Can I rescue this?

Edit My Images
This is the only shot I was able to get of my daughter's first stage performance. After the show Joseph came out to do some autographs. I got it all wrong and used the pop up flash.:bang: This left me with the shadow on the right. I know its crap etc:thumbsdown:....But can I rescue it?


I have PSE 5 and have been able to get to the image below. Basically I used a second layer and filter mask to try to adjust the two layers to balance.

I'm sure an expert out there can tell me how to do it better.

Hmm - I preferred the first! You could try putting a graduated exposure filter on the rhs to gently lift the shadow without overdoing it. I had a quick go in lightroom and got this:


I would then improve it further by using an exposure adjustment brush on the darkest shadow on the shirt.


Cheers Phil!

THe first is an unprocessed RAW converted to JPG. The second was the RAW edited in ACR and PSE5. The second is by no means good i know. It was the best i could get. I'll give the graduated filter idea a go.
Lightroom should get some of the shadowing out, would be better with the original RAW file though I would have thought. Just had a quick go by copying the picture from here.........

I'm sure some of the pro's here will help more.

Make a selection, FEATHER IT, then click on brightness (or do it with levels or curves if you prefer) and it will create a layer mask meaning you adjust brightness only for that selected area.

For the best result, repeat several times with different selections until it looks natural.
What you need here is a balancing act between the guys shirt which is in deep shadow and cannot be fully rescued as there is no detail there and it just produces noise and the little girl who is nearer the camera and is exposed differently to the guy.

I used Elements (as that is what you are using) and adjustment layers for simplicity.

1-balence the exposure on the guys face by usind a levels layer in conjunction with the graduate filter.

2- I then used another Levels Adjustment layer and mask to take the exposure of the girl down.

3-control click on the mask to make a selection and then add another Levels adjustment layer which will automaticly select the guy and background only, use this to fine balence the exposure between the two subjects.

4- finaly a contrast and brightness layer to fine tune.

As i said with this is about tonaly balencing the image within what is possible without degradation to the image quality , I hope this is of some help to you.:)
