Car, flowers and garden


nice shot!
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Really like No1 love the location and the shallow depth of field with foreground and background out of focus. No 2 & 3 and still nice photos but No1 stands out for me
They're all good images. My pic would be number 2. If I'm being critical number 1 is a bit too central for me, think I would have preferred a lower viewpoint giving more space above her and a little less below, but that's just me.
I really like no. 2 :) Very pretty! Love the shallow depth of field.
Cracking images, 1 and 2 for me. Have you tried cropping the tall bush on the left in number 1, I think it makes it an even stronger image.
lovely trio though i prefer no2 and 3 ,no1 is slightly disorientating
Definitely No. 1 for me as the green provides a good counterpoint to her clothing and the flower in her hair. No. 2 is nice as well, but would be better for me if we could have seen her hand, possibly holding a flower. I mean, she probably isn't cleaning up after her dog, but how do we know for sure?;)
2 and 3 for me.
I'm finding the pose a little awkward-looking in the first one and the RHS of her face looks just a little overly bright to me.
If I was nit-picking, my only other little niggle would be the gaping buttons on her cardigan in 1 and 3 - I'd be tempted to tidy that up a bit in PP.

Really nice use of the locations to bring out the best in the subject though and all in all a very pleasing set. I like these a lot. (y)
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dude, that girl is so hot, and nice photos, espscially number 1, i'm really into far away, landscape composition portraits
hey... lovely stuff there. Really nice lush green frames #1 and the dof is fab.

#2 really like the viewpoint, the dof and the pose
#3 nice pic, but doesn't have anywhere near as much impact as 1 & 2 (y)
1 for me, too. Rest are Ok, but 1 is way ahead of the rest of the set.

2 she looks awkward in the position, and her skin looks fine

3 looks ok. Nothing really wrong with it, but not engaging enough

from today's shots, 1 is better of the 2, but skin tone looks funny again.
Great set of shots, No 1 for me. What lens is that?