Depressed... idiot drivers and daft bikers...

woof woof

I like a nice Chianti
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I live near a school in a 20mph zone. It's quite a long straight road that runs parallel to the main through road and of course we get the school run crowd and the rat run lot avoiding the main road and taking the opportunity to drive like total twonks down a residential road. We often get traffic in excess of, I'd guesstimate, 50mph and occasionally maybe over 70mph, and this is in a 20mph zone. The School run crowd speed too and 30-40 generally seems about the norm and they do all of the usual things like block your drive, double park, fling doors open into traffic, drive straight at you on the wrong side of the road, dive across the road with their kids from between cars etc... it's all very predictable, very annoying and par for the course and of course if you say anything to anyone you get a mouth full of abuse and threats and all in front of their little darlings. I give as good as I get and I have no fear and take no prisoners and when abused I give back x10 and when threatened my response is to say "Yep, ok, lets do it here and now..." but much much fruitier :D I do worry about the more delicate people though. The worst incident I've personally have been involved in was one charming fellow threatening me and getting nowhere when I did my "here and now" speech, threatening to go and get his brother and "do me" and getting nowhere as I said I wait just there and do them both :D and lastly moving on to threaten my car. At that point I'd just had enough and I let the police talk to him.

My cars have escaped largely unscathed and the worst I've had is a wing mirror bashed by some idiot in a BMW on the wrong side of the road, I stopped but he didn't. Neighbours cars have been hit too and we've had a couple of kids hit but as far as I know none seriously hurt. The most amazing incident was a parent dropping off their little darling and then managing to knock them over as they drove off. When told what they'd done, just in case they hadn't noticed, they drove off shouting that the school could sort the kid out. I didn't see this myself but my brother in law did and told me that as they drove off the kid was sprawled in the road. I don't know what the outcome was of that, if anything was done.

The bikers are usually on off road type looking things which may well be unlicensed or stolen as I can't really imagine they'd drive kit they'd paid for like they do. They rev up, drive at 50-70+ and pull wheelies down the road and in fact they even do this on the main road and through the high street. I suppose they and the car drivers have just realised they can drive however they want with no consequences. Who's going to stop them? The police? Hardly likely. We've (residents) asked for the road to be divided in two to try and curb it all but that's not on as it could restrict emergency vehicle access, we have road humps but they're not enough and the bikers just ride between them, we've asked for cameras but... they're not here. Maybe if someone, maybe a child, is killed or seriously hurt something will change.

Lately I've found myself wishing that the bikers would have a spill and kill themselves. I considered hoping they'd end up in a wheel chair but decided that the state would have to keep them and that means me so they might as well just die... sorry for the relatives and all but better them in a single vehicle accident than an innocent person, ditto the speeding school mums and rat run twonks. Just crash and die please before you kill or maim someone else.

I don't know what will stop them. Curtains of fire, snipers or tigers, maybe, but nothing short of those. I'm coming to the conclusion that the average person these days is really a bit of a s***.

Cheer me up...
Can't cheer you up I'm afraid, but have a similar situation here, school, one way system that the same twonks ignore, 20mph limit that the same twonks ignore, unlicensed bikes, speeding, wheelies, well you get the picture. So, you are not on your own.
We even have a CCTV (council) at the end of the street, but it points the wrong way and I have NEVER seen it move.
Complaints to the usual authorities brought about a VERY large no entry sign at the start of our street, but before it was even dry, another twonk drove over it and spread white paint 20 feet up the street!
Like you said, it will take someone getting killed to get something sorted. I hope its not an innocent that gets it.
Oh dear, just the same as where I live, more common than I thought maybe.

There's little I can do about others but I feel disappointed in myself. I can't remember thinking my life would be better if someone just died before.
Try being on a school road, which is a dead end o_O. We get the twonks driving up the road, then cannot manage to turn around because some other twonk has given right up their a$^e with a queue of other twonks behind them (with cars parked on both sides of the road - even on the school lines). Then finally someone manages to work out that twonk number 35 all they way at the bottom of the road has to reverse to allow twonk in front to reverse... on and on until we get to the original twonk who couldn't turn around... who then it turns out can't turn around because they're just a sh*% driver!
and then somehow twonk who has taken 10 minutes to turn their car around must work out how to get back down the street through all the cars that have queued up behind them.
repeat from 8am until 9am.
God forbid if you live on this road and simply want to get out to get to work:mad:
I feel your pain about the off roaders too. We get them at the weekend.
sorry to the OP, but I try to avoid schools during start/end school days. In flinging open doors into the path of traffic, you've omitted decanting kids straight out into the road. Amusingly, one local school complained about dangerous drivers, the situation was monitored, and most of the offenders were parents on the school run

