Can this be done...?

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At the safari, I just caught this girl's reactions as the sealion came from no-where to swim past

Which I like, but I don't know if it's possible to clear up the reflections in the glass. I did have a polariser, but it's useless in the bag isn't it :(

The other idea is that I have another shot from the same position where the sealion is much clearer, but again my PS skills aren't honed enough for me to know where to start.


(Ohh if this is in the wrong part of the forum, please let me know and I'll move it around)
That's going to be a tall order tbh. You'd need to do a lot of cloning. To remove the reflections from the water is achievable but to remove the reflected grill from the sea lion's body would be very tricky :(
ok, so next time take a better photo? ;)
lol I know how you feel! It's not uncommon to go through your photos and find quite a few "what could have been" shots. I was on holiday in Florida a while ago and took loads of photos of a gorilla through glass - not one of them were usable shots, no matter how many times I looked at them I couldn't find one without a reflection in the wrong place :(
I'd be tempted to give the cloning route a go if you like the image that much.
You should easily be able to remove the sealion as it is & then place the better version into the scene convincingly (I may however be wrong - depends on the other image/girls reflection really :shrug:)
You should post up both versions & see if anyone fancies having a go at sorting it (y)
I have an idea, will post if it work :p if you never see me again it didnt! hehe


Didnt work as well as I was hoping :( - lost any detail in the sealion now looks a bit like a black blob :(

Really quick & dirty but you get the idea ;):


Thanks for your help, I do have another image which I was thinking would work for a replacement sea-lion... which I can't upload for some reason so I'll have to do it in the morning.

Thanks for the help on this, I'll be sure to post what I've done up here for everyones amusement ;)

I must really sit down one evening and play around, instead of the cooking / work / sleeping that seems to be wasting so many of my 24 hours.. ::cautious:

This only took a few minutes, it's not a lot better, but it's removed the shadows.

I tried and tried at this, and sorry but this is the best I could do :):)

Still can't stop laughing at it. Hope it was meant as a p*ss take ..... lol
Awwwww...... and to think I spent hours at that...:wave:

Yes... just for a laff!!! Hope you enjoyed it!
Hurrah to theMusicMan :LOL: