Christmas 2018

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Some really disappointing attitudes on here. Poor mental health is no different to poor physical health - Self destructive behaviour is a typical symptom of psychosis - and that's such a broad area there's no point in making guesses - just to say, it's not that unusual and a pointer to suggest help is needed.

He probably hates the fact that he hits back at people who are trying to help, so further loading on additional guilt won't help him at all.

Over 75% of people with psychosis make a reasonable recovery - albeit, a third of those will need support and medication to function well, but they do function well.

If the OP has been on medication, he probably has a crisis card. If he's not comfortable going to see his GP, should he ever return - pointing him to the contacts on that, or a friend would be better than telling him to 'man up'. Don't give him solutions, but do give him hope.
He's been given plenty of chances and not taken them, if indeed he's not a troll.

Either way, for the forum, i hope he's banned and this thread should be deleted completely or at least locked.

Would you suggest removing anyone else you don’t agree with? By all means ignore the guy but you can’t just brush his issues under the carpet to make yourself feel better.
He's been given plenty of chances and not taken them, if indeed he's not a troll.

Either way, for the forum, i hope he's banned and this thread should be deleted completely or at least locked.
I hope it isn't and I hope he's not. Was chances has be 'been given'? You wouldn't shout at someone with a broken leg and call them a spoiled sod, if they didn't instantly get better because some one told them they should?

I doubt he's doing this for 'attention', and it's too raw to be a toll to my mind. It's not cool to turn your back on poor mental health.
Does he? How do you know that?

Do you read any other posts before commenting?

I have dyspraxcia but i'm trying to get the help I need. There are people in a much worse situation then me, Its just my self confidence that i have trouble with, I have no self esteem. Thats why I did what I did to my camera, I felt worthless, Like I don't deserve nice things. But I know I do. I have a great future ahead of me. I am very grateful to the nice people on this fourm supporting me
Would you suggest removing anyone else you don’t agree with? By all means ignore the guy but you can’t just brush his issues under the carpet to make yourself feel better.

That's not what Im doing and you know it. He's been abusive as hell on here and there are polar opposites to how he's been replied to which causes further arguements and disruption on the forum.

You have simply assumed that he has mental health issues and even accepted that he supposedly has autism, with no proof whatsoever, for all you know he may be a troll indeed.

Either way, it's not appropriate behaviour!
I hope it isn't and I hope he's not. Was chances has be 'been given'? You wouldn't shout at someone with a broken leg and call them a spoiled sod, if they didn't instantly get better because some one told them they should?

I doubt he's doing this for 'attention', and it's too raw to be a toll to my mind. It's not cool to turn your back on poor mental health.

That's simply a stupid comparison and you know it is.

This forums not here for mental health issues or for trolls. from his posts on this and his previous threads hes had chances a plenty and been given plenty of advice.

Its up to him to take it or leave it, but either way his abusive behaviour isn't acceptable and its not turning your back to ban him, it can be argued it will remove the chance to be aggressive and perhaps point him where he needs to go, family / GP etc. Of course im sure someone will argue some crap about allowing him to vent may help him etc but is a photographic forum really the place to do that?
Is the answer Ban every member who has Mental Health issues ? Bet there are a lot on here and I am one who has mental health and I am PROUD to say it too.

Good for you, everyone has mental health issues but they don't all get aggressive and innappropriate. THAT is what the ban is for.
That's simply a stupid comparison and you know it is.

This forums not here for mental health issues or for trolls. from his posts on this and his previous threads hes had chances a plenty and been given plenty of advice.

Its up to him to take it or leave it, but either way his abusive behaviour isn't acceptable and its not turning your back to ban him, it can be argued it will remove the chance to be aggressive and perhaps point him where he needs to go, family / GP etc. Of course im sure someone will argue some crap about allowing him to vent may help him etc but is a photographic forum really the place to do that?
It's really not a stupid comparison. That's the point.

The mere fact you think it is demonstrates the lack of understanding of the topic of mental health that is widespread in society. No blame here, it's just where we are - things are improving though.

There are plenty of people on this forum who have posted about their physical ailments. Should we ban them too? His behaviour is likely a symptom, and yes it's uncomfortable, but it's just that.
That's not what Im doing and you know it. He's been abusive as hell on here and there are polar opposites to how he's been replied to which causes further arguements and disruption on the forum.

You have simply assumed that he has mental health issues and even accepted that he supposedly has autism, with no proof whatsoever, for all you know he may be a troll indeed.

Either way, it's not appropriate behaviour!

