Calling All Pentax & Samsung Users!!!!!!!

This week, I be waiting for my films to come back from Peak Imaging - couple of B&W and E6 taken on the P50 and Z-1p over the past year...

Long gone are the days when film was 'affordable'. I still have what's left of the batch of EliteChromes I bought from Karstadt in Luebeck, Germany around 2011-2012; €20 for a pack of 5 slide films with processing vouchers. Unfortunately Karstadt is like Debenhams, perpetually in trouble so the vouchers became void... Still €4.00 per slide film. More recently I paid €21 for a single roll of its variant in a shop just down the road.... Waiting to try that out on the Z-1p. What is eye-wateringly expensive now is E6 processing and mounting (£10.50). No more free postage either to Sheffield and P&P prices - was £1.50, now £4.55.
