Darren 365 project

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Well I'm gonna try and do a 365 project this year. My first week is gonna be Macro's so heres my first 2.



Day 3 of my new project (365 )
Great start to your 365. The first two made my mouth water: The third one more in keeping with what we should be eating after the Christmas excess:LOL:
I love the flake 1, is the full 365 going to be food related?
Thank you all for your comments. No Wheels its not all gonna be food just this week... Its Close up of food week. So on to day 4

Well its day five already so heres my photo for today

Choco time again ... Day six is milky way day

Thank you both. Lets end the first week on something healthy....Cumumber

This week I'm gonna try and do and improve on my B&W photography. so heres the first of this weeks.

Day nine of my 365

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day 10 of my project.
Day 11 is landscape day
Looks like your 365 is off to a great start of the images that you have posted so far I have to say that the flake one is my favourite, great use of DOF, I really like the idea of themed weeks, mine is a bit random but a lot of macro recently.

Best of luck with the 365.

Thank you very much both. I cant believe it day 13 already. Looks like this year is gonna fly by again.

So day 13.....Rock paper scissors

Well its now day 14 and the end of the B&W week for me so heres the last b+w

Doing this project really shows how fast this month is going by
As its still pretty wet and windy out there this week I've dicided to make this week model week. I'll start off with this Viper

I'm only just getting round to checking out other people's 365s, I'm really disorganised :p. Have to say I'm kind of hungry now! How did you get such clear, blank backgrounds on the food shots. The milkyway is my favourite :). Day 9 B&W is also really cool, pity that the background is a little distracting though :(.
I'm only just getting round to checking out other people's 365s, I'm really disorganised :p. Have to say I'm kind of hungry now! How did you get such clear, blank backgrounds on the food shots. The milkyway is my favourite :). Day 9 B&W is also really cool, pity that the background is a little distracting though :(.

Thank you for your comment. the food shoots were all taken on either a white or black 5 in 1 reflector. then edited in ps to move the levels slides.
Day 16 and still stuck indoors due to the rain. Would of liked to of taken this in flight by here goes anyway.
Day 17 Buzz lightyear

Sticking to the model theme here is my sons Toyota

This weeks photos are gonna be on parts of the body.

Could be interesting ;) haha. Well I've been enjoying following your thread. Some cracking photos in here :).

Thank you very much.

Day 23 Toes


This one was abit of a rush to get in before the dead as I've had a few probs today.