Chris Martins MASSIVE crash @ Brands hatch

That man can bounce..... tuck..... then roll. Watched it live on TV, first thoughts BLOODY HELL followed by relief when he appears to be OK.
It would have been a perfect 10 if he had landed on his feet just after the tyres. :D
I thought you meant that bloke out of Cold Play.


Sore one though.
Maybe not quite as lucky as that link might sugest Matt.

Update 19:56hrs

Michael has now spoken to Chris.

"Suspected" broken 3 vertebrae (spell check please) no further information until back specialist checks Chris out.... broken ankle (still not sure if it is same break that happened earlier in the season that has been re-broken, sorry all).

Unfortunately Chris will now be out for the rest of the season................

We all hope that you get well soon Chris.....

Norma and all at Gearlink Kawasaki..............................................

lifted from

Have my fingers crossed for him for a full recovery, shame to as he and the time had been coming on very strong recently.

I missed that one! He was going well last time I saw him, then he vanished...

You know that was three huge tyre wall leaping crashes from last weekend and all Kwakas!

I don't think I've ever seen bikes go over the tyres at Brands....

Whilst we are hoping people get better, can I wish Mike Booth in the Super Stock 600 the best - he had a gruesome prang late on Sunday - a highside out of Druids then run over by another bike.... so far I know nothing of his condition but it looked really, really bad :(
Oh bugger :( I didnt realise that :( ALl the best!

You only know what the media put out, i think sometimes they rush releases to gain the headlines before getting the facts. Still think he been fairly lucky. All 7 fractured virtabae and broken ankle sounds very painfull, i broke 3 and that is bad enough.


I missed that one! He was going well last time I saw him, then he vanished...

You know that was three huge tyre wall leaping crashes from last weekend and all Kwakas!

I don't think I've ever seen bikes go over the tyres at Brands....

Whilst we are hoping people get better, can I wish Mike Booth in the Super Stock 600 the best - he had a gruesome prang late on Sunday - a highside out of Druids then run over by another bike.... so far I know nothing of his condition but it looked really, really bad :(

Bikes jump the barriers most years, and often in front me, couple or 3 years ago an Airwaves Duc (i think Lavilla) crashed at Paddock hill, the bike flow so high it hit the very top of the catch fencing, you know where it point back at a 45d angle. I turned my back and got hit by things coming of it. I was also hit by gravel from the of at clearways in quili, in fact if i had a pass and was stood in the same place i would have been hit by what i think was the dash that hit the fence about head height, i didnt see that happen as my attention had been taken by another crash at Paddock hill. Seen plenty of bikes sitting on the tyre barriers as well.

First time i have seen a rider clear the barrier (although Chris's bike didnt).

As for Mike Booth yes that was another scary looking crash, he had his pelvis pinned earlier. Sounds in good spirits.
Chris was lucky with that crash. Looks like a mechanical to me as well. He's just not *that* mad a rider to be slamming on the anchors enough to leave a trail of rubber like that.

And after everything that his family have already been through, some fractured vertebrae are a blessing really...
Is that the barrier where Surtee's crashed after his sadly fatal incident?
No, Chris crashed at Hawthorns, Surtees ended up round between Westfield and Sheene - one and a bit corners later.