Candid pictures at Thai culture festival


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So, I'm going to this on Sunday -

I've started to realise I particularly enjoy taking candid portrait photographs, but so far have only taken photos of my fiance's parents. I want to just go out there and take such photos, but I'm incredibly timid and don't usually even try. I thought the above festival (or whatever it's meant to be) might be a good opportunity to try it out though. I have a few questions.

Is it generally acceptable to take photos at these sort of events? Will people be expecting it and not care or are they likely to become confrontational or annoyed?

Am I actually allowed to take photos there, if there are no signs or anything mentioning it? And then am I allowed to, say, put them up here for critique? I wouldn't want to or even know how to use them commercially, so that's not an issue.

Is it possible I might get my camera stolen? Apparantly a lot of people go there each year. I'm 5'1 and basically useless at defending myself. I won't be by myself, but it'll only be me and my fiance, and possibly his mum.

Thanks for any replies.
I would say just go for it. As long as there are no signs prohibiting photography you should be fine. Also, if you spend your time there worrying about your gear then you won't get any decent photographs :) Just enjoy yourself! I wander round Liverpool City Centre every day with my camera around my neck and have never had any problems (y)

Make sure you post some pictures in the forums here when you return, it sounds like it will be full of good opportunities :D
I'll try not to worry about the camera getting stolen, then. My main concern at the moment is whether people are likely to be aggressive about me taking photographs of them.

Make sure you post some pictures in the forums here when you return, it sounds like it will be full of good opportunities
Will do :)
There will be hundreds of people with cameras. Events such as this are perfect practice for candid stuff. Everyone will be too busy enjoying themselves to notice anyway :)
Alright - I'll do it then. Wish me luck! Lol. :)
Well, it was a learning experience... don't try to use manual focus when you're trying to take a quick photograph... I was too shy to take many, got about four overall and they were nothing like what I was aiming for - not worth putting on here either. Think my confidence needs to improve before I try again, lol.
The first one is always the hardest Lucy, I know, I have just had the same experience, although I have been at this game for over 30 years I do not often get involved with large groups of people.

This bank holiday however two of my nieces were appearing in an open air concert at the Arundel Festival and their parents wanted me to take photo's of them on stage, never done this before, but thought what the hell give it a go.

I managed to get around 24 reasonable pics and put them on facebook in a friends folder and so far I have had 42 e-mails from people in the pics, some wanting to use them for profile pics, I am quite pleased with the outcome and will do it again, I'm sure you will as well.