as for the previous post, things like the above happen all the time. Road closures in my area have put pressure on surrounding roads, made worse by drivers, who when encountering a stationary queue simply drive up the rear end of the vehicle in frount, everyone else does likewise. One car manages to move forward a couple of feet, then everyone else does so. No consideration that the road is now completely blocked and now another queue is building up in the opposite direction. Just try getting out of your driveway

I'm reminded of the woman who took her dog for a walk, had a fall and needed an ambulance. Help was delayed because a parked car obstructed a gate to the forest track - hers!
Are you serious, 70 in a 20, I find that hard to believe , have you tried reporting that to the police
Problem what to do about schools
I would do as they do on America 20 mph in a school zone at the appropriate times. Enforced by speed cameras.
But let's be honest it wouldn't produce the revenue. But if we were serious revenue wouldn't be a problem saving lives would be
Are you serious, 70 in a 20, I find that hard to believe , have you tried reporting that to the police

Yup. Very possibly, just my assessment so I may be a mile or two out. It's a long dead straight road and if you're on a bike and stick to the middle you can avoid the speed bumps and do a straight run from one end to the other and then turn round and go back again. The bumps aren't as severe as some and plenty of car drivers just ignore them. Not that I'd do 50+ over them in my MX5 but a mad head in a hatchback will. Police... yup. Residents meetings etc. Can't say that we get the bikes going up and down every day but then some days they're up and down all day. Don't know what's happened about the meetings as they seem to have just died a death.

Problem what to do about schools
I would do as they do on America 20 mph in a school zone at the appropriate times. Enforced by speed cameras.

Yup. I'd go for that. TBH I'm all for 20mph limits where appropriate and I stick to them as it isn't really safe to do 30 despite the road being arrow straight as there are often kids about, people reversing out of drives etc and really it's just Russian roulette to go faster as even if people see someone coming it's tempting to think they're doing 20/30 and you have plenty of time only to realise they're doing twice that and suddenly someone has to stop quickly.

Just mentioning people reversing out of drives reminds me of when I was turning right into the drive one day and a clown behind me tried to overtake on the right :D
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Move to rural France

but, in particular throughout France, the French have introduced many, many, many more cameras and 30kph zones .......

On the motorways and when you enter any town or village you have to be very careful ........ if you are 1 kph over you get a fine ... comes through the mail and 90 Euros is the norm

the French seemed to have discovered that extracting money - and some fines can be very large - really works and speeding has been reduced dramatically in the last few years
Agreed, especially the bikes.. It's sounds like they are being idiots fair enough but I bet you are way off at 70mph

Most roads on the New forest are 30/40mph, a police campaign caught 5,000 offenders, the fastest clocked at 71mph

At junction 1 of the M27 there are 2 roundabouts about 1/4 mile apart and bikers were turning this stretch of road into a race circuit. Action has been taken ad fencing erected so one cannot approach at speed and see whether the roundabout is clear or not
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Until sharpe speed humps say three are put on a road close together you won't stop it. I would suggest you contact your local highways dept or PM about it
Being a newbie to the school run, I am glad I walk. I hear you there and from what I have seen have to agree.
Yup. Very possibly, just my assessment so I may be a mile or two out. It's a long dead straight road and if you're on a bike and stick to the middle you can avoid the speed bumps and do a straight run from one end to the other
It doesn't surprise me TBH ( the speed) we have a long straight road here, approaching 2 miles in length, its a built up area, houses all along the road, shops & schools off to one side and a petrol garage.
People being clocked @ 70 mph both bikes and cars, was the reason that we now have speed ramps, road narrowing's and roundabouts along there.
My sister and brother in law live in a cul de sac with a school at the end, they never bother getting the car out when the school run is on and if their drive is blocked when they come back from somewhere the brother in law just double parks by their drive and blocks the whole road. When asked to move his car he normally tells them he will when he has finished his coffee! Word has slowly spread and most people avoid parking across his drive now.
Agreed, especially the bikes.. It's sounds like they are being idiots fair enough but I bet you are way off at 70mph

Granted speed isn't all that easy to judge but I have been driving since 17 and I'm now 54 so I'm not convinced I'm waaay out. Maybe they're only doing 65mph. Maybe 75mph. Does it matter?

