Do you carry your camera with you every day?

take it with me most days sometimes doesn't see the light of day for day's but it's there just incase ,if i have to leave myvan i either take it with me or lock it in the back deadlocks and alarmed and normally on a secure site ,i do keep thinking about buying an older cheaper s/h bit of kit so as not to worry too much
Wow there is no way I'd leave anything of value in an unattended vehicle, even in the boot.

Exactly, until I bought a newer car in October, my gear was worth 3 times retail on a 10 year old Ford Focus :LOL:
DSLR stays at home but I always take my G10 when dog walking. Thinking of a S100 to replace G10 (size and weight).
I've got mine in the living room normally about 6 feet away from me just in case anything happens locally. The only time I'm out without a camera is when I'm out shopping/dying of boredom so it's not really much use there. I have been without it at times and gone to reach for it but missed a great shot (much cursing) cause I've left it at home.
For guys like me who have their kit in the car, a tip which might come in useful.

I used to be a rifle shooter and we used to lock our rifles into the boot whilst travelling (even though the car was never unattended) and the kit we used works equally for camera bags.

I use a laptop security kit, it comes with a long toughened steel cable with a loop on one end. I hook it under the boot carpet, through the spare wheel and back through itself so there is now a flying lead with a loop coming out from under the carpet. Put that around your camera bag and pop a decent padlock on the end and you have a greater degree of security.

It is not infallable of course, a crim could do one of the following:

1) Remove the camera from their bag, the zips are not locked, even if they were they could slash the fabric
2) Cut the bag to remove it
3) Take the whole lot, spare wheel included

But these are unlikely given that on the whole you're trying to protect against opportunists who've broken into your car anyway and when opening the boot see your camera bag there. Given that the alarm will be going off and they're going to work quickly and be away it just might help, for an outlay of £30 or so.
almost all the time,
I remember missing Anthea Turner coming out of Comet with an assitant carrying a new vaccum cleaner for her to her car,
it was right around the time her perfect housewife program was on TV. so topical

Could have got the photo and earned at least 5p :)
almost all the time,
I remember missing Anthea Turner coming out of Comet with an assistant carrying a new vacuum cleaner for her to her car,
it was right around the time her perfect housewife program was on TV. so topical
Awww, no camera... that really sucks. :coat:
i try to, its the reason i purchased a nx200, for when my dslr was impractical to take
Everywhere! absolutely everywhere. I don't see the point in buying a good camera for it to sit at home and not be available when the opportunity arises.
Even the toilet? :D

I was once assigned to cover a story where an outside privy had exploded causing the occupier to be quite badly injured. The occupier had rolled a cigarette and lit up thus causing the explosion, there was little of the privy left other than the base of the pan. Most of the pan was embedded in the guy's backside.
How many of you carry your DSLR etc with you every day?

I don't unless for a specific purpose, altho I reckon that when I get a new lens it'll be coming everywhere with me whilst
I experiment. I used to regularly take it into college as I preferred to experiment with my own kit than the college's in the
theory workshops. I have a little Sony DSC-W570 camera that comes everywhere with me for non-photography purposes.
I try too as much as possible! but work always get's in the way.

Maybe a future job in a studio would be for me :)
I don't unless for a specific purpose, altho I reckon that when I get a new lens it'll be coming everywhere with me whilst
I experiment. I used to regularly take it into college as I preferred to experiment with my own kit than the college's in the
theory workshops. I have a little Sony DSC-W570 camera that comes everywhere with me for non-photography purposes.


To beat nails in?
I try too as much as possible! but work always get's in the way.

Yup - I don't take the DSLR but I normally have the compact with me...then get into the stress/office politics/'busyness' of the day and come home with nothing. It's hard to take a few moments to look around me sometimes for a photo specific opportunity which is a shame because I'll look at the light catching the church (for example) or some scene in the Market Square and I can guarantee I'll miss it because I've just nipped out during a five minute break and, of course, don't have the camera with me.
Interesting how the iphone is mentioned several times as having replaced the carry around compact. Like an earlier poster I have a crap phone so I do try and carry a camera most of the time, particularly as I've just started a 366 photo a day project. My compact is an ageing OM c5060 so I do try and carry a D90 usually.
Yep, I pretty much take mine everywhere. Only because I was getting fed up of missing good shots when I didn't have it with me :)
I usually carry the M9 and 50 Lux everywhere, sometimes I stick the NEX +16mm in my jacket pocket.
I hardly use the DSLR at all now. I try to always keep the CSC (Lumix GF2) or compact (Lumix TZ7) in the man-bag - which one depends on whether I think I'll need a long zoom.
If no camera at all on me, I have an iPhone4 - but it's no match to even the compact, so is for 'last resort' use only.
I do in the summer, but through winter, it usually comes out at weekends :)
I missed a cracking sunset on Monday night as camera was sat at home ! thinking of packing it when I know I'm heading in to the countryside.

A little concerned about having it nicked but I'm sure it is more fear than reality. I won't be packing it when going to a dodgy area.
Alastair & Rob 80386
Hahaha, nah I meant just for general day to day use.
~ Taking photos of things that I'd consider just a personal snapshot rather than "Photography" as an art.
I take my camera everywhere! I even bought a bag to accommodate this with the stuff i need day to day (Manfrotto stile messenger).

I'm only particularly interested in candid shots, so it makes sense. Also I'm a film student and resident tog in the bar i work in on big nights, so i usually need it anyway...

Plus i live in one of the highest burglary rate areas in the UK with single glazed windows so it's nice to know it's safe!
Whenever the camera is at home, the fantastic pictures appear:puke:, put it in the boot and its dull,dull,dull;)
But yes The D5000 goes everywhere now, luckily the place I work is secure ( camera has to stay in boot ) so no problems with thievin' gits eyeing it up.
The i-phone is like a point-n-shoot, no control (much ), can't swap lens from 18-55 to 55-200 , cant set speed from 1/8 to 1/1000 etc. I have a nikon coolpix 4800 in the car as standby, but the photos are still not as good as the dslr.
and my phone is short sighted and colour blind so its no good what so ever, except it hasn't got an IR filter and works really well in bright light with an IR820 filter over the lens, so i can preview an idea before taking a 2 minute exposures on the dslr .
Used to take GF1 + 20mm everywhere, now it's GF3 + 14mm/20mm. Easily fits in a winter coat.
I always have my Canon S95 with me when I don't want to lug the DSLR around.