Bought a Sigma 12-24

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As title, i have bought a sigma 12-24, didnt plan to go and buy anything today, was just a spur of the moment thing... but i have a feeling its a duffer

The pics below will explain what i mean

This is my wall shot at 12mm


Now even form this small pic you can see that on the LHS its a little blury

here is a crop of the LHS


Now one of the right


And one of the center


Please tell me these lenses are not supposed to be like this? I took ages to decide and got it from Jessops, who have very little stock around, which means that if i take it back to my local Jessops it will probably end up as a refund.

What do you lot think?
What distance and what depth of field did you use?
Judging by the 'height' of the bricks on the right, compared to the left, you were not quite square on, the right hand side is that little bit closer.
Looking at the reviews on fredmiranda it looks like being soft on the left is a common problem. I very much doubt it anything to do with depth of field as it'll be huge even wide open at 12mm.
The penguin has a good point but at f8 I wouldn't expect to see that much focus fall off on such a short difference of distance.

It may not be conclusive at this point but I'd agree, it doesn't look too good. :(
Yeah it was only a quick test, i have other photos but they are just not shapt, not really what i expected from an EX lens :( Oh well... what do you think my best option is? Keep the lens, and send it to Sigma myself, or take it back to Jessops.
If you bought it today, then take it back to jessops, with a piccy.
If they say that is the best that you are going to get, and you are not happy with it, then I think I would just ask for a refund. If you are square on, then I would not be happy with that picture.
Is the 10-20 Sigma or the 10-24mm Tamron better in terms of quality?
Problem is, both of those are for crop sensors, whilst the Siggy 12-24mm is full-frame.

I was going to buy one for my 5D mk II to take on hols in a few weeks :) I probably still will, but I'll be buying from a bricks-and-mortar store, so I can try it on my 5D and hopefully look at the pics in detail before I hand over the cash.

Surprising that Sigma haven't done a recall with these lenses.. they must be getting loads returned to the factory..

I suspect a lot of folks using these on crop cameras don't even know they have a problem as the troublesome edge performance is being cropped out?

The last one I got was excellent, totally even centering, and very sharp from 12mm to 24mm at f/5.6 - the one above never got good on the right hand side at all (on a D700)
ahh nuts, Upset now. Is there a big difference between this lens and the canon variant? I thought buying an EX lens would guarantee quality... grrrr
I had a similar problem with the example shown, but mine was bad along the bottom of the frame. I took it back to Jessops and they changed it without a problem, I took some images to show them. The second one I now have is much better but I'm still not sure if it is as good as I am used to from Nikkors. Not had a good chance though to give it a good work out yet, just hope Jessops would still change it if necessary.
Seems like you have to fork out a fortune for the Nikon 14-24 if you want the guaranteed quality, but the Sigma is that bit wider.... Also I have a couple of friends with the Nikkor but they are too scared to use then because of the value and vulnerable front element.
Im on a Canon mount, and i have heard that the 10-22 EF-s can preform well ... sometimes. Dont know if that it sture or not.
It was around 400 with their damage cover
I think I paid £400 for my 10-22 lens. Bought here in the classified section. What made you decide on the sigma over the canon? The range or the price?

I've never dealt with Jessops but I would take it back with those results. Maybe take your camera in to the shop and try another lens for sharpness...
I would take it back for a refund. I would also question the wisdom of geting a full frame lens for a crop camera. Get a 10-20 instead, or a Canon 10-22 if you can stretch to it, or buy a used one - lenses designed for crop format.

You can do that kind of test just by taking a snap across the road, making sure you are square to the subject, and chimp the corners of the image on the LCD on max magnification. Shoot at lowest f/number to minimise depth of field. The corners should all be equally sharp. Don't look for perfection because you wont see it, but at least all four conrers should be the same, even if they're a bit blurry - that's normal even on a top lens. It's a very tough test.
Im on a Canon mount, and i have heard that the 10-22 EF-s can preform well ... sometimes. Dont know if that it sture or not.
Sometimes???? I've never heard anything other than praise for it. The only negative aspect I've ever heard mentioned is the price.
I think the Canon 10-22 is EF-S, didn't someone mention full-frame?
The 10-22 I bought on here second hand, seems to be OK, was recently, ~430

Yes, that's my point really. The OP is on crop format with a 400D. For crop, EFS lenses, or Sigma DC (not DG), can be made cheaper, sharper, lower f/number, smaller and lighter than equivalents designed for full frame. And the lens hood is also optimised for the smaller format. Also, no wide angle for full frame goes down to 10mm.
Also, no wide angle for full frame goes down to 10mm.


10mm on crop is about 15mm or 16mm FoV wise.

So the 12mm on full frame is much wider than even 10mm from the Sigma 10-20 or Canon 10-22 etc.
I didnt indend on buying a lens to be honest, the enemy wanted to go shopping after a session in Bristol Zoo, so we deicded to go to Cribbs. They had a lens on display priced up for Canon, but it was actualy a Nikon fit. They gave me the Cardiff phone number as it was on my way home and i decided to go and get it there.

The only reason was price...
Well just got off the phone to them, they said that they do not have any Sigma 12-24 in stock, but they do have the Tamron 10-24 in stock...

Is this a viable alternative?

10mm on crop is about 15mm or 16mm FoV wise.

So the 12mm on full frame is much wider than even 10mm from the Sigma 10-20 or Canon 10-22 etc.

The OP is on crop format so 10mm is the widest available by some margin. 2mm is 20%. No rectilinear wide angle lens designed for full format goes down to 10mm, as you know full well ;)
Well just got off the phone to them, they said that they do not have any Sigma 12-24 in stock, but they do have the Tamron 10-24 in stock...

Is this a viable alternative?

Yes. Good choice (y)

Edit: actually, I'm getting confused - too many similar wide zooms about :thinking: I don't think it's a stella choice - rather an ambitious zoom range for class leading performance, but I do hear good things about it generally. Certainly a heck of a useful range.

You could always try some test pics in the shop, maybe an A vs B with a lens you like at the same focal length. Jessops can print them out for you in a couple of minutes if they have a mind to ;) A comparison with a Canon 10-22 if they have one, would tell you everything you need to know.
ahh dont know what to do now if i should change it over for a Tamron or have my money back and just keep looking
As I have the full-frame 5D, it's pretty much hobson's choice, the Siggy 12-24mm is the widest Canon-fit full-frame wide-angle zoom out there.. I will be getting one as the results you can get are pretty spectacular. I'll be asking to do some test shots first though!

As i only have a 400d, i thought that getting a EX lens with HSM would ensure quality, and the price was good for it. Oh well, should i change this for the Tamron 10-24mm?
ahh dont know what to do now if i should change it over for a Tamron or have my money back and just keep looking

If it was my money, I'd get a Tokina 12-24 f/4 instead. Can't get them from Jessops, but the price off these online is starting to hit around £300 again and its a nice lens for the money.

Having said that if - with an emphasis on the if you get a good 12-24 they are excellent. However these seem to be built by blind untrained monkeys so keep fingers, toes and everything crossed.

The last 3 Sigma lenses I've bought (all brand new) have been defective. I just lent Sigma UK one of my cameras to trouble shoot another dodgy lens....
What is important is that YOU are happy with the quality of the lens you have in your hands.
I think, from what you have posted so far, that you are not.
I also think that I would not be in your situation.

So, perhaps it would be best to go back to the shop and initially arrange for the fact that you will not be purchasing this particular lens. I suspect that given the evidence that you have, it would be easy to show to the shop owner/attendant that it is not performing its primary function (that of producing a nice picture). Part of it is, part of it isn't.
I would then consider looking at the other lenses, and testing them. If they produce a nice picture, then that is what is important isn't it? I must admit, that all of my lenses are cannons, as I tend to buy online, I can be reasonably sure that they work. But, should I see a nice picture produced by a lens, in my hands, it would not need to be a canon for me to buy it. If you can put the tamron on your camera, and get a good shot, then go for it.
ahh dont know what to do now if i should change it over for a Tamron or have my money back and just keep looking

Act in haste, repent at leisure ;)

I would get the refund and dwell on it a few minutes. There is loads of choice in wide zooms. Have look at He talks straight and has reviewed a lot of them.
Well i phoned Jessops up and the guy said that he didnt have another one there, however when i took the warranty out with them the lady said that if the lens was written off, then a new one would be ordered in for me.
This isn't written off though, it is defective. Not fit for purpose.
You would (/should) have the option to return it.
Yeah but what i am saying is that she said that they would be able to order one... do you think i should order one or just take it back and sit on my hands for a while?

It seems like one hell of a bargain though as a new one in another camera place was £650
Just get a refund - don't let them try to put this through via purchase insurance.

The lens is "not fit for purpose" and you are entitled to a refund.
Get a refund, then get them to order a new one in for you if you want it, with a guaranteed price, if you want, pay for it then. Take your camera when you go to pick it up.
Your warranty/insurance should be cancelled, as it was for a defective item, I believe the law gives you 14 days to cancel any insurance anyway.