I have thought of filming them and sticking it up on line but that means setting the camcorder up and leaving it running all day and I'm not sure I know how to convert to digital and upload it :D so lets just agree that on multiple occasions cars go past at anything between 30 and 50 and occasionally in excess of 50 (in my estimation) and bikes often exceed 50 and possibly hit the dizzy heights or 60+
Move to rural France

Moving has been mentioned but not to France :D and really not for the traffic but for the anti social behaviour and the neighbours but thankfully both of those issues have calmed down in recent months so it's just the traffic now. Sitting here on a Saturday and it's lovely :D

I've no doubt that should someone be seriously injured or killed something will be done. The best solution would be to partition the road or put in a slalom thingy and personally I think that the police objection that this would impede access to emergency vehicles is simply laughable... Actually an easy fix for the school run traffic would be to ban it as they should be parking in the bay created for them on the main road but obviously the parents and their little darlings can't walk an extra 100m. That would still leave the rat run motorists and the idiots on bikes and the only way to curb them is to partition or slalom the road. Speed cameras may stop the cars speeding but the bikes will probably be unregistered and undeterred.

It's my thoughts on this that have upset me more than the inconvenience of having these fools zap past. I find the worsening behaviour and aggressiveness of people upsetting and I'm disappointed in myself for wishing they'd just...
You should be disappointed in yourself, at the moment all that is happening is other people are annoying you and you are wishing they would die... That is the worst part of this thread and pretty sick of you.

We all think these things, when we get annoyed. It's not the worst part though, that's the possible danger to children and other people around.

Have you tried making your own video evidence? Contact council and ask about CCTV camera, is it operational, is it monitored?

If you have evidence and contact the police, it is very difficult for them to ignore it.
TE="strumstrum, post: 7062434, member: 16990"]You should be disappointed in yourself, at the moment all that is happening is other people are annoying you and you are wishing they would die... That is the worst part of this thread and pretty sick of you.[/QUOTE]

My feelings and how I've got here were the main point of the thread but I don't think I made it obvious enough. Sorry for that. I've seen enough "sensitive" threads here to have hoped that a little more tea and sympathy may have been forthcoming.

Instead of calling me pretty sick why not take the time to discuss it? Too much trouble and easier to just call me sick I suppose and if that sadly is the case maybe I'm not the only one who need to look at myself and maybe you could be an example of what I see as people getting more aggressive and uncaring of others. If you are normally so blunt when faced with someone who is troubled about something and having darker thoughts than normal then we both have issues, what does that say about us? Normal maybe.

Maybe this thread was a mistake, not that I'm particularly deep but on the net often views are expressed to the depth of puddles.

On a more extreme note... less than a mile from where I live there was a tragedy which made the national press. The driver involved had to be protected by the police from the mob who may just have torn him apart. At least my darker thoughts have been just that, thoughts.

We all think these things, when we get annoyed. It's not the worst part though, that's the possible danger to children and other people around.

Have you tried making your own video evidence? Contact council and ask about CCTV camera, is it operational, is it monitored?

If you have evidence and contact the police, it is very difficult for them to ignore it.

Yes, I think we do all think these things. The official route has been done to death here and the situation will just either change with time... the school could close or move, a bypass could reduce traffic on the main road and in doing so negate then temptation to use residential roads... or something could happen to cause the authorities to do more than they have or things might just go on as they are forever.

We've had two bikes zoom past today at 60+, quite possibly the only traffic on the road so far today so dead is it apart from when I want out and came back earlier :D It could be the same guy or two different people but I'm not going to beat myself up about him or how I feel as I've decided that it's a normal fleeting thought. If he does cripple or kill himself it'll be a tragedy for his family and if he injures or kills someone else it'll be more of a tragedy, IMO.
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I agree that there is way too much aggression on the roads. Last weekend, Richester Saturday night, we came out of a restaurant in quite a pedestrian area. Then this mondeo set off about three feet behind me, squeeling wheels and going way way too fast. It then dawned on me, it was a licensed taxi. Bloody idiot.

The the following day we had some lunch near bluebell hill. After lunch we drove off this single track lane out and a quad bike and off-road bike came screaming out of a bridle path. Startling the horse on which a beginner was being led. I came to a halt and let the horse calm down before commencing the journey and checked whether they were OK. The guys on the bikes didn't have helmet as per my expectations but also not vrn unfortunately. A police land rover followed shortly who was in pursuit followed by a normal patrol car.

