Bonsai lovers? Tree experts?


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Hey Guy n Gals.

Any Bonsai lovers on here?

Just bought one as a pet for our flat. Been watering it with a mister daily and sit in water once a week with food.

The leaves have all gone dry and dark - yet the soil is moist.

We had it positioned on a sunny windowsill but have since moved to one without direct sunlight to see if it helps?

Any ideas on a rescue?

Thank you :D
I'd put it outside for a day or two and see if it recovers. Is it in a room with heating on ? sounds daft but it does look dried and frazzled.
Probably over watered. If the surface of the soil is moist, it doesn't need watering.
They don't look like that in The Karate Kid. Looks very poorly, I hear Kim Wilde :love:does a bit of gardening :D
Chris - no heating but I think you may be right on the frazzled bit.

Tina - :D sorry on quality. On iPhone - will have another go.

Thanks Treebeard. Starting to sound as if a mixture of too much drink and too much sun.

Any ideas other than outside for a cure? Is it beyond rescue?

Thank you all :love:
Hey Guy n Gals.

Any Bonsai lovers on here?

Just bought one as a pet for our flat. Been watering it with a mister daily and sit in water once a week with food.

The leaves have all gone dry and dark - yet the soil is moist.

We had it positioned on a sunny windowsill but have since moved to one without direct sunlight to see if it helps?

Any ideas on a rescue?

Thank you :D

Dunno much about bonsai other than I like to see them.
I think though the sitting in water with food bit is maybe killing it with kindness. My understanding of Bonsia is that you take a tree & deliberatly stunt it. The food you are giving with the water may be more than it can take. Can you not ask the folk from where you got it?
Got a leaflet with it and advice on the stand to say "feed it once a week". Have special bonsai food and all it says on it is feed once a week with xy concentration. Trouble is that I don't know how I should be feeding it and the inter web said about 12 different ways hence we tried standing pot in sink with water halfway up pot?

Thank you so much for helping all :)
I inherited a Jade bonsai tree from my father in law when he passed away, they are pretty fragile but he's kept it going for over 20 years, I watered it once a week and it went brown, so I fed it and watered it every day but just a few drops and it recovered and started growing new leaves.

When the weather warmed up I put it outside and it's gone nuts, it's still a bonsai but it's getting bigger and i'm scared to cut anything off in case I kill it.

It's hard work this Bonsai lark :D
I bought a bonsai tree which subsequently died. As a replacement I bought a cactus thinking they were indestructible. I killed that one off too and came to the conclusion that plants aren't my bag :LOL:
Another go at proper photoraphy like :D

Getting better! Nice to see improvements ;)

I think over watered and too much direct sunlight through the magnifying glass...let it dry out and move to a light place out of the burning rays :nono:

Should be OK in time, keep practising with that photography, you could get quite good at it :naughty:
:LOL: fair criticisms of the bonsai and to be honest I am better with people when it comes to photography :D

Thanks Tina!

How would you recommend doing the feeding? I am at a loss!
:( sorry to sound dense Tina. When it says "feed x amount" do I sit it in the water? As the pot/moss on soil mean that the water just runs off and away.

Thank you so much for your assistance lovely lady :)
Got a few 'Bonsai' trees that i have had for approve 25+ years. Started out as saplings and kept them potted up. Not looked after them like i should but still alive!
:( sorry to sound dense Tina. When it says "feed x amount" do I sit it in the water? As the pot/moss on soil mean that the water just runs off and away.

Thank you so much for your assistance lovely lady :)

My take is that the slow release pellets are better, or rather easier to control. In my experience most plants benefit from some gentle neglect! :thinking:

Got a few 'Bonsai' trees that i have had for approve 25+ years. Started out as saplings and kept them potted up. Not looked after them like i should but still alive!

Neglect has kept them alive! :nuts:
I haven't totally neglected them but i really should be looking after then more as they are growing out of hand and need re-potting now.
Thank you Tina! And everyone else who has lent a hand (y)

Will keep you updated :D
Before binning labels, read and understand what they say! They probably have advice on feeding and watering which would help you avoid problems like you now have. Maybe you could go back to where you bought it and read the lkabel on a live one?
The reason you can't find solid info is because it varies between trees ya silly!

But definitely over watering is a bigger problem than under in most cases, as a starter it should be once a week (brother does the soaking for a few minutes method, then it goes on like a tray so any extra drains out) and sprays I think once or twice inbetween, a very light misting.

Hope little bonsai lives!
Perfectamundo Gemma. Will give it a try.

Good suggestion Nod - should have kept the label. It only had the name etc no feeding ins.

Thankies again!
Dare I suggest a visit to the library to see if they have any books covering bonsai?