David Bowie Has Died

Not a huge fan but did love his 70s stuff. This must mean that over half my music collection are now dead!

He will be remembered up there as one of the greats.
Gutted to hear the news, there will never be another artist to influence so many as Ziggy did.
May the the starman and major Tom rock on forever.
Gutted, one of my earliest memories is of my uncle playing Bowie as a kid in the 70's when he lived with us, he influenced so many of the 80's post punk bands that I grew up with and loved , but even they weren't in his league , I was lucky enough to get tickets for the reality tour, and its still the best gig I have ever been to ,,, a true musical legend RIP, gone but will alsways live on
People stared at the makeup on his face ...
They sure did

News guy wept and told us..

Its seems he did too

Ziggy played guitar.
He certainly could .

A real legend from my teenage years,
Apart from liking some of his more popular tracks Ive never been a fan. Yet another troubled artist in search for something that it would appear on the outside he never found or did he?

Nick Higham a BBC reporter has just said about his Lazarus track: Lazarus rose from the dead....David Bowie will not. How does he know this?

David Robert Jones
the day dreamer in me thinks Freddie would have met him at the gates with a mic ready for a reunited Under Pressure

with Mick Ronson on Guitar and Lemmy on bass, now that's a real day dream
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Apart from liking some of his more popular tracks Ive never been a fan. Yet another troubled artist in search for something that it would appear on the outside he never found or did he?

Nick Higham a BBC reporter has just said about his Lazarus track: Lazarus rose from the dead....David Bowie will not. How does he know this?

David Robert Jones

Oh I don't know. Iman seems to have kept him settled for the last 24 years.
with Mick Ronson on Guitar and Lemmy on bass, now that's a real day dream

Nah, as much as I liked Lemmy, gotta be Trevor Bolder on bass. The Spiders reunite. Only Woody Woodmansy is left among us.
Apart from liking some of his more popular tracks Ive never been a fan. Yet another troubled artist in search for something that it would appear on the outside he never found or did he?

I think he found everything he ever saught.
I texted that to my son this morning, he texted back, mine too.

He really did span the generations with his music, a true icon.

RIP David Bowie

My 16 year old daughter woke me this morning to tell me. The first thing she said after telling me he had died was that (thanks to me) she had been listening to his music since she was 4 - 3/4's of her life. I am 57, and have been into him since I was about 14, so pretty much 3/4's of my life too.
Was never a huge fan but did enjoy many of his contributions to my musical education. Hope they extend Lemmy's welcome party for him (and Stewpot!)
I just watched on the iPlayer BBC 4's documentary "David Bowie and the story of Ziggy Stardust".

We should all now put zigzag makeup on as a sign of respect.
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Really shocked to hear that news. I always imaged Bowie would leave us when a huge spacecraft landed and he would walk up a ramp, turn to face us and tell us his time on earth with us was over and he had new worlds to discover and then fly off. RIP
When I was very small I used to always ask me dad to play the record with the picture of the pretty girl on it (Aladdin Sane) :) Apparently I would dance like a meff for ages to it. Didn't really listen to him after that until I was 16 and first heard Scary Monsters. I wasn't supposed to like it. I was a dirty punk kid. Loved it. That song is perfect. Went back from that say and devoured everything he had done. The thing I learned most from him was to not try to fit in. That it was sound to stand out. I grew my hair down to my arse and all the other punks hated me. Didn't care. Bowie made it cool to stand out. I owe him a lot. And to top it all he f*****g wrote Moonage Daydream.

Sleep well Davey. Check up on Lem once in a while. Make sure he's not getting into too much trouble.
I've seen that GIF so many times today, and every time I am sure I see Ricky Gervais in it.
Shocked,been listening to Bowie for long as i can remember,i love his music,remember listening to Bowie in my crappy bedsit 16 year old,on an old mono record player,the only thing i owed no TV :(
As they pulled you out of the oxygen tent
you ask for the latest party

That was the first album that turned me to Bowie, ziggy stardust passed me by pretty much unnoticed, I was too busy listening to Slade and Bolan. Even now, over thirty years later some of my favourite bowie tracks are on that album, including Rebel Rebel and of course the title track.

I wish I had a copy with the original album art work.
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Someone, who had been at his school, phoned LBC on Monday morning and recalled a formal school photograph of all 600 pupils. When the print was produced it was discovered that DB had stood side on to the camera and pulled a "silly face" .............. brilliant !