Anyway onwards again on this single file lane. I was on the single file and committed and off in the distance I saw a little red polo type car driving on. I did think oh nice can't they wait, but hey 100 yards in front of me was some unharmed verge with a break in the hedge and as I have a rather large but off-road vehicle I have no issue going in there.

Turned out this little car was driven by a rather old looking foul mouthed female. She was ranting and raving and her older man sitting next to her joined in as well. I guess due to the very significant size difference she backed up, with ongoing expletives being issued that were unmissable through our sun roof and Windows that were wound down from talking to the police. I indicated to talk as I had no idea what I had done, yet more swearing and lots of it followed by super high revving and idiotically fast driving down this little lane. I recall my in laws remarking in the car that at her age she should know better.

I really don't get what the issue is with aggression. But yes everyone seems so rushed, so discussed on their own little bubble and can't even talk normally.

Very odd, I just can't imagine going through life like that. I've given my girls permission to shoot me if I ever become like that.
At junction 1 of the M27 there are 2 roundabouts about 1/4 mile apart and bikers were turning this stretch of road into a race circuit. Action has been taken ad fencing erected so one cannot approach at speed and see whether the roundabout is clear or not
Ah that explains why there is now really annoying fencing along that bit! I figured it must be something to do with that, but not because of bikes racing.
Whatever happened to kids walking to their local School? If people weren't obsessed about the best rated schools and getting their kids in there regardless of the logistics and concentrated on getting their local schools up to standard so their kids could walk there and actually form a proper local community then maybe the ridiculous school run problems would stop.( It might also stop childhood obesity if the little darlings actually had to walk rather than ride)
The difference in traffic volumes between term and non- term times is ridiculous with most drivers having one kid in the car - its all a bit of a self fulfilling prophecy really and always somebody else's fault!
I kind of know what you are going through a bit on this thread. We live on a road that is slowly getting a bit rubbish like that, not to the point of how bad yours is. We were planning to move house anyway and we have decided that we are going to pick carefully where we move to based quite a lot on getting off grid in the way of traffic flow as such, we have looked at one place just a few weeks ago right at the back of a small estate in a cul-de-sac only 8 houses. Backs on to farmers common land etc etc.

The honest answer I have come to is that simply these problems are getting worse and police are just not interested/funded etc to combat all that is going on in our overcrowded country.
Whatever happened to kids walking to their local School?

That's easy, two reasons as I see it.
1: children these days are rarely sent to their "local" school because the "local" schools are full of pupils shipped in from outside the area which means our children have to catch a bus to attend a school selected by the local authorities.
2: Doting parents.
I really don't get what the issue is with aggression. But yes everyone seems so rushed, so discussed on their own little bubble and can't even talk normally.
Ronnie Pickering? :D
School run parents are an easy target to some extent, and while I do agree that more children should walk to school it's not the only factor by any means. I travel 7 miles between work and home by bike and nearly every car I pass has one occupant who is most likely commuting, I have been challenged myself at how quickly I get in my car to go to the local supermarket, less than a mile away, rather than walking or taking the bike. We are so reliant on our cars as a society.

Going back to the OP, the one thing that struck me is this part:

it's all very predictable, very annoying and par for the course and of course if you say anything to anyone you get a mouth full of abuse and threats and all in front of their little darlings. I give as good as I get and I have no fear and take no prisoners and when abused I give back x10 and when threatened my response is to say "Yep, ok, lets do it here and now..." but much much fruitier :D I do worry about the more delicate people though.

I find it incredible sad that small children (I'm assuming they are primary but may be wrong) are caught in the middle of these confrontations. I don't have the answer on how it should be dealt with, at my kids school my wife has challenged parents, spoke to the head and the PCSO all of which has made very little difference.

There was one primary school I read about who started teaching the kids about parking/safety issues around the school roads and started to get them to challenge their own parents when they saw them parking/driving badly but apparently the parents complained and the school had to stop.
but apparently the parents complained and the school had to stop.
Doesn't surprise me in the least

I guess its some kind of human right infraction :rolleyes:
Whatever happened to kids walking to their local School?/QUOTE]


there has been another very active thread on this forum re the theme park which has a policy of not admitting single people without children "to promote a safe family environment"