blakester's 52 for 2010, Weeks 51 & 52 Page 12 (Finally Finished)

(y) Iain,

sounds a plan. Probably spring time, given the season is all but over and i haven't seen a golf bat in 9 weeks or so........... getting back on my legs in time for winter golf is somewhat unappealing............

I must confess, even though my 52 is suspended (not abandoned - yet!!) - some of the themes of late have been less than inspiring..........:shrug:

Like the "rage" one and a clever take on "cling film"..... how long were you staking out the apple shop before the opportunity arose.....
Tricky subject to light and you've managed it well. The engraving stands out perfectly against the background and what there is of a reflection looks great.
Tricky subject to light and you've managed it well. The engraving stands out perfectly against the background and what there is of a reflection looks great.

Thanks Darren, it took quite a few shots with differing angles from the flash to manage the light reflections.

That's a clever take on the theme, Iain, and you have done a very good job with the lighting (y)


Thank-you too Jenny. The lighting was a bit tricky dealing with the flash bouncing.
Nice one Iain, well lit, bet that was tough, a good idea on the theme too, same as mine, although everyone seems to have missed that ;)
yeh i agree a tricky one, difficult to come up with something different but it seems that we all have. I don't know about consolation though, in my book second is pretty good.

It was a difficult one to come up with something different Chris I agree.
2nd is good in my book too, I just used a wee bit of poetic licence on the theme.

Nice one Iain, well lit, bet that was tough, a good idea on the theme too, same as mine, although everyone seems to have missed that ;)

Cheers John, it took a bit of tweaking on the lighting.
A really awful theme this week, but this is a good take on it.
Looks like the lighting was a nightmare to get right, but you've pulled it off well. Some of the highlights are maybe a little bright for me and there's some dust on the surface that could do with fixing but given all those shiny surfaces it's come out very well.

The simplicity of the shapes and lack of colour make it for me. The reflection is also very effective. (y)
A really awful theme this week, but this is a good take on it.
Looks like the lighting was a nightmare to get right, but you've pulled it off well. Some of the highlights are maybe a little bright for me and there's some dust on the surface that could do with fixing but given all those shiny surfaces it's come out very well.

The simplicity of the shapes and lack of colour make it for me. The reflection is also very effective. (y)

Thanks for looking/commenting Sarah, I know you have been busy with life away from TP so your time is much appreciated here. You are quite right, there are some elements which are needing fixed but to be honest this 52 has been a struggle of late. Its not that i have lost my mojo, with the themes lately this has become something of a drag. I don't know whether to take my togging in a different direction away from the 52. On the other hand we are so far into it now, it would be a shame not to finish it :thinking: Rant over :LOL:
As I mentioned above, my enthusiasm for this 52 is at a low ebb and I am struggling a wee bit with the recent themes. Below is my take on this weeks theme 'Distant'.
This is a view of a distant planet......well what did you expect for 20p, the Hubble Telescope? :D

I like the colour of the viewer against the clouds at sunset in sunny Clacton, taken this afternoon. It needed a wee bit of fill flash to lift the shadows.

C&C welcome as always but not expected on my lack lustre performance.

made me smile too so that has to be a good thing! I do like the way the colour of the Hubble telescope stands out against the soft colours of the sky.

Also looks like the telescope is watching you seems to have eyes and a nose !
Nice idea Iain. Cracking colours in the foreground but disappointing pale sky. Surely that's the moon and not a planet? :)

Feeling the pain of the lack of enthusiasm for the themes. Still keen to get the camera out but the themes themselves are leaving a lot to be desired. I think we need to be a lot more fussy next year with our choices.
That one made me smile Iain. Pretty clouds, nothing wrong with the picture, and on theme but maybe not up to your usual standard.

Thanks Sue, yes I agree its not much to get excited about this picture but this 52 is becoming a bit of a struggle for me.

made me smile too so that has to be a good thing! I do like the way the colour of the Hubble telescope stands out against the soft colours of the sky.

Also looks like the telescope is watching you seems to have eyes and a nose !

Thanks JL, I take the positive from the image and if it makes people smile then that works for me. I know as an image its not going to win any prizes, a bit of a miss in my book.

really like this interpretation of the theme and it works so much better for having the moon in the shot too. Great colours in the clouds too.

Thanks Chris, your positive comments are appreciated.

