Do i buy the Nikon 85mm 1.4


FYI, I am Luke Luke Woodford
Luke Woodford
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Ok i have been debating this for a little while. I have a D300 with 50mm 1.4 and 18-200 VR. You can see the type of stuff I do in the people and portraits forum or on my website. Will the 85 1.4 benifit me anyway or do i stick with the 50? Or maybe there is another lens that could bring something new to the table?

Thanks in advance:)
Go for it ! I have a D200 with basically the same two lenses as you plus a Nikon 105mm macro (which can be used as a 105mm prime lens). The 50mm can be a bit too wide for some things and the 105mm too long. I was thinking of getting the 85mm for portraits although I am still trying to decide on the best lens for that!
I believe that's known as the CreameMachine" and I am sure you can put it to great use; especially with portraits and people shots like the ones you have in your profile.
You could consider the Voightlander 58mm f/1.4 Nokton - thats very nice.
You could consider the Voightlander 58mm f/1.4 Nokton - thats very nice.

Now that's some seriously exotic glass .. but isn't that manual focus?
Now that's some seriously exotic glass .. but isn't that manual focus?

True but for portraits and stuff you don't need AF.

Have a look at Paul Lindqvist's stuff over on Nikon Cafe with MF Zeiss - he blows the other people shooters away IMHO (including the 85mm f/1.4 shooters)
True but for portraits and stuff you don't need AF.

Have a look at Paul Lindqvist's stuff over on Nikon Cafe with MF Zeiss - he blows the other people shooters away IMHO (including the 85mm f/1.4 shooters)

These lenses are sinfully good. They sure add a whole new meanning to bokeh and their colour renditions are fantanstic; but not at all cheap.
I've got it and it's easily my favourite portrait lens... luverly!
No question it's a great lens. In fact it's the lens that has moved me into buying more primes.

As for the MF Zeiss. Yes it's a fantastic lens, but shooting wide open without AF at 85mm is going to be a mission. TBH MF doesn't suit my shooting style personally, but others prefer it.

The Nikon 85mm f/1.4 is a lovely lens. A bit clunky by modern standards, and it doesn't have the huge WOW! factor of the Canon 85mm f/1.2 L, but it delivers beautiful images.
Has anyone used both the 85mm 1.4 and the 1.8 ? Other than the 1.8 being slightly slower is there any real difference? I too am looking at one of them as my next lens but the 1.4 is not cheap (also as its a AF rather than AFS it will not work on the rest of the families cameras!)