Darren 365 project

Hiya Darren,

I have a moment spare today, looking after my sick child at home, so I thought I would take the opportunity, while he is curled up on couch watching DVD, to catch up on some folks projects that I haven't had chance to visit yet.

Well done to you for keeping up with your 365 and some very interesting themes too (I might have to nick a few ideas for my own 365 with is a bit behind regards processing and uploading ..... another task I hope to catch up with today).

I especially like your theme of finding objects that look like letter, brilliant idea (y) and great pics for those too.

Good thread and I will pop past again to see how you are progressing.


Dawn :)
Hiya Darren,

I have a moment spare today, looking after my sick child at home, so I thought I would take the opportunity, while he is curled up on couch watching DVD, to catch up on some folks projects that I haven't had chance to visit yet.

Well done to you for keeping up with your 365 and some very interesting themes too (I might have to nick a few ideas for my own 365 with is a bit behind regards processing and uploading ..... another task I hope to catch up with today).

I especially like your theme of finding objects that look like letter, brilliant idea (y) and great pics for those too.

Good thread and I will pop past again to see how you are progressing.


Dawn :)

Thank you very much for you comment. I've found that taking a photo a day isn't as easy as it sounds. All the best with yours and hope you child gets better4 soon.
Done still life in college this evening so this is one from there.

I love the vodka and coke shot, inspired both look quite empty, did that effect focussing much ;) :LOL:

That shot of the tree branch/stump is great looks just like a hog/pig nice find.


Thank you very much . I walked passed the tree and thought wow I have to take a photo of that.
My neighbour had his coal delivered today and as I do his coal for him I thought this would make an idea photo for tools of the trade.



i think your product shots seem to lack some !umph!, if thats such a word..(like mine so maybe i can't speak) though this one... there's somethign dark and dirty

i'll admit i admire the 365s as posted a photos every day... and often yours are of a concurrent theme, so a big (y) for that

OMG its the 1st of May already.

This Squirrel was watching the river flow by
This sparrow was photographed through my double glazed window so thats why the colours are a little off

Hi Darren, just looked through your 365 for the first time, somehow missed it, :thinking:
A big well done for doing the 365, a great set of images. Keep up the good work. (y)

Thank you very much for you comment.

Todays image

Yes its blurry but it was the only one I had of it.

This is the monopod I left in the tree last night after spending 5 hours sat in the tree to watch the badgers.

I'm gonna use this photo of Amy for my shot of the day