Nice idea Iain. Cracking colours in the foreground but disappointing pale sky. Surely that's the moon and not a planet? :)

Feeling the pain of the lack of enthusiasm for the themes. Still keen to get the camera out but the themes themselves are leaving a lot to be desired. I think we need to be a lot more fussy next year with our choices.

Cheers Darren, moon/planet? a wee bit of artistic licence;)
I too am still keen to get my camera out, I haven't lost my mojo for photography just the 52 if I am being honest.
Hi Iain, it would be a great pity if you gave up on the 52 at this stage. It is a bit sad that so many people have dropped out already, but getting so close to the finish line would be an even bigger pity.

I was giving some thought to next year and thought maybe I should try the themed 52 instead of my own. However, the themes have just been too horrible and I would not have enjoyed them. So, probably not.

I think that you have done very well this week. Not your best shot but I love the colours and the idea. Bang on theme.

Please don't drop out now. Fingers crossed for some better themes.

I like it Iain... excellent colours, and that makes the hubble binos stand out nicely. A good idea to put the moon aligned like that... the nosepiece looks like it's sticking out not in though to my eyes... they're playing tricks on me again...
I really like this picture - the colours in the foreground and the sky are great. It is a simple and appealing composition.

Hi Iain, it would be a great pity if you gave up on the 52 at this stage. It is a bit sad that so many people have dropped out already, but getting so close to the finish line would be an even bigger pity.

I was giving some thought to next year and thought maybe I should try the themed 52 instead of my own. However, the themes have just been too horrible and I would not have enjoyed them. So, probably not.

I think that you have done very well this week. Not your best shot but I love the colours and the idea. Bang on theme.

Please don't drop out now. Fingers crossed for some better themes.


Thanks Jenny for your words of encouragement :). I will soldier on with the 52, this weeks theme is certainly an improvement on the previous weeks.

I like it Iain... excellent colours, and that makes the hubble binos stand out nicely. A good idea to put the moon aligned like that... the nosepiece looks like it's sticking out not in though to my eyes... they're playing tricks on me again...

Cheers John, I too like the colours in the hubble telescope binos, that was the attraction for me in taking the photograph. The moon is not a patch on your 'space' images :D but like I said 20p doesn't get you much these days. I see what you mean about the nosepiece, an optical illusion.

I really like this picture - the colours in the foreground and the sky are great. It is a simple and appealing composition.


Cheers to you too Phil, I am glad you like it. The simple composition was intentional, I didn't think this would be anything else but a simple, fun image.
A good take on another difficult theme Iain.

The colours are great. You have really made them pop.

Well done on soldiering on with these themes. I don't think you are alone with your lack of enthusiasm.

Console: a classy glassy shot! I like this a lot for its simple lines and near mono look. It must have been really hard to light but you have done it really well.

Distant: I rather like this as a slightly quirky picture. The colours are good, and the viewer looks quite human, as if it's about to say something.
A good take on another difficult theme Iain.

The colours are great. You have really made them pop.

Well done on soldiering on with these themes. I don't think you are alone with your lack of enthusiasm.


Thanks Andy, I am happy with the photograph despite my lack of enthusiasm.

Console: a classy glassy shot! I like this a lot for its simple lines and near mono look. It must have been really hard to light but you have done it really well.

Distant: I rather like this as a slightly quirky picture. The colours are good, and the viewer looks quite human, as if it's about to say something.

Thank-you too Tracer the lighting on the glass was a wee bit tricky, it took a few tries before I managed it.

I like distant being quirky, its a simple image and a bit of fun.
Week 42, only 10 more to go to the end :clap:
Below is my take on this weeks theme of Secret Once again I roped in requested my youngest daughter Lisa as a model. This is my attempt at a box of secrets. I set up off camera flash in the box to try and achieve a 'glow' from the box. To be honest, I needn't have bothered with flash to get the 'glow', Lisa had her blackberry on her lap, no doubt waiting for that ever important?? text message, the blackberry was receiving messages and lit up with every message :LOL:. Not sure if it has worked, I am happy with it but would appreciate others opinion/comment/crit.

The lighting has worked really well Iain. I don't think the blackberry would have been enough :LOL:

It is a really well taken and well lit photograph.

For me though, it doesn't really say box of secrets. It looks a bit like she has a laptop in front of her. Perhaps a different angle to see the box from the side or even behind?