What more proof do you need than his posts to see that he has social issues? I’ve already said that my 8 year old daughter has autism, and has similar outbursts then is usually in apologetic floods of tears 10 minutes later so I know what I’m seeing.
And again I say its NOT a valid comparison as for some reason you are trying to make me look like I want to ban them all. People may well have posted about their physical ailments but have they got abusive at other members constantly? No.
So again, he's been banned due to his abuse, whether thats attached to physical or mental issues or just being a troll is immaterial.
I’m seriously surprised that this hasn’t been removed, have all the moderators melted in the heat. For a public forum sam’s Language and insults are completely unacceptable in general regardless of any disability or mental health. I’m not sure what it says about this forum that a post like this gets 3pages in 12 hours half of which were obnoxious and designed to draw a response and posts that actually require input from the supposed wealth of knowledge and experience of the members barely get a look. Just shows that while this may be a photography forum bitching and general abuse is far more interest to most
And again I say its NOT a valid comparison as for some reason you are trying to make me look like I want to ban them all. People may well have posted about their physical ailments but have they got abusive at other members constantly? No.
So again, he's been banned due to his abuse, whether thats attached to physical or mental issues or just being a troll is immaterial.

Are you a mod?
What more proof do you need than his posts to see that he has social issues? I’ve already said that my 8 year old daughter has autism, and has similar outbursts then is usually in apologetic floods of tears 10 minutes later so I know what I’m seeing.

So now its social issues and not autism, or you are able to see that it is because your daughter has a diagnosis of autism? Look I don't doubt you are sympathetic toward him but I'd argue that's mainly down to your own situation and I get that.

But there's no excuse for abuse it's that simple and people don't expect to get it in a photographic forum therefore the ban.
Are you a mod?

No Im certainly not and if I were I'd have locked or deleted the thread long ago.

However I suspect your question is wider and you really want to say that I shouldn't hold the opinion I have as I am not a moderator. Is that your issue?
So now its social issues and not autism, or you are able to see that it is because your daughter has a diagnosis of autism? Look I don't doubt you are sympathetic toward him but I'd argue that's mainly down to your own situation and I get that.

But there's no excuse for abuse it's that simple and people don't expect to get it in a photographic forum therefore the ban.

Autism is characterised by social difficulties, they’re not exclusive. Whilst I’m sympathetic because of my daughter, and would hope she’d never get the same abuse in return, I’m also sympathetic to his issues because I’m human.
And again I say its NOT a valid comparison as for some reason you are trying to make me look like I want to ban them all. People may well have posted about their physical ailments but have they got abusive at other members constantly? No.
So again, he's been banned due to his abuse, whether thats attached to physical or mental issues or just being a troll is immaterial.

In my mind, having a broken leg brings with it some restrictions, that no matter what I want to happen, are just going to take time and perhaps medical intervention to heal. I can't 'will' it better, and not matter what I want to happen, I'm stuck with those limitations (or symptoms) for the moment.

What if, in the case of the OP, one of those limitations was the inability to feel self worth. What if they were unable to stop hitting out in the most violent way they know to anyone who offered help, because they feel so utterly worthless of that help? Telling them they are wrong and should man-up does not fix the underling issue anymore than it would fix a broken leg. Telling the guy with the broken leg they've used up all their chances and have not got better quick enough is equally unhelpful.

This is why I think the comparison between physical health and mental health is valid.
How is sympathy not helpful? Is it more helpful to ban him so you don’t have to see it?

Ive already said he's had advice and chances, he's had sympathy and its not helped him, hence hes been banned due to the abuse he's given. THAT is how sympathy has not been helpful. pretty self evident.
And yes, I dont want to see this on here, nothing wrong with that at all, but don't try and infer that its because of some ulterior motive of brushing mental health issues under some form of metaphorical carpet.
In my mind, having a broken leg brings with it some restrictions, that no matter what I want to happen, are just going to take time and perhaps medical intervention to heal. I can't 'will' it better, and not matter what I want to happen, I'm stuck with those limitations (or symptoms) for the moment.

What if, in the case of the OP, one of those limitations was the inability to feel self worth. What if they were unable to stop hitting out in the most violent way they know to anyone who offered help, because they feel so utterly worthless of that help? Telling them they are wrong and should man-up does not fix the underling issue anymore than it would fix a broken leg. Telling the guy with the broken leg they've used up all their chances and have not got better quick enough is equally unhelpful.

This is why I think the comparison between physical health and mental health is valid.

Then you are wrong.

Physical symptoms improve, the broken leg will heal, the body does this naturally and there are things the person can do to aid this.

As for the mental health side, you're making a lot of what if's in your attempt to defend him but lets take them as fact for arguement sake.
If true, who here has said to man up?
I'm closing this now as it's not very beneficial to be arguing amongst ourselves.
I've banned the member in question. Not because of any supposed mental health issues, but because of his behaviour on the forums.
If we were to ban everyone with mental health issues, I would end up banning myself. The difference? I don't tell people to kill themselves. That's not autism, that's not anxiety or depression. Hell that's not even lashing out. That's being a dick to someone. That's learned behaviour.

Google this guy's username and you'll see it's a pattern of behaviour across many other forums. Join, get welcomed by friendly, supportive and kind members, then start posting threads about what I would consider immature issues, with immature responses. Eventually turn on the members, get banned.
It's an evident cycle and whatever his issues are, I hope he finds the help he needs and the satisfaction out of life that he seems to desperately need. He won't find it on here though.
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