Camera recommendations

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Hi, I have limited experience of SLRs or the likes mainly as I've never had the time to learn and because I find the list of options overwhelming, I'm very much a point and shoot kinda guy, an opportunist. Previously owning a Pentax Optio S4 and then a Panasonic Lumix TZ7 both compact digital as of which I enjoyed but passed on to my kids as I found I started taking more and more pics just using my iPhone for ease and loving the pics I was getting anyway.

So here I am wanting a camera for times when the iPhone just isn't enough but I have some requirements:

It needs to be compact so that I can carry it round the streets, parks, zoos etc and not see it as a chore to have on me.

Needs to be digital so that I can keep saving images to my MAC

Needs to be basic. Like I say, point and shoot is where I'm at, I'm not bothered about touch screen, lots of settings, lots of controls. I want something I can pretty much grab and use. Simpler the better.

I'd prefer to have interchangeable lenses so that I can actually get some zoom when needed or have just some versatility but without going over board.

I'd like it to have a vintage look if possible but not essential.

Which brings me round to my question. If you were looking at these criteria what would be your recommendation not factoring in cost? And if cost was an issue say a camera under £1000 matching those criteria, what would that be?
I think you have given us an impossible task! Assuming you are going to buy a well known brand of camera then image quality is not likely to be an issue. Whilst you say you want interchangeable lenses to "get some zoom", but there are a number of compacts which have a huge zoom capability. E.g. the Canon G3X has a zoom range of 24mm to 600mm (full frame equivalent) and functions well as a point and shoot, albeit its ultimate capabilities would be greatly underused.

The best I can advise is to handle several cameras which take your fancy as in your case I reckon handling and ease of use will be major factors and you can gauge those qualities only by personal contact.

I'm not sure why you want to spend so much on a point and shoot model, but hey it's your cash.
Thank you for the quick reply and this is probably where I'm struggling lol

I loved the Pentax optio when I had it but the zoom wasn't sufficient.

The Panasonic tz7 was lovely and the 20x zoom was probably sufficient but for me it had too many functions and I found it confusing picking the best settings for each moment.

I love the idea of the old 35mm cameras were you simply used the lens to focus and clicked but I want it to be digital for saving pics along with my others.

As for the price I don't really want to spend that much but my searches are all bringing back examples in those brackets likes of the Fuji x100, the Olympus pen-f or the Leica M
Guess what I was hoping for was that with the number of members on her, some may have a few cameras but a certain go to camera that matches closely to the above requirements and from those recommendations I can go try a few and maybe have a better idea of where I'm heading :)
I would say based on your requirements the olympus range may be ideal. I had am E-M10 mkii with a small pancake lens (can't remember the focal length) and a 50-300 (of something similar) so you have the range when you need it and when you just want to walk about with it you have a relatively tiny camera, with retro looks!

The advantage of the Micro 4/3 cameras is there small and light lenses compared the equivalent lenses for cameras with bigger sensors
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If you wait until later this evening you may get more replies.

What have you looked at so far? Your criteria so far takes out most cameras people on here use. It may be worth looking at Olympus or Fuji, but it depends what you call compact and easy to carry as they are going to bebigger than a phone. Anything with changeable lenses especially if you carry additional lenses may start to be seen as a chore, it all depends on what you want it to be for.
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Needs to be basic. Like I say, point and shoot is where I'm at, I'm not bothered about touch screen, lots of settings, lots of controls. I want something I can pretty much grab and use. Simpler the better.
Fuji X-Series, and given the above requirement for something basic you could look at the more affordable X-T10 (and the announced but not yet released X-T20) as well as the X-T1, X-T2 or X-Pro2.
How negotiable is the vintage look?

The obvious camera to me for that criteria set would be an Olympus micro four thirds (M43) camera, probably with a pancake zoom or prime lens and a superzoom for flexibility. You can just chuck the thing in iAuto mode and fire away with the camera doing the donkey work. At the same time, with a prime lens it will be capable of handling more challenging environments with less light.

This would be more flexible & best value:
And pair with this for compactness & high quality images:


This would be more compact than the first outfit:
And pair with this for more flexibility:
Every camera has a full auto mode so you don't have to choose the settings yourself if you don't want to. Any system camera or DSLR with a zoom lens is going to be bigger than the compacts you've had already so you need to accept that you will be carrying a larger camera but will see improvements in autofocus speed and low light performance over a point and shoot in return.
Trying to address everyone in this post with me being new here and wanting to welcome any input (I'm very happy so far)

Michael - thank you I'll take a look (edit - just realised this is the one in ancient mariners links too, looks in right range for me, I'll be investigating further)

Rob - no rush as not buying just yet so plenty time for feedback coming through :)

I've only really read up on line at mo and more so the ones in original posts, I find whenever I go into a store they always push for the sale and not my requirements and as a novice they have me over a barrel

As for compactness I'm not looking as small as those I've owned and certainly not as small as a phone, I'm planning on using this on days out with the kids or to actually go out with the purpose of shooting some pics so I'm happy with some size but equally I want lightweight, comfortable to handle and not bags and bags of equipment

Alastair - I'll take a look thanks

Ancient mariner - vintage isn't essential I'm just trying to avoid something that's too techy, and at first glance I like where your heading, I'll take a greater look when I have a little more time (getting ready for work at mo)

Yellowbelly - as above I'll take a look, all info is welcomed, thanks for the link.

