Cannock Chase Birds.


TPer Emeritus
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Irritating real world problems have been keeping me away from the camera of late, but we managed to escape to Cannock Chase this morning to have a go at the bird life. It was absolutely painfully cold and obviously siitting in the shade and keeping still didn't help matters at all! I had a pretty lucky day though all in all and bagged a lot of shots. I've picked these few shots out on a quick sift through.


Female Bullfinch

Male Bullfinch



I was chuffed to get this shot. Cannock Chase is home to lots of Bramblings, but they weren't about today and I got this shot towards the end when this lone bird turned up.

Coal Tit


At times despite the cold, the light was wonderful.

All shots were taken at 700mm and 800 ISO

Still thawing out! :D
wah :crying:
these are so good it hurts!
Brilliant set again CT :notworthy:
A wonderful set of pics CT. I especially like the last one, that would have been a perfect shot if the bird was standing on th edge of the bird table instead of in it so that we could see the feet.
Nice set CT :clap: Male Bullfinch really stands out for me,striking colours (y)
absolutely blinding set the 1st male bullfinch for me as well
Fabulous series, the light was obviously superb, can't choose a favourite but the bullfinches are great. I was lucky enough to have about 4 a day visiting my sunflower seed feeder in the summer, I went on holiday, the feeder emptied and they vanished :crying::crying:

Totaly stunning CT.
Speechless, simply superb is all I can say(y)
You old bugger you havent lost your touch..:D

Stunning shots Cedric.(y)
OMG!!! how gorgeous are these then!!!
A real variety there & some absolute stunners too.
Beautiful light & bokeh in every one! :notworthy:

I nearly went to the Chase myself this afternoon but ended up at Swindon golf course instead.
Went looking for wildlife came back with a pic of the moon :LOL:
The usual top standard CT. Great stuff
I especially like the last one, that would have been a perfect shot if the bird was standing on th edge of the bird table instead of in it so that we could see the feet.

I know! This was the closest I got, but the head wasn't as good. :(

Thanks for the comments everyone, they're much appreciated. :)
Bullfinch shot for me CT - Top quality as usual...
Do you manage/need or want to sell these on to RSPB etc?

Thanks mate. (y)

I'm not really bothered one bit about selling them, I've had a lifetime of the commercial side of the game and I really love just pleasing myself these days. ;)

The truth is though that there are some pretty awesome bird togs about - check out the standard on some of the specialist bird photography forums.

What stuff I do sell tends to be via enquiries through my web site with people wanting pics of particular shots, but i wont be getting rich on the sales, and I'm honestly not bothered. :D
I love the chubby chaffinch!! makes me think of :D
Nice shots,but they all look a little over sharpend to me.
Halos and unatural white highlights on the feather detail.
Sorry :(
Id like to see them without so much "slider" applied.
:clap::clap: Haven't seen your shots for ages, difficult to believe they could improve but these are stunning Cedric. Great light on the last of the first set as you say.

These are full fame by the looks of it, at 700mm, ohhh blimey I'm so jealous. ;)

Congats on such an excellent day. (y)

Thanks Adam. :)

Don't be too jealous Adam, these are quite substantial crops, even at 700mm and the range was around 30 feet. Filling the frame is well nigh impossible with small birds of this size. I could have got closer (and probably will do next time) - minimum focusing distance with this lens is just over 15 feet, but then you run into DOF problems and have difficulty getting both feet in focus. You rarely have the luxury of being able to stop down much.