Blue Lake | Goleuwern Slate Quarry | Friog

Thanks for the comments guys, i thought as soon as i posted it that it looked over sharpened, when looking at the full size on flickr its no where near as bad. I'll watch out for this in the future.

Thanks Again

Interesting shot. Lots of detail. Does look a bit oversharpened, but otherwise well exposed. It would have been worth making more of those pointy-out rocks in the lower left as they are very cool looking and jab you straight into the picture.

Also possibly it's worth trying a slightly different style of shot and leaving the sky out completely (because you have it in the reflection) and trying to use the semi-circular shape of the reflection in the composition somehow e.g. to frame the sticky out rocks at the bottom.

Nicely done though - just thinking aloud here.
Went there many times when I lived down there excellent capture!
Thanks for all the comments, never thought of focusing on the reflections, i will have to look out for that in future.
Like the composition but the colour and brightness offend my delicate tastes :LOL: