
Mr Scrote™ was in court last Thursday with the possibility of being recalled to prison, at the moment I don’t know what he had been charged with. I have learnt that he lives close by and had recently done some garden work for my next door neighbour, she told the police he stole a sum of money from her.

He was sentenced to a community order of 60 hours unpaid work and fined £85 for prosecution costs.

I think of myself as a liberal minded person willing to give people another chance but, if I have understood this correctly, this is ridiculous.

This character has already been sentenced to a prison sentence, which I think means his crime was fairly serious (or he had some previous). I thought that most prisoners were released early but with the proviso that any offence between the early release and the end of the sentence would result in a recall to prison.

60 hours and £85 costs sounds like the penalty for a first offence.


However, I wonder if there is pressure that we do not know about to keep people out of prison because the system is bursting at the seams.
However, I wonder if there is pressure that we do not know about to keep people out of prison because the system is bursting at the seams.

Nail, Hit, Head. (y) Absolutely!

We were burgled quite a few years ago & the toe-rag was eventually caught.
Long story short. Copper told me he was on weekend leave when we were turned over. Hang on, I said, it was on a Wednesday!
Copper; Aye he extended his leave by a couple of weeks. :rolleyes:
I don't know all charges he faced in court but I will be able to find out next week, I didn't get anything back but a voice mail from the police mentioned compensation.
He denied taking the items I reported missing but did say he stole some lengths of wood from my property and used them in his own garden for fencing, weird! I hadn't noticed any wood missing.

Typical thieving scrote ploy. Admit to something minor to deflect accusations that he was there to steal something valuable.
I'm sure he said he took some wood to try to show he was just a poor bloke who had fallen on hard times and really needed to put some fencing up around his garden - ah bless the lying toerag.

Perhaps we should have an offence of 'trespass'. I do not mean something that would allow owners of huge estates to deny access to their land but something along the lines of -

'It is an offence to be within x metres of a house or other building without the owner's permission'. This could exclude delivery persons/utility personnel/emergency services.

You could put an advert in the paper stating you remove everybodys assumed right of access..Everybody apart from X etc

Probably wont mean much though
Holy thread revival batman.
Ok just checked under my Content tab.

Maybe....Just maybe I've not posted since 2015 until this last week or so....And Maybe...Just maybe I may have scrolled down and clicked an old post....