Canon 5D MK I 'classic' - owners thread

Does anyone else find their 5D under expose a little?

I find mine seems to produce images that are very slightly flat and need a bit of post processing tweaking...

Here's a couple of straight out of camera images... What's your opinion?

Test 2 @ 0EV by mrdaveyoung, on Flickr

Test 1 @ 1/3EV by mrdaveyoung, on Flickr
Dunno about under exposing but I agree that straight out of the camera the RAW's look slightly flat, dunno about JPEG's as I never shoot them.

If it's JPEG's that you're talking about I think it'll just be down to the 5D being an older design. Like my 300D, 10D and 20D the output will look flat when compared to a newer camera as these days the output is a lot more punchy, back in the day the output was a bit flatter as it was assumed that people would want to process their own shots.

I never bothered with the in camera JPEG tweaks, but I assume they'd help to produce a punchy JPEG straight from the camera.
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I find my 5D/1 doesn't seem to perform well in bright sunny weather, awful images I feel. Time to try sell my 5D/1 for the Mk2 version at some stage soon...

I've read that even in large prints of whole images there's next to no difference so I wonder what the problem is with your 5Dc?

Mine performs very well and to be honest I don't see any need to "upgrade" for image quality reasons, even ISO 3200 seems to be good. It may be wortrh buying a new body for features, maybe? but would you gain any image quality by going for a different body?

PS. You do shoot RAW don't you?
No I only shoot jpeg. I haven't a clue about digital editing at all, I've no special editing software as I don't understand it and wouldn't have a clue how to work it.
I use a basic (free) editing programme called 'faststone', that's it....

Jpeg for me works a treat, I like it simple.
Well, have you tried altering the contrast and saturation etc via the in camera settings?

Really though I think that you should think about shooting RAW and doing basic processing. All you really need to do is basic stuff like altering the contrast, saturation etc... and I think you'll be a lot happier.

As you shoot JPEG I think that you may well see an improvement if you change to a newer camera but that'll cost a lot of money and I really think you'd see a greater improvement by shooting RAW.

It's a shame you're so far away, I'd happily spend a few hours taking you through some very basic RAW processing. Maybe there's a 5D user near you who could give you some pointers or maybe there are some tutorials on youtube?

Once you dive in processing RAW files isn't that difficult and I think it really does help, especially with older cameras that don't tend to give really punchy JPEG's straight out of the camera.
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It maybe worth downloading beta version of Lightroom 5 and shooting a few images in RAW to see how to get on with it Peter. Alternatively LR4 is relatively cheap to buy nowadays, but I'm unsure of the upgrade to 5 options when that comes along.

I've shot with RAW for a while now, and like its non destructive processing abilities.

As Alan says, maybe worth a shot rather than fork out for a new body.
Thanks for the advice and help.

Yes last year I downloaded the free trails of LR4 and LR5 and another as well, after i shot many images via raw on my 5D/1 I couldn't even import an image onto the page to start, that's how dumb I am.................haha.

I was TOTALLY lost not knowing what to do, I'm happy pottering about using basic jpeg etc....
This thread and others like it have convinced me to pick up a 5Dc in a couple of months, they're a complete bargain for the prices they're going for now. There's one for sale on another forum for £470 with a battery grip (mint, 11k actuations), just a shame I'll have to wait for a couple of months, would have snapped it up otherwise. Will most probably pick up a 50mm f/1.8 to go with it.

Used to have a Nikon D70 back in the day which I loved, something about FF that makes it special though :) Sister has a 550d which I've used a bit but it feels tiny in my hands, need something bigger :D
You won't regret it Paul, they're a great bit of kit (y) Just be mindful of any quoted shutter actuations quoted, as far as I'm aware unless the body goes back to Canon there's no way of knowing how many images one has actually taken.

The 50mm f1.8 is a great little lens and a good starting point too for the money.

Good luck with your search :)
Love the leaves shot :D

I agree about 5D's being a bargain. I've felt no need to go for a later model and from what I've read you have to go to very high ISO settings or print the size of a barn to see any difference. There have been some interestng threads on Luminous Landscape comparing different cameras which have confirmed my own thoughts.

I can think of two ways in which a 5D could be improved upon... add sensor cleaning and a better sealed body as dust in the VF is something I hate more than dust on the sensor (at least that's easier to clean off.) Other than that a built in flash would be wonderful and in body IS would be a dream... a dream that Canon will never fulfil.

I haven't used my 5D since December as I mostly use MFT but it is a god camera and can produce really nice images. This little self portrait :D is one of the last I took, with a Sigma 20mm attached...

I can think of two ways in which a 5D could be improved upon... add sensor cleaning and a better sealed body as dust in the VF is something I hate more than dust on the sensor (at least that's easier to clean off.) Other than that a built in flash would be wonderful and in body IS would be a dream... a dream that Canon will never fulfil.

I'm with you, I'd like to have sensor cleaning, it was a useful option on the 40D I had. Auto ISO on manual programs such as Av and Tv would be great as well. Other than that, I'd like a bigger screen too as I'm a 'chimper' :LOL:

So I guess we're looking at a 5D2 then :bonk:

I forgot auto ISO. It's great on my G1. Although one nice touch over some other DSLR's is that you can check and alter the 5D's ISO without taking your eye from the VF. That's a step up from my 20D.

I have thought about getting a newer full frame body but to be honest the image quality of the 5D is good enough, in fact it's the best digital camera I've ever owned or used.

I would possibly think about that new small full frame jobbie (6D?) but the max shutter speed is 1/4000 which means using ND's and yet again there's no built in flash. So I'm keeping my 5D and I might actually start to use it more as although I'd hoped that CSC were the way forward for me companies making them just seem to be missing so many opportunities to take sales from DSLR's.
How do you check and alter ISO without taking eyes from VF Alan? I always find it a pain to find the button on the top.

Is there a trick I'm missing which makes it simple?

All you can do is count the buttons, from left or right - it'll amount to the same thing - and try and remember... :D
Hi Peter, really interested in your Hellios MF Lens, the results you get are really good! I am worried about the dreaded mirror hitting lens scenario though... Can you get away with it with this lens without using an extension tube?