Canon 7D HELP

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I have just got hold of a second hand 7D and immediately have a problem i cant solve and I’m now at the point of sleepless nights and worries that i have been done.

Ok the problem is I am unable to change the aperture using the rear thumb wheel (quick wheel).

The lock is OFF before anyone asks :)
I have factory reset the camera and it still wont work, however it will work for changing menus.

I have assigned the wheel to AV in custom functions but it still wont have it, I’m now at my whit’s end, i even rang Canon and an in dependent repair centre and they don’t konw the problem.

I have the latest firmware and that didn’t fix it either.

anyone ells had this problem and know how to fix it PLEASE

Have you tried pressing the quick setting button, using the wobbly button to move to aperture then use the rear wheel?

Does the front wheel set the aperture when in AV mode?
Hi Blasted, yes that method does work but it menas pressing 3 buttons when i'm used to just moving the wheel on my old D500 and 40D, and you cant do that method with the camera up to your eye. yes in AV mode the front wheel set the aperture.
Just had a quick play on my 7d , the assigning the thumbwheel in custom functions is for manual mode only.
Doesn't look like you can do what you want unfortunately.:thumbsdown:

Does the offending wheel change anything in any mode at all?
Thumbwheel only changes apeture when Q's been pressed? Thats what I thought.

You have the index finger wheel which should work though?
I'm sure there is a function to swap the wheels for shutter and aperture if you prefer.


I thiought there was now can't see it!
Might be on the 5DII!
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Thumbwheel only changes apeture when Q's been pressed? Thats what I thought.

You have the index finger wheel which should work though?

Not in Manual. Thumb wheel changes aperture on mine with the index finger wheel changing shutter speed.

In Av and Tv the thumb wheel changes exposure compensation which i didnt know about until i found a couple of my shots 1/3 under :bonk::LOL:
Try going in to custom controls, the second one up from bottom right should be set to AV
Have you done a complete factory reset, incase the previous owner has set the wheel in the custom function area ?

Hope you do manage to sort it ...
Tried everything suggested and it still wont change aperture :-( I think it's a trip to repair centre in the new year.
Daclayton said:
Tried everything suggested and it still wont change aperture :-( I think it's a trip to repair centre in the new year.

For the sake of clarity, have you confirmed that the wheel performs other functions? Which tells you whether it's a hardware or software issue? It's helpful for others looking for answers to problems in future.
For the sake of clarity, have you confirmed that the wheel performs other functions? Which tells you whether it's a hardware or software issue? It's helpful for others looking for answers to problems in future.

That was my thinking.
To quote the OP

"I have factory reset the camera and it still wont work, however it will work for changing menus."

I took this to mean that the wheel does indeed work for other purposes, stumped as to the problem though, I've fiddled around with my 7D and can't recreate the behaviour.
Having gone back to the manual I can't find that there is an option to transfer the Aperture to the rear wheeel in Av mode, in Av, and Tv it is the top wheel that does the controlling, the rear wheel does exposure compensation.