Canon 5D MK I 'classic' - owners thread

Birchwood Casey gun finish touch up paint stick in flat black. I'll try it and report back.
Standard Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 lens, attached to an EF 12mm MkII extension tube shot at f/2.8


Canon 5D MkI
Love all the recent shots, that dog shot is wonderful, the cat and flowers too :D
Thanks, the only lens I have that for a just now is an old mk1 50 1.8 I'm borrowing until I get my 34-105. Its really making me want another 50mm. I had the mk2 for my 500D but I never got on with the focal length on crop, to 'zoomed'... now I'm using it for landscapes :bonk:
Thanks, was lit with an LED Lenser P7, great torch for light painting, with a red gelled strobe fired in The back windows... I went a bit over the top with the store forgot I was at ISO 1600 oops.

That samyang looks solo nice, going to have to save my pennies I think.
Birchwood Casey gun finish touch up paint stick in flat black. I'll try it and report back.

Very easy to use, so far it seems to be drying to the same matt finish as the body I'll see how it dries fully and report again. Only problem is I managed to order two on Amazon and I think one could repaint several whole bodies!!
Got my 24-105 at lunch today... sadly only a 5 min play but whoa! It's smooooth!

I'll be really interested to hear your views on how good indoor performance is with this. I've been toying with the idea of chopping in my 28mm 1.8 and 40D body as I just don't use them anymore, and the idea of putting any funds from the sale of these towards one of these is appealing.

However, as most of what I fire at is indoors I'm just not sure if it offers enough at f/4. :)
Well so far I was just taking shots of the wee one, F4, iso 800-1600 and was gettign speeds of 30-60th in Av, on screen they mostly looked sharp unless there was huge movement... how they will look on screen is a different matter though.

All in all so far I am glad I have made the move :) now for the weather to clear up so I can get back out doing some night-time stuff again!
Personally, my days of managing with f4 lenses, red ring or not, are over. Gotta take into account that with the 5D you don't have a built in flash for emergency use so leave the speedlight at home and you could be stuck with f4 and too slow a shutter speed.

This hit home to me when shooting with someone with a 5DII+f4 zoom which was comprehensively thrashed by my lowly 20D+50mm f1.4 and I didn't even have to use the flash.
Well so far I was just taking shots of the wee one, F4, iso 800-1600 and was gettign speeds of 30-60th in Av, on screen they mostly looked sharp unless there was huge movement... how they will look on screen is a different matter though.

Will be interested to hear your views :)

Personally, my days of managing with f4 lenses, red ring or not, are over. Gotta take into account that with the 5D you don't have a built in flash for emergency use so leave the speedlight at home and you could be stuck with f4 and too slow a shutter speed.

This hit home to me when shooting with someone with a 5DII+f4 zoom which was comprehensively thrashed by my lowly 20D+50mm f1.4 and I didn't even have to use the flash.

Well, that's my worry really. As good as it's meant to be and as flexible as zooms are, I'm not sure if f4 cuts it... that's what interests me ;)
Well I finally got out last night :D great night out! Over the weekend I had considered moving up to a 5D2 and blow all the cash I have on a second hand one (which I really can't afford right now) but safe to say that idea is out the window!

I am really chuffed with what I got last night, everything I had hoped. I was shooting quite a few shots at 800iso and to be honest they looked like they had been shot at 200 compared to my 500D, virtually no noticeable noise at all. Anyway enough of the babbling, here is the first shot of the night and first night shot with the 24-105L

Moor House Haunt by M+M Morrison, on Flickr
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What was I thinking when contemplating skipping the 5Dc I had on loan... Another night out last night to the Callanish Stones on Lewis, awesome results, even did a 16 minute exposure that came out with little or no noise at all :eek: A new battery is definitely on order :cool:

First shot of the set:

Callanish Shadows by M+M Morrison, on Flickr
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