Steve - I think a lot of cameras I've seen have gone into function overkill and offer to many settings and often complex, that's the part I'm trying to avoid I guess

Thanks everyone for the warm welcome to the site so far and he productive comments coming through.

Ps I'll not be addressing everyone like this going forward but felt it right at this initial contact, thanks again everyone
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Decide whether you want a viewfinder, or if you are happy to take pictures looking at the screen on the back.
I really don't mind, it's nice to be able to hold the camera out and see a digital display but equally something appealing about holding the camera up close and snapping the old fashioned way. I'm not fussed about the idea of moveable displays though, those that clip out and pivot but again not a major factor for me
Ancient mariner - vintage isn't essential I'm just trying to avoid something that's too techy, and at first glance I like where your heading, I'll take a greater look when I have a little more time (getting ready for work at mo)

We bought my wife an E-M10 MkI last year to replace her Panasonic TZ10 compact. The version with the pancake lens is a little bigger, but not enormously larger, however having a viewfinder helper her compose images (and keep them straight instead of tilting) compared to viewing on the rear screen. May preference is for something larger, because I find it easier to handle, but her camera has produced some perfectly acceptable results with the tiny zoom lens. If it were mine, I would probably buy just a couple of prime lenses and a long-ish zoom.
Nice one, something to think about.

If this link works it should show some pics I've taken. The ones near the bottom were on the optio s4 then they move to the tz7 and the rest then all on the iPhone. Should give a feel for the type of shot I like to take:
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Nice one, something to think about.

If this link works it should show some pics I've taken. The ones near the bottom were on the optio s4 then they move to the tz7 and the rest then all on the iPhone. Should give a feel for the type of shot I like to take:

I could only see the top few images because Pinterest blocks non-members, but I think you'd find it would do most of what you wanted to do.
Ah right, I hadn't realised Pinterest did that. Thank you though

One thing I'm liking (demonstrated in this review) is the option to prefix settings and alternate through them quickly, that would give me the opportunity to select a couple settings i like based on my photography styles. Not sure how many others do this but this looked real simple to set up and use

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I would certainly visit a dealer and look at the Olympus and Panasonic 4/3 cameras but make sure you check out the range of Fuji X cameras.
I eventually went with the Fuji X pro 1 and as part of a kit I got a 18mm f2.0 and the 27mm f2.8 lens both really small compact quality lenses.
I then added the X -T10 body and XC 16-50mm and XC 50-230mm both light weight quality zoom lenses.
Don't rule out used/sh there are some real bargains out there.
One plus the Oly/Pan offer is IBIS where as you need to purchase OIS lenses on the current range of Fuji bodies :)
Enjoy your shopping and research (y)
(Duplicate post and by sure how to delete sorry)
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I'm already ruling out Panasonic to be honest mainly because I don't like the physical controls on them, the way the feel and operate.

The x pro 1 wouldn't be in my list of choices but I can see you've also mentioned the xt10, so far it's looking like I need take a look further at both the xt10 and the em10 mark 2. I do wonder if any others crop up from members or if more come up with either of these choices as their favourites too.

I found this comparison which shows the two as pretty much like for like specification wise however I don't know what I'm looking at really as to which specs really make a difference or the ones I should be looking for (more reading up needed or someone may want to point out specs that really matter)
A key difference is that the Fuji has a larger sensor of a slightly different type. That means that when you have to push sensitivity for low light then the Fuji *may* give less noise/grain appearance in the images than the Olympus. It also means that Fuji lenses will be larger and heavier compared to the equivalent M43 lens.
Thank you, well so far the Olympus is sounding more appealing and I'm looking forward to seeing how they both feel and whether anything else gets thrown in the pot to try (then I'll have to start new threads to learn how to get he best out of my choice )
Well it’s been a while since I have been on here. I have continued to use my iPhone SE and opened myself an insta account which I’ve been happily sharing pics on (mrsut2), I continued to look at the suggested cameras and watched review after review and today I went and purchased the following deal and expect delivery this week thank you to everyone for their input:


with 14-42 mm f/3.5-5.6 Lens

SD Memory Card 32GB

SCCAM16 Camcorder Bag - Grey
11BD08C9-76ED-475E-8352-2838C6B5D514.jpeg BB42A4BC-3DCB-4BEA-903E-6F8F8184E5F4.jpeg 8464FDA2-F054-4935-9C3F-5E776E4A2A23.jpeg 2F76872E-AA34-421D-8869-2143D42769D0.jpeg C6262E49-8EE6-4A0C-B3E1-8E8E843C9CF0.jpeg So as mentioned this is a new venture for me, I have a lot to learn and haven’t had the time as yet so have snapped away getting a feel for the camera in mainly auto mode and I’m pretty happy so far: