Camera stolen at wedding - gutted *Update*

dad had similar **** happen a couple years ago in manchester,filming a wedding,outside the church some scum charged out of the bushes and scooped his camera with tripod and ran,i was not there but dad 65 chased him into a housing estate,but he got away!

when returning to there car parked close to the church,found side window smashed and reserve camera hidden under the seat missing FFS !

obviously the scum are wise to weddings and the profits ! to be made !:nuts:
What a shocker. I feel for you and the wedding couple. I hope they find the culprick and beat the *insert word* out of him/her/them.
Now i know im gonna get a few bad comments here but if you leave a camera lying around it gonna go walkabout eventually (20 mins is a long time really).
true,as my previous post the camera needs to be pad locked to your belt !!

then your pants will still be pulled down by the scum !
Have you checked the Hotel CCTV? Surely it would show someone, somewhere with a bag/camera?
That's awful, sorry you've had to experience this ... I hope it turns-up, somehow :shrug:
bigbigblue now that *is* a good idea!
that totally sucks

really do feel for you, with camera, hired lens and worst of all pictures which can't be replaced.

having got married not long ago, things like this go through my mind
Colin sorry to hear about the loss of kit mate...

There are some light fingered @£*$@£'s around... hope you get a bit of luck and it turns up at the venue...

Hi Col,

Really sorry to hear that mate, it's a double whammy when things you've worked hard for get stolen by some k*****r.

Let's put a little faith in some good old fashioned karma (y).
Shocking and so sad - not just for you but for the B&G too.

I would do it now Colin, sooner rather than later give no time for the trail to go cold.


I'd do this too, as well as reviewing the photos. The sooner the Police are involved the better. While they probably won't find the kit, it'll make it less likely that the insurance people ask questions.
Sorry to hear about this Colin
fingers crossed and all that
Really sorry to hear the news Colin. Hope everything works out.
I was following this and hoping to see a happy conclusion. I guess it doesn't look likely, but here's hoping.

It's really depressing being a victim of crime. Every time you put a bag down, you will be reminded of the incident. At least for the first few weeks.

It goes much deeper than the monetary loss. Emotionally you will trust people that little bit less.

My thoughts would be to turn it into a positive and use the opportunity to upgrade. Maybe try and squeeze another wedding in or do an additional job to raise the cash, but just try to make it work in your favour.

Hope it doesn't set you back too much.

im with everyone else here^^^^^ sorry to here this
Bummer mate. I don't know if you know but theres been cases in the past where thieves will target expensive wedding venues, often dressed smartly or as guests, not saying thats the case here but worth keeping in mind.
Well, this has got me thinking.I`m forever putting one of my cameras down at weddings,not any more.Yeah ok, they are insured,but the images on the cards are not.

Sorry for your loss Colin,but I guess some of us have learnt from this unpleasant experience.
Sorry to here that Colin. With luck it may turn up.
Oh my god - how horrible. Im suprised that this has happened in such an exclusive venue.... you have to pay the price of a camera to be able to afford to stay there (well... im over exagerating... you may get a penny or 2 in change)

But still, what ever low life scum would do such a thing???

I live in Horsham and find it such a wonderful place.... so I am really suprised.
How horrible for you. I believe the worst thing is the trust you lose.

Items can be replaced and apart from the hassle it causes that can be sorted.

It will really leave a bad taste in your mouth for a while but chin up and carry on.

Best wishes.

By the way are you covered on the insurance because you left the camera unattended. [this is not a dig just curious]
By the way are you covered on the insurance because you left the camera unattended. [this is not a dig just curious]

Define unattended though. In the same room? 10 feet? In bodily contact with?

So long as it is within your normal working range then I'd have to say it's attended. :)
Define unattended though. In the same room? 10 feet? In bodily contact with?

So long as it is within your normal working range then I'd have to say it's attended. :)

normal working range would be in my hands.

I am not having a dig just curious cause I know insurance companies will try and wriggle out of anything.

I never put the camera down at a wedding except to eat and then its on the table.

All the other stuff is in the back pack either at my feet or on my back.

I truly hope the insurance pay out and all is well.:)
What a lousy thing to happen. It must have been a nightmare trying to concentrate on the rest of the wedding, and I hope at least some of the shots were covered on another camera.

If they catch the ******* I hope they don't just get a slap on the wrist and told not to be so naughty again. Sadly, I don't hold out much hope on that front.

Hope all the support on here helps!

Sorry to hear of your loss, and I hope it is all resolved satisfactorily.

I must admit when I was doing weddings I was a bit more paranoid about my gear and rarely let it out of my sight, it could become a real hindrance at times though so I can understand you putting it down.
It makes me so mad... and if they catch the thieving scum they won't get a proper punishment to deter others from doing the same :bang:

Hope the B&G are understanding and on your side.

Any tell-tale dings or marks on the body or lens to watch out for on ebay and the like?
Wow..Colin..what bad news:(
Can only echo what everyone else has said..Lets hope all turns out ok and they find the little low life..i personally wanna kick his arse..
does the hotel have CCTV in the room you were in, might be worth checking, I really feel for you, although the loss of the camera is a blow the loss of the images is really soul destroying, I can understand why it affected the rest of your day.

Hope you get it back or they at least have the decency to post the card back to the hotel when they see what's on it, it might be worth contacting the local paper to see if they'll run a story about the distraught bride and groom who've lost their wedding photos, play it up and they may run it.
Sorry to hear of your bad luck Colin. Fingers crossed something turns up.
Sorry to here that Colin, I hope you at least get the card back, the camera and lens can at teh end of the day be replaced (not that it should have to be w4nkers) but the photos are irriplacceable.
I hope they catch whoever took it and give them more than the usual slap on the wrist and told not to be so naughty :annoyed: