Chiff Chaff or not Chiff Chaff?

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Hi all,

I've been trying to keep a track of all the birds visiting my garden and managed to get a couple of shots of this little fellow today, through glass and on an overcast day I was reasonably happy to get a decent 'front' and 'back shot, however I am struggling to identify it - I'm leaning towards Chiff Chaff as I know they sometimes over winter, but the shape doesn't look exactly as it does in my book - what do you think? Definitely falls under the category of 'little brown bird' but the eye strike is quite distinctive which is hat made me think Chiff Chaff.

Any input gratefully received!

bird_back (1 of 1).jpg bird_front (1 of 1).jpg

…ever considered post processing your tweety?
Here I just got the DRL right… no more!

I didn't bother with this one to be honest as I'm not sure it's good enough really. Just wanted an ID confirmation is all.

Does look much better with a tinkering though!
I would say Chiffchaff :)