Calling all Mac users!

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Hello guys,

The girlfriend bought a MBP in 2013, 13'' base model with i5 2.5GHz core duo, 4GB RAM etc. She rarely uses it so we are debating doing a swap.

We have been offered a mid 2011 21.5'' iMac with a i5 2.7GHz Quad, 4GB RAM (Which be upgraded to 16GB afterwards so thats no issue) and a 1TB HDD.

Would you say this is a worthwhile swap? The iMac isn't covered under the applecare but the macbook is, (until march).

Mostly I'll be using the machine for general messing around trawling the internet, and obviously photoshop.

Thanks in advance!

quad will be faster for processing (obviously). but like you say could do with more memory for photoshop.

just depends if you want to be stuck with a mirror glossy screen or whether you want the option to get a decent matte IPS monitor.
I could look into getting a matte IPS I suppose, never thought of that! I have heard they are pretty reflective to be fair, although the room I tend to process most of my pictures in shouldn't really struggle from reflection too much as its quite dark.

So you think it would be a worthwhile swap then?
Depends where and when she uses it. Does she use the MacBook at the desk most of the time? If so, then yeh, got for the swap, but if it's used around the house then changing to a desktop might be less than ideal. That's how I'd feel anyway
Hello guys, The girlfriend bought a MBP in 2013, 13'' base model with i5 2.5GHz core duo, 4GB RAM etc. She rarely uses it so we are debating doing a swap. We have been offered a mid 2011 21.5'' iMac with a i5 2.7GHz Quad, 4GB RAM (Which be upgraded to 16GB afterwards so thats no issue) and a 1TB HDD. Would you say this is a worthwhile swap? The iMac isn't covered under the applecare but the macbook is, (until march). Mostly I'll be using the machine for general messing around trawling the internet, and obviously photoshop. Thanks in advance! Ian

We have one of those iMacs. Very good machines. If you and your girlfriend don't mind being fixed to a desk, I would say go for it.

We have no issues as far as reflections are concerned.

You'll also get much more longevity out if the iMac, as it will take 32 GB of RAM!
She never uses the MacBook, just sits there hence why we are looking for One that's fixed to a desk :) bigger screen etc. I bought the max you could run on a 21.5 was 16 GB of RAM though?

Was a little bit iffy about swapping for an older machine at first but I suppose it's not that much older

Thanks for the input
