key and they were caught in the act, would they be placed on the sex offenders list.

No, but they could be charged if the cleaners took umbrance to this occurrence. Not sure how the sex offenders register works sarf of the border.

I've got to ask - if the cleaners walked in on someone shagging their wife would the expect to be put on the sex offender register?


I refer the honourable gentleman to my earlier reply.

As far as I'm aware, fairly recent changers in decency laws effectively mean that if you're seen having sex through your lounge window or overheard/seen knocking the missus off in the back garden you could potentially be charged.

I think a lot of it has to do with how the 'discoverer' feels about the incident rather than what you're actually doing.

I'm sure somebody will correct me if I'm wrong, which I may well be. Memory isn't too good at the moment.
I could give you the number of a good cyclo-therapist

maybe it was all a missunderstanding and he was just playing with another mans chopper®

Well I think there will be a lot of tricycles sleeping safe in their garages tonight knowing that another pedalophile has been taken off the road. :D

shouldve bolted the door.:LOL:

ooh, ah ah oooor aaaar hmmmmmp heeevwe. blast. puncture.:wave:

You gotta feel sorry for the guy. Off to see his ladyfriend for an evening of passion but has to ring and cancel because he hasn't got the bus fare. She simply tells him to come on his bike instead......anyone could misunderstand.:thinking:


Very quick people.
This has really made my Friday night!:LOL::LOL:

Right I'm off to the garden shed, & I've got my puncture repair kit just in case it goes down on me!!!:love::love::LOL:

I think you mean a nail in case it doesn't :LOL: