Do jumping spiders jump?

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I've seen some fascinating macro shots of jumping spiders on flickr. I want to try and take similar shots of jumping spiders but their name worries me. Should i be worried?


If they were the size of jumping spiders in "8 legged freaks" I'd be worried, but you should be ok.....

Here's what wikipedia has to say
Lol I did see that Wikipedia article and a number of other articles. They all say they can jump several times their height but none of them say how many times :)

I'm thinking that with a 100mm macro lens I will be very close to "several times their height" :)
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Probably couldn't jump that far and even if they did they can't do you any harm. Their fangs aren't strong enough to break human skin. All that would happen is that you would turn into a ninja with the shock/surprise of it so make sure you put the camera strap over your neck or something.
Yes they jump and can jump quite far and quickly - usually onto the lens or flash when i try to get them
I'd be more worried about accidentally killing it if you flinch than anything else.
This one stayed very still for me!

I would not watch that Video. i watched it at worked and jumped out of my skin!

I hate spiders
Dear me, what a nervous lot you are! :D

I love to see big spiders, and the first thing I do when I see one is grab the camera.
I've wanted to get photos of jumping spiders too. I find the REALLY close-up shots of them with their amazing eyes incredibly cute. The few i've seen have shot off like lightning though when i get anywhere near them.
Dear me, what a nervous lot you are! :D

I love to see big spiders, and the first thing I do when I see one is grab the camera.

Same here, not just the big ones. I have also had jumping spiders jump on to my lens as I was togging them.

I probably have more reason than most to have a fear of spiders, because while I was living in South Africa I was bitten on the hand by a brown button spider (not while photographing it). My hand swelled up for a few days, but no other problems.

Did it put me off spiders? Not at all, I find them fascinating!
Dear me, what a nervous lot you are! :D

I love to see big spiders, and the first thing I do when I see one is grab the camera.

Same for me - the bigger the better. I guess growing up in a rural area with nature loving parents didn't give me a chance to develop a fear for spiders or any other bugs (apart from wasps that is) :)
Spiders don't bother me at all. A spider jumping on me bothers me quite a bit! *shudder*

I'm glad I have a spider munching cat. No bugs in my house! ;-)
Lol ThomasCat beats me to it all the time!
That video was horrible! Last year in Turkey I saw a camel spider (shudder), Thought might make a nice photo, went to get my camera, was just getting the focus right and it jumped! I ran off screaming then ergh!
I love jumping spiders, completely 'armless (arf arf :) and they do seem to have a personality... and they only jump an inch or so... not like the Roos around here... But you have to be quick!!
I love jumping spiders, completely 'armless (arf arf :) and they do seem to have a personality... and they only jump an inch or so... not like the Roos around here... But you have to be quick!!

Yes i found that with any spider you have to be really quick not just jumping spiders. They get slower the bigger they are.
I don't know about the spiders jumping but i did watching that video :eek: that was mahoosive !!!
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Jumping spiders are great but I can imagine they could be difficult to photograph if you need to get close to them for the shot.

Within a few centimetres their eyesight is good and they can move so quickly.

Folks, if you want to wrangle jumping spiders into the ideal position for macro photography, just shine a laser pointer in front of them and guide them to the focus point. I've yet to find one that didn't co-operate. (y)

Alternatively, you can just run them round in circles and figure-eights for ages like a tiny remote controlled toy... :LOL:
Jumping spiders are great, such large charactors for such a small creature! Yes they do jump, alot, I find they like to jump onto my lens, but that's because I only work with a 60mm so have to get quite close!

I also find once they have seen them selfs in the reflection of the lens they will jump at you more. They are very inquisitive and will soon try to fight off any other jumpers, or reflections! Makes for a great shot!

An example.. He looked right into the lens, right after this he was on the lens!

zebra jumper by rob_hailstone, on Flickr
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All spiders freak me out. Nothing with eight legs should be able to move that fast, they should keep tripping over or something.

My worst moment was about 10 years ago, I was staying in a rented house that seemed to be infested with spiders. Every day I'd get home from work and have to get rid of a dozen of the things.

Then one morning I woke up with something tickling my lip. I scratched my face and there on my finger was a spider's leg. Yep, in the night I'd eaten a pretty big house spider.

I didn't stay in that house much longer.
Apparently an old folk cure for jaundice was to eat a house spider on a piece of bread and butter and as I've never suffered from jaundice, I'd have to say it's feasible.
Apparently an old folk cure for jaundice was to eat a house spider on a piece of bread and butter and as I've never suffered from jaundice, I'd have to say it's feasible.
I now have a mental image of a jaundice sufferer, unhappily watching their sandwich walking round the plate... :LOL: