Christmas 2012 Bah Humbug Thread

go on xmas eve , for maximum effect ;)

Nah that's when I usually go. Not enough people for me to run over or beat with my crutches :LOL:

Christmas Eve has always been my present shopping day purely as everywhere is so empty. I hate shopping :LOL:
I must admit, I am with the majority of the bah humbugs here with regards to Xmas. I swear the songs on the radio, the chaos in the shops starts earlier and earlier each year.

I absolutely hate having it, ho-hum, rammed down my throat every day from about October time!

I can get behind family time, thinking of those who have perished (which I do every day), bringing everything into perspective and all of that gushy stuff etc, but I just get so wound up with it!

Rant over, lol.
Nah that's when I usually go. Not enough people for me to run over or beat with my crutches :LOL:

Christmas Eve has always been my present shopping day purely as everywhere is so empty. I hate shopping :LOL:

I bloomin' hate shopping too, at the best of times. Winds me right up, the people who use it as an excuse to have a social in the middle of the ******* aisles when all you want to do is get by. The parents that let their kids run riot winds me up even more! :wacky:
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On the up-side, my dog just scared the living bejesus out of some losers selling christmas weathes door-to-door. Highly amusing.
On the up-side, my dog just scared the living bejesus out of some losers selling christmas weathes door-to-door. Highly amusing.

I take it you didn't want a weath then?
How about a wreath? they are quite seasonal this time of year :D
I don't want a weath, or a wreath smartypants; and if I did, I certainly wouldn't be getting it from some door-knocking scrote on a Sunday evening :D
Carol singers knocking the door singing crap carols and not even singing them well. Sing half a verse then hold their hand open for some kind of payment for spoiling a perfectly good Sunday night.
Christmas has always been a bad time of year for me, I truly hate it with a passion, even did when I was a kid.

About the beginning of December I sink into a dark tunnel of depression, only made worse by all the crap that is going on in the shops/telly/adverts etc. I always used to go away to a caravan on my own for the entire christmas period & only come back once the equally *****e newyear was over. Now having a family (grown up kids) I have to stay around but still find myself in this very dark place. Infact this christmas day once all the present bit is done will see me down my local sydicate lake fishing, chomping on a pot noodle for dinner trying to make it seem like a normal sunday.

Once Jan 2nd comes along the cloud lifts & I start to feel good again. No idea why I dislike it so much, just always been the same.:thumbsdown:
Husband is making noises about putting up decorations / tree.
I've hidden the key to the loft.
Make him wear the paper hat of shame.:shake:
Make him wear the paper hat of shame.:shake:

The withering look stopped him, and the taking of the key will ensure he doesn't get the urge to say "surprise!" when I get home :D
So when we gents lose a key it *is* the ruddy mrs taking it and hiding it then! Well blow me.
So when we gents lose a key it *is* the ruddy mrs taking it and hiding it then! Well blow me.

1: Yes, invariably we take the key :LOL:, and invariable we will return it to it's rightful place stating that it must have been there the whole time, thus ensuring that said hubby becomes convinced he's going senile.

2: I don't do requests :nono: :D
I had the first annual, I think it was the 'Big blue hard one', and loved all the adverts for dodgy products by Ronco etc :0)

I remember an upside down bicycle with a guy sitting on the back wheel. IIRC it was called the Clag gone :0)
I had the first annual, I think it was the 'Big blue hard one', and loved all the adverts for dodgy products by Ronco etc :0)

I remember an upside down bicycle with a guy sitting on the back wheel. IIRC it was called the Clag gone :0)

I realise we're veering off thread here a bit but..

<nerd mode> Yes I had the first book "the big hard one" and "big hard number 2" and "big pink stiff one" and several more recent yearly ones too.

I remember the Clag-gone ad too. No more tag-nut misery or some such.
I realise we're veering off thread here a bit but..

<nerd mode> Yes I had the first book "the big hard one" and "big hard number 2" and "big pink stiff one" and several more recent yearly ones too.

I remember the Clag-gone ad too. No more tag-nut misery or some such.

*Warning....Warning....Geek Alert* :LOL: :exit:
Some of the top tips were brilliant. One that I remember was...

"Save energy!Drill a hole in the side of your fridge to see if the light goes out when you shut the door"
"Increase the weight of your husband's trousers by attaching onions to the belt loops"

"Shoes last twice as long if only worn every other day"
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I bought christmas gifts today.

I am sorry.

It has been suggested that I be made to wear "the cracker hat of shame" :(
I bought christmas gifts today.

I am sorry.

It has been suggested that I be made to wear "the cracker hat of shame" :(

Traitor. It's people like you who bring down country's :shake:

All you did was weaken a country today Ruth that's all you did. :(
Traitor. It's people like you who bring down country's :shake:

All you did was weaken a country today Ruth that's all you did. :(

You, sir, collected your grandaughter's gift don't you dare. :LOL:
Yes, I can play dirty :razz:
I think we're getting near enough to "it" now, that we can stop automatically changing the radio station in the car everytime a christmas song comes on.
I shall not be giving festive greetings until at least Friday though. Prob just after Ive had the yearly full english in the works canteen.