cheeky grin :)

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Hi all,

I was shooting some little portraits of my nieces , nephews and daughters for family members for Christmas and this one of my nephew Noah really stood out, it's the expression and smile on his face lol!

Trying out a new BNW Style, as always lol.

Feel free to comment, I know there's two dust spots, I will remove before printing lol.


The Cute Kid by mattd85, on Flickr
Very nice technique with the photo.

But considering the subject, as an outsider, I think it does not look very cute. I would rather say weird or borderline evil. Sorry if that was too candid, I'm just going off my impression from this one photograph.
Classic love it


Very nice technique with the photo. But considering the subject, as an outsider, I think it does not look very cute. I would rather say weird or borderline evil. Sorry if that was too candid, I'm just going off my impression from this one photograph.

Haha!! Thanks , borderline evil or mischievous lol??

Great expression, well captured, nice conversion.

I might have put some fill/reflector camera right but the shadow adds to the expression for me so not fussed either way!

Nice capture Matt and the PP is splendid, captures the essence of the subject

Les (y)
Haha, that's fabulous.
With that hair, sparkling eyes and cheeky grin, he's going to be a heart-breaker...
This is just a really nice well captured image, great expression, nothing not to like about it really (y)