weekly Boots' 52 for 2023

Really interesting images and some lovely light on the red bricks.. really makes them glow.
Week 47 - Autumn(al)

Inspired by @n1kcy's shot of her Liquidambar tree, I went out to look at ours... bare! But there were a few fallen leaves, so they will have to do.

Week 48 - Arrows

This is an Ordnance Survey Benchmark (a flush bracket, to be precise). It is marked with the broad arrow indicating the OS's military heritage.


If you are still wondering what it is, or how to use it; you clip something into the holes at the top, which gives a fixed vertical position onto which to place a surveying staff (a fancy name for a ruler). You can then stand some distance away with a theodolite (another fancy name, for a telescope with a spirit level). That allows you to measure the height of the benchmark, relative to where you are standing, and indeed relative to any number of further positions. And thus you have all the contours and spot heights on your map.

Of course now, it's all down with satellites and lasers and computers - not people with staffs, chains and theodolites.

I still have happy memories of standing in a freezing field by the River Irwell surveying said field whilst a murmuration of starlings whirled overhead.
Wow. Interesting background, and a good spot Paul. Was this a a known and intentional shot, or just something you came across?
Wow. Interesting background, and a good spot Paul. Was this a a known and intentional shot, or just something you came across?
Thanks Simon! I did what I often do, read the topic and go for a walk. Whilst walking, I saw the BM, which I had seen before, but forgotten about. I went back today to photograph it.
Fascinating stuff, The type of thing that you can walk past every day and not know anything about.
Oooh that takes me back to my first job after school as a trainee land surveror. Use these a lot as well as the simpler ones carved into brick or stonework.
Oooh that takes me back to my first job after school as a trainee land surveror. Use these a lot as well as the simpler ones carved into brick or stonework.
I hope they are happy memories.

Thanks Dave!
Interesting take on the theme. You've just reminded me that we had one of these attached to a building that's recently been demolished. I suppose they will all disappear eventually :(
I’d be interested to see it in colour, for me it feels that the B&w doesn’t lift the image.
Definitely wet.. I think I prefer the mono. Perhaps crop in to loose the plant pot?
Week 50 - Old

Old Jug.JPG

This old jug has been knocking around since before Christ (apparently). It has picked up a few knocks along the way, and a crack on one side.

I wanted to try and create a composition that wasn't just a record shot.

You may be wondering, as I have in the past, what the bit of string and the lead seal is - I assume it is some kind of release from Cypriot antiquities authorities.
Week 51 - Festive


The end is in sight, just as the inspiration is at low ebb!
Week 52 - Showcase

When I looked back at the images taken this year, this one stood out to me. It's just a bit nuts and I like it!

IMG_3176 smooth.JPG

... and that's it, 52 finished!
Nutty as a bag of nutty nuts! I like it too :)