Chester Zoo meet - Saturday 30th September

my new lens is waterproof!
The 100-400 is not weather proofed (Like other L lenses) but as I've discovered many times; it does hold up well in heavy rain.

Canon weather proof lenses as follows :

Canon EF 16 - 35 mm F2.8L USM
Canon EF 17 - 40 mm F4.0L USM
Canon EF 24 - 70 mm F2.8L USM
Canon EF 28 - 300 mm F3.5 - F5.6L IS USM
Canon EF 70 - 200 mm F2.8L IS USM
Canon EF 300 mm F2.8L IS USM
Canon EF 400 mm F2.8L IS USM
Canon EF 400 mm F4.0 DO IS USM
Canon EF 500 mm F4.0L IS USM
Canon EF 600 mm F4.0L IS USM
Canon Extender EF 1.4x II
Canon Extender EF 2.0x II
its not? shambles :(

I'll see if it fits into that rain cover thing, have to do some testing tonight to see if it'll all go
My 10D has been through rain like this;


I wouldn't worry about rain :)
Only the 1 Series is weatherproof - according to Canon, but I hear often how people shoot in the rain without problems using other models. Used my 350D before in heavy snow with no problems, but usually more cautious with rain - keep a towel to hand if your thinking about taking pics in the rain would be my advice.

BTW the above lenses are only weatherproof with a filter, on their own I don beleive they are weatherproof.
yeah but the 10D is weatherproof isn't it? I'm pretty sure the 350d isnt.

Its not weatherproof in the same way a 1D is. People say it'll take light rain but I've put it through the worst weather this country has and its fine. The only time I've had issues was when I was in Toronto and the heat made it turn off.
Its not weatherproof in the same way a 1D is. People say it'll take light rain but I've put it through the worst weather this country has and its fine. The only time I've had issues was when I was in Toronto and the heat made it turn off.

You can put your 30d to the test on saturday then :p
Is anyone going to be taking pics of animals or are we all testing our new equipment on poor ickle Johnny? ;)
Is anyone going to be taking pics of animals or are we all testing our new equipment on poor ickle Johnny? ;)
hehe :)
How about we load Johnny up with all our gear, save a camera back and get someone to take a photo :LOL:
Thats true, but if we make sure Martin doesn't go anywhere near them in the first place we should be safe.
Yay a little less rain now


makes it sooo much better :p

Not sure what camera i'll be using, borrowing my work mates 300D but might be able to get hold of a friends 20D. Insurance need to hurry up and get me a 30D :>

Might be, depends on what time I leave work Friday night / Saturday morning.
Sending out a pm with final details to everyone who I think is coming - if you don't get a pm from me in the next 5 minutes and you think you should have one, drop me a pm.
I'd like to say thankyou to Darksaber for the work he's done getting this together.

Thank you :)