Chester Zoo Meet - Cathy's few


Edit My Images
Well, I certainly didn't take anywhere near as many as Chillimonster or Dseered, but here are my least worst few.

All with 30D, 100-400F4.5L IS handheld, 1/400, ISO 400, and variable aperture.






One thing I never feel able to judge accurately is how much (or how little) sharpening to apply (or even if they are sharp/soft/oof). These have all had various degrees of USM applied; I'd be very grateful for any C&C on whether it's been over/under done.

Many thanks!!

I have a Marmoset image that's almost the same as that :D

Love the tiger shot, I wasn't able to get a single shot of him that I was happy with, the fence to the enclosure is not photographer friendly :(
Love the tiger shot, I wasn't able to get a single shot of him that I was happy with, the fence to the enclosure is not photographer friendly :(

Thanks guys.

Agree about the enclosures etc. I am now trying to be much more selective about what I take photos of at the Zoo, and don't even bother if there is anything manmade in the background. However, for the tigers and lions I do compromise, as I did here - I figure at least it's wood, and not metal or concrete!

Thanks InaGlo.

Sorry we didn't meet - or if we did meet today, sorry I can't put a face to your name! :)

The otter could stand a little sharpen but a good shot :)

Thanks Ian.

That's part of my difficulty with sharpening - it seems to lose a bit between Photoshop and the web. Perhaps I need to almost oversharpen in PS in anticipation of it looking less sharp on the forum ... :thinking:

In Elements 5 I convert from RAW, tweak exposure and WB if necessary, crop if necessary, and save as an 8bit Tiff.
Use Photoshop 7 for anything else (eg curves).
Sharpen using USM.
Save as jpeg.
Upload to Photobucket.
Post on forum.

I don't know anything about resizing, saving for web, or anything else along those lines. Is that where I'm going wrong?

Nice set :)

I'd sharpen them all a bit more but it is just a matter of taste - not right or wrong. resizing makes pictures softer so sharpening should be the last thing done before uploading.
Generally, around 120%, 1.5 pixels, 0 threshold, and judge it by eye.
The tiger was sharpened much less, about 0.7 pixels and 90%,, as the usual settings made his whiskers look really odd.
Nice set :)

I'd sharpen them all a bit more but it is just a matter of taste - not right or wrong. resizing makes pictures softer so sharpening should be the last thing done before uploading.

But when and how should I be resizing???
You say 'upload to photobucket' - is that at full size? I don't use photobucket but i'd want to upload the picture at 800 pixels so it does not get resized and softened by a web server and just displayed as I uploaded. (assuming it will do that)
thanks Gary!

thanks Malla, will do.

Robert, I don't do any resizing before uploading to PHotobucket, so any resizing must be done within Photobucket itself. I'll have to experiment with resizing (in Photoshop) to 800 pixels before uploading, and see what difference that makes.

A job for tomorrow, it's way past my bed time now!


Had a very quick tweak with these following the rough outline in that post i gave you

Wow! What a difference, and especially considering they had already been sharpened. Thanks so much Ian. (y)

Clearly I need to resize, and then sharpen using that technique - definitely some practice for tonight!

Thanks very much Zarozinia, Pikeman, Staffitaxi and Moomike.

I really like the Marmot as well - are they just such posers!? :LOL:

I'm experimenting with the LAB sharpening - sometimes converting to LAB colour makes the image monochrome, sometimes it stays in colour ... ?? :thinking:

Also now realise that I should be editing, resizing to the correct size for the forum (800 pixels longest side), and THEN sharpening, before uploading to Photobucket. My brain hurts! :bonk:

Hi Cathy, I've just got back from London, after leaving the Zoo on Sunday, just 3500 posts to catch up on.
Love your photos, my favs are the Tiger (very difficult to get a good shot of), & the Marmot, nicely done.
Kevin :)
Aah, thanks Ian (yet again)! (y)

Thanks very much Kevin, glad you like them. 3500!!?? That'll keep you busy! :D