This was the first idea that popped into my head but I didn't have anything to give off enough light from the box.

Your lighting has worked very well. It does look a little like a laptop, but I don't really mind. It works (y)
Lovely image of your daughter. I can see what people mean about looking like a laptop - perhaps if the box had been deeper it would have looked less like a laptop. Doesn't bother mey though - I like it the way it is !
The lighting has worked really well Iain. I don't think the blackberry would have been enough :LOL:

It is a really well taken and well lit photograph.

For me though, it doesn't really say box of secrets. It looks a bit like she has a laptop in front of her. Perhaps a different angle to see the box from the side or even behind?


Thanks Andy, no the blackberry probably wouldn't have been enough but it was having a good go with the amount of messages coming through.
I can see what you mean about it being laptop'ish but it was the only box I had which was suitable. I can also see how a different angle could have worked, good idea.

This was the first idea that popped into my head but I didn't have anything to give off enough light from the box.

Your lighting has worked very well. It does look a little like a laptop, but I don't really mind. It works (y)

Thanks Darren for your positive comments.(y)

Lovely image of your daughter. I can see what people mean about looking like a laptop - perhaps if the box had been deeper it would have looked less like a laptop. Doesn't bother mey though - I like it the way it is !

Thanks JL, your comments are appreciated.

Its a good photo of your daughter. I think she is receiving secret messages from friends so it fits the theme that way.

Good thinking Sue, that idea works for me (y). Thanks for looking/commenting.
Excellent Iain, well lit (be that flash or blackberry :D) and spot on... I thought laptop, but I see why... it's the fingers at the bottom edge of the box lid as it's being lifted
Nice one, Iain. The lighting is spot on (y) Yes, it does look like a laptop but that does not really matter. Good take on the theme.


Thanks Jenny, the looking like a laptop seems to be the consensus of opinion on this one :(. I will have another go at this some time.

Excellent Iain, well lit (be that flash or blackberry :D) and spot on... I thought laptop, but I see why... it's the fingers at the bottom edge of the box lid as it's being lifted

Cheers John, I think a different angle on the box lid may have helped here, perhaps even Lisa lifting the box lid off more horizontally and detached from the box IYSWIM.

Lol, we all thought the same, guess it that common - great idea on the theme, nice lighting

Cheers Dade, thats about 100% view that its a laptop, epic fail for me on this theme :LOL:.
I'm afraid that I thought it was a laptop too.... but a beautiful pose and great lighting. (y)
I think it does work, but would have been even better if her nose had been at the opening, peering in with an inquisitive / apprehensive look.

I'm afraid that I thought it was a laptop too.... but a beautiful pose and great lighting. (y)

Thanks Tracer, I've conceded on that point, evryone thought it a laptop. cheers for the kind comments.

great shot, full of mystery and a little bit pulp fiction. The lighting is spot on and works perfect with this shot.

Cheers Chris, pulp fiction... I like that (y). Thanks for looking/commenting.

I think it does work, but would have been even better if her nose had been at the opening, peering in with an inquisitive / apprehensive look.


Thanks to you too Phil. Yes, I agree a different composition might ahve helped.
Week 43 of 52 Urban. I paid a visit to London, doesn't come more urban than that I think :D. Had a bit of a wander around with an idea in mind....reflection. I happened to find the scene below and thought it would help me realise my idea. C&C welcome as always.

A slightly different take below.

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Great idea Iain.

Number one is the winner for me. Without the reflection this shot would have been nothing but the symmetry really brings it to life.

How long did it take you to clean the windows first? :LOL:

Very clever - I did a double take when I saw this. Works really well. I much prefer the first one - the more saturated colours add an attractive glow, and the composition with the bus(es) and the overhang is more dynamic. (y)
Great idea Iain.

Number one is the winner for me. Without the reflection this shot would have been nothing but the symmetry really brings it to life.

How long did it take you to clean the windows first? :LOL:


Cheers Andy, I prefer number one myself but posted the second too as it is a little less busy. I should go with my feeling on the image and not try and second guess the viewer :D

Very clever - I did a double take when I saw this. Works really well. I much prefer the first one - the more saturated colours add an attractive glow, and the composition with the bus(es) and the overhang is more dynamic. (y)

Thanks Tracer, as above, I prefer #1 too. I am glad you did a double take, it was my intention for viewers to 'work the image out'. Cheers