Caption Competition

How about this Sue. Taken from Verseguru at Flickr under the Creative commons Licence

Uh oh...That's gonna smell. Keep a straight face George, straight face, and no one will know.
The guy behind Bush: " If I've told you once Mr President (sigh)...his name is Tony Blair!!!!"
The guy behind Bush: " If I've told you once Mr President (sigh)...his name is Tony Blair!!!!"


The guy on the right :

"{Sigh}....How did I end up here? At least McDonalds managers get free burgers"
Blair ~ That's right me old wiggler, do your stuff and turn the page. Got to keep impressing these old American buggers.

:cautious: I think I give up on these caption jobs :LOL:
Blair : Is this a present from Clinton?
Bush - "Hope they don't pan that camera and see my hand up Tony's a$$, pulling the muppets strings"..........
Bush- Ohhhhh how long do we have to stand here and listen to Tony, I need the loo.
On visiting Madamme Tussauds, Tony took the oppertunity to re-enact some of his better moments when speaking to the media. unfortunately for him, he realised his fly was down and he realised that he had no balls.
Blair: you are going to have to listen to me as I'm the only one here that can read.
Blair "****.....looks like they've taken Eastenders off for the fooball again" children, one of the men behind me bombed and killed thousands and the other is going to jail...the moral of the story? choose your friends very carefully :D
Just realised I was supposed to pick a winner. It has to you ChrisIOW. Best use of innuendo! :D
Listen boys its not how big it is, its how you use it!
Urrrmmmm ... when do I tell them I forgot to put memory card in?


If you think I'm ugly, you wait and see what the photos of you come out like that my wife has taken
now if I just had the strength to lift this thing I might be able to take a photo.
which bloody button do i have to press to take a picture.
(Guy on the right is thinking)....Watch her fly when I open this throttle!
Oooh baby, check out the girth of this thing!!
Mike had been told by his agent that he would be going out in a speedboat, with another guy and a blonde haired girl, to shoot content for the internet. What he had failed to realise was that she was the photographer.
Woman thinking: which bit of ''wide angle '' did these two pillocks not understand. Guy on right thinking: And here we go again, always complaining....
Tracy was highly disappointed to find the 14 inch telescopic object described as a "Canon" she won on ebay was nothing more than a camera lens.
"Essex girl trials new toe cam":bonk:

*is that an image of christ on her left knee? :eek: or Hitler!
"it's a good job I haven't got a conscience or I'd never be able to afford a lens like this"