Camping food


On the hit list !!!
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this is the second time this year i will be going fishing my only problem was i found it the same boring food and wasnt sure what to make / eat while away

bacon,eggs,sausages are out the question ,

last time i had chicken noodles which were great but not filling enough for me

any suggestions on some hot food / dinners needs to be simple to cook / prepare

only got a single stove cooker
Are you after recipies for stuff to make, or dehydrated food you can just add boiling water to?
your local Army suplus store may well have ration packs in there.. and not too expencive just need one stove a pan and some water.
How about the tinned stews, beans n sausages, raviloi, spag bol etc ... some of them do not taste too bad. My lot take them to festivals etc :)
Due to this thread I am now contemplating weather or not it's possible to cook a Frey Bentos pie in a camp fire.
Go to Waitrose and buy their ready meals in a bag. Lots of choices and all you do is tip the contents into a saucepan and heat them. We carry a supply in our motorhome so that we are never without a meal if we've stopped somewhere far from the shops. They really are good and tasty, with none of that "chemical" taste that comes with dehydrated meals. Add some bread and you'll not go hungry.
Due to this thread I am now contemplating weather or not it's possible to cook a Frey Bentos pie in a camp fire.

Get a tin/pan/box to put it in and shove it on the fire! 25 years of Scouting
and it was my favourite meal!!
May seem a bit odd when you're fishing, but boil in the bag fish in sauces is always tasty, and you can add some veg in the boiling water too.

and also make some instant mash

if you have a camp fire wrap a potato in tin foil chuck it on the fire, when done cut open put some cheese in and pour baked beans on.

for a snack toast some crumpets and smoother them with butter
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Google 'Cooking for Campers' loads of recipes on there. There is also a book of the same name if you can get hold of a copy! I have been meaning to make these for a very long time...

no point in those chemical-y bagged foods imo unless you need light weight or storage is an issue, just think of it as cooking normally, but you've only got (say) 2 small saucepans/mess tins and just 1 'hob' ring.

stir fry, chilli, spag bol and pasta dishes are always easy, couscous is very compact and cooks well too and goes well with sauce based stuff.

boil veg (those packs of mangetout, baby corn and carrots are great) in one mess tin, bash a bit of foil over it while you cook supernoodles in the other tin from the set, then drain them, throw a bit of oil in one tin and fry it all up a bit works. Add in meat/fish if that's your thing...

pasta is an awesome staple, just cook, drain it, add cherry tomatoes, mozzarella, bit of dried basil, some torn up ham, and stir in half a jar of pesto, and a bit of olive oil, heat it for a little bit longer, done, and all in just one pan and with one fork.

if you've got a fire going, the old classic jacket potatoes in foil works well, as does garlic bread, and fish wrapped in foil and put on a grill above the fire works great too - or BBQ whole fish (sardines works well, dunno what kind of fish you're catching?) or similar, serve with couscous or even just bread

all depends how gourmet you want to go lol, and how long you're staying, what storage you have etc, and if you're going by car or hiking...
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storage for food aint a problem so i would probally say i wont be buying ration packs

im more after diffrent ideas of what to cook when im out camping / fishing

Eat what you catch! IIRC, most species caught in the UK are edible but some may be a bit fiddly due to bones.
carbonara sauce, and you could mix it with some of those ready made raviolli etc packs from the fridge section (you could even buy the sauce if you want. we;ve done that a few times when camping.

other idea is to buy a tin of tomatos, a jar of pataks curry paste, get some chicken or whatever and cook up a curry, not sure how it would work with regards to rice, you could throw the rice in with the curry and do it all in one pot if your only able to do one pot cookery.
take a few sarnies and rolls in a cool box
get a little toaster that fits on top of a gas stove for breakfast time
couple of poached eggs on toast
then call the local kebab or chinese for your evening meal
pot noodles are a handy snack
Take your chicken noodles and stick them between two slices of bread! Carbtastic and much more filling! ;)
cous cous is another brilliant camping food, lightweight and all you need to cook it is water. Heat the water and pour it on the cous cous, leave it to absorb while you use the pan to cook some chicken or fish etc. Some nice sauces and you have the basis of a really good meal. And the extra hot water can be used for doing the dishes! :)
Yep - UK Armed Forces 24-hr ORP (Operational Ration Packs) now up to about 25 menus plus Halal, Kosher and vegetarian/Vegan options with hot and cold-weather supplements.

Absolutely, Positively the best in the World, bar none...

The Yanks will sell each other's kidneys for one of our 'rat-packs' I **** you
Couple of large tupperware boxes filled with precooked stovies, one pot to cook it is all thats needed and one plate to eat it off, or use the tupperware box...delicous.
To be honest I still eat as well as I do at home whilst camping but we do have a campervan, so have no restrictions on weight and carrying stuff and the luxury of a hob and oven,

But there are lots of prepacked and dried foods, you could get,
Soup (of the hearty kind) with crusty bread is always a winner for me re being filling. Pasta (fresh to cook quicker) and stir in sauce is also nice and simple but filling. Or fresh pasta with smoked salmon, prawns and creme fraiche (sp?) is LOVELY.

More exciting options -

Chilli with boil in the bag rice or in a wrap / taco shells
Any kind of stew
Jambalya (you could chuck in those uncle bens express rice pouches to save you having to boil up rice). I do a very lazy version with precooked chicken, chopped up chorizo, prawns and a load of rice / onion / peppers and some spice mix - good one pot dinner. You can do the same sort of thing with the right spices and tin of tomatos to make a paella-esque dish.

... or raid the tinned aisle of the supermarket - theres bound to be lots of tinned one pot stuff.

oooh - and pancakes for brekky is a must. Get one of those bottles half filled with batter powder - you just have to add milk, shake, and you're ready to cook.
How about making some food before you go fishing/camping, put it in some tuppaware and it'll defrost while you're there so all you need to do is heat it up. I've done spag bol and corned beef hash like that and it's easy and tastes great. Of course it depends how good a cook you are.
Alex cant you take a couple of disposable BBQ's? We use them sometimes in the summer for picnics etc. Between that and a stove, you can cook pretty much anything.
Open the Fray Bentos tin first though or it is likely to explode.

Goes without saying! (or does it?:shrug:)

Anyway, if you don't open it, the pastry won't puff!!:D
We have a twin-burner stove with a grill underneath, and it's fantastic as it means we can cook proper meals. I appreciate you're probably trying to travel light but a second stove makes a big